Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 609

Who knows that the group of uneducated thugs even touched the self destruction procedure in the laboratory. Their ears were stunned by the explosion, and the world seemed to be dark and smashed down.

At the last second, only he and Hongse ran out.

Blank and Tang Yue were buried alive under the ruins. No matter how they shouted, there was no news, as if they had completely disappeared.

Hongse thought she was lucky to be alive, but he knew that Tang Yue gave way and pushed them out at the last second.

Later, I forgot how long it was. I contacted him once and told him that he had nothing to do with Tang Yue. At that time, he took root in the South and had stable working and accommodation conditions, so he settled down at that time.

Unexpectedly, sugar moon was quietly made into an artificial power by the blank.

"Why don\'t you tell me?" gray Yan covered his eyes and said painfully. For a moment, he suddenly knew that Tang Yue was made into an artificial power, which made him a little painful.

He and Tang Yue are college classmates. They are almost the same age.

"What\'s the use of telling you?" blank vomited and secretly organized language in his heart. "Because the artificial power\'s body is special to me, I destroyed Tang Yue\'s memory system, but retained her emotion."

"Did you keep her feelings?" gray Yan opened his eyes.

The condition for artificial powers is to remove redundant memories and emotions. Later studies showed that the removal of emotions is not particularly important, so he will leave their emotions when making artificial powers.

"Yes," the blank whispered, "her covered eyes are a symbol of her retention of emotion. That\'s why you\'d better not talk nonsense in front of her."

Seeing that gray Yan listened to himself carefully, blank turned and continued, "otherwise you know, once she remembered some previous memories, her stable power structure will have problems, and the body naturally conflicts with the internal metal structure... There will be no way to save her at that time."

He knew that the blank was not nonsense. Grey Yan covered his mouth and was silent. He leaned powerlessly against the door behind him.

"Also, her name is Tangyue now. The sugar of candy is not Tang of Tang Dynasty." blank sighed, looked cold and bowed his head, "that is to say... The Tang Yue we used to know is gone. Now she is my artificial power Tangyue. Don\'t make a mistake."

"I know." finally calmed down, gray Yan said with a bitter smile, "in fact, you have always been lovers in love. Even now I am not qualified to intervene."

"You know it in your heart, but she and I are not lovers now." the blank dark brown eyes flashed a deep pain, "now in the sugar moon\'s eyes, there is no love for me, only respect."

Then he opened the gray Yan leaning against the door, opened the door and said to the sugar moon outside the door, "come in."

Tangyue stood at the door for more than ten minutes. During this period, she didn\'t meet half of the guards passing by. She breathed out motionless and walked in without expression.

Staring at sugar moon\'s familiar face, gray Yan smiled bitterly and closed the door with his backhand.

"... Hello," he said to sugar moon subconsciously.

Sugar moon looked at him and nodded politely.

"What are you doing all day?" I noticed the gray and messy room and said, "why haven\'t you changed your sloppy bad habit?"

"Have you changed your morbid hobby and neat problem now?" he took his eyes away from sugar moon, and asked with gray side eyes.

"No," the blank admitted generously, "I love it more and more now."

Blank and gray can be called best friends before, not because they are so similar, but because they are too different.

Their personality, physique, health, way of thinking and other characteristics are completely different. The only thing that is probably the same is gender.

Helplessly looking at the blankness, gray Yan asked without expression, "tell me, what\'s the matter with you when you suddenly find me this time. I\'ll help you if you can."

"I really have something to find you this time." blank looked at gray Yan and said faintly, "now there are internal and external troubles in the south. I need you to cut the connection between man-made powers and make them lose their original role."

"It\'s impossible." I didn\'t expect blank to put forward such a request. Grey Yan refused, "the artificial powers now exist like nerves in the first area of the south. If you let them disconnect, what will the south look like?"

"Let\'s say so." the blank said, "my sister-in-law needs you to control the South now, but now the control is completely in the hands of the south. You need to share some strength to protect our plan to go smoothly."

"Different ways don\'t work together. I\'m from the south. I can\'t do anything bad for the south." grey Yan refused again. He was firm and stared at the blank eyes with unprecedented seriousness.

Blank didn\'t know what to say for a moment. He was silent for nearly a minute before he organized language and whispered, "are you loyal to the South or Yu jueying in the south?"

"Loyalty?" gray Yan couldn\'t help laughing. "Are you kidding? Of course I\'m loyal to the whole south. In my eyes, those civilians are the vulnerable groups we should care about and pay attention to most."

"The sister-in-law I just mentioned is actually Yu Lan, Yu jueying\'s serious eldest daughter. She has no problem taking over the south! Instead, she can take the whole south to a better position." blank said seriously.

"Yu jueying still has a eldest daughter?" gray Yan frowned when he heard the empty statement for the first time. "How do you know this? Who is Yu Ruoshui\'s only eldest daughter if yu jueying is not the only one?"

"Yu Ruoshui is just Yu jueying\'s illegitimate daughter, occupying the space and power that doesn\'t belong to her, so she can\'t get on the table." blank\'s evaluation of Ruoshui is very cold. In his opinion, the current online text circle is complex. "As for Yu Lan I just said, his identity is completely different from Yu Ruoshui."

"... even so, I won\'t easily betray myself to join you." gray Yan said stubbornly. The next second he heard the sweet sound of the doorbell.

He stepped forward and looked outside with a transparent device at the door to confirm the appearance of the visitor.

"Hide quickly. Yu Ruoshui is coming."