Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 608

"You said Yu Tian, did he mean to hurt me." he rubbed his dusty face and said to the sugar moon behind him, "look, what road he showed me."

"He said the road was a little difficult." looking at the front of the gray paint, sugar moon didn\'t open her eyes. Her hair was stained with dust and looked a little dirty, "but it\'s safe."

"That\'s true." he nodded.

Although the guards were patrolling one by one, no one specially looked at the ceiling.

But the ceiling is not only thick, but also some small insects running back and forth. Blank, as a researcher, pays most attention to his image and health. Unfortunately, his image is gone and health can\'t be said.

"What did I do to promise the boss to do this hard work?" he muttered and climbed forward carefully. He was full of blank resentment. Now he was all confided to sugar moon.

Sugar moon didn\'t make a sound, just followed the blank behind with an expressionless face, and paid attention to some surrounding conditions from time to time.

Facing the map in my hand, I moved forward. Looking at the fan that has been rotating in front of me, I finally stopped helplessly.

"It seems to let us out of this vent." pointing to the fast fan in front, the blank said without doubt, "but I think it will cut me into meat mud."

"This is simple." sugar month moved from the place next to the blank and directly reached out to the card owner to control the rapidly rotating fan.

Her palm was scratched with blood, and several drops of blood oozed from the wound and flowed down the fan.

"You go first." she said faintly to the blank as if she couldn\'t feel the pain.

Blank stared at sugar moon\'s injured hand, swallowed his saliva silently and climbed through the gap between the fans.

Seeing that the blank landed unharmed, sugar moon skillfully drilled through the fan and landed steadily in front of the blank.

"How\'s your hand?" the blank whispered.

"Nothing." Tangyue shook her head, spread out her palm and handed it to the blank. There was basically no wound on it except the rolling blood beads.

"Your self-healing ability is getting better and better now." blank turned sadly, bowed his head and continued to move forward.

Sugar moon hung her eyes and rubbed the blood stains on her hands on her clothes.

"Sugar moon." blank suddenly made a sound. He didn\'t look back, but his voice came in a low voice, "do you remember the past?"

"My memory began when I opened my eyes on the laboratory stage," sugar Yue said truthfully.

"..." he was silent, shook his head and stopped the topic.

Although the road pointed out to them by Yu Tian was remote, there were few people. There were few guards along the way.

Soon he found a closed iron door and looked at the completed journey on the map. He looked back and looked at sugar moon. Then he raised his hand and pressed the doorbell above.

The door in front of me should be closed and sound proof, because I didn\'t hear the sound of the doorbell after I pressed it.

After five or six seconds, the iron door was opened from inside, and a beautiful pale face was exposed in the blank field of vision.

Gray Yan is not tall, about 1.65 meters. His face looks abnormal pale. Two dark circles under his eyes highlight his thin and sick body.

I didn\'t know how to say hello to my old friend. I smiled and opened my mouth, but I didn\'t know what to say.

Grey Yan was also stunned when he saw the visitor. His Adam\'s apple rolled for a moment before he said, "ah Bai?"

"Long time no see." blank was a little nervous and wanted to put his hand into his pocket, but he didn\'t have a pocket on his casual clothes this time. After looking for a long time, he couldn\'t find a place to put his hand.

Seeing the blank familiar action, gray Yan couldn\'t help laughing, "you\'re still the same."

While he was talking, Yu Guang swept the sugar moon behind him. After being stunned, he scratched his head awkwardly, "ah Yue, why are you there without a sound? Scare me."

Sugar moon frowned and stared at gray Yan with a confused face. She clearly didn\'t have gray Yan in her memory.

"Grey Yan." the blank face panicked and stopped the grey Yan who was going to approach sugar moon.

"What\'s the matter?" gray Yan looked at the blank and dignified look, ate on his face, and stared at her bloody eyes when he looked at sugar moon.

"Ah Bai." his pale face lost more and more blood. He turned his head and said to the blank angrily, "do you really turn ah Yue into an artificial power?!"

"We\'ll talk about it later." blank rubbed his forehead. "I came to you this time because..."

"What else is more important than this?!" gray Yan angrily said, directly stretched out his hand to pull the blank collar and pressed him against the wall. "How can you turn ah Yue into an inhuman man-made power!"

"Sugar moon!" seeing that gray Yan\'s mood became excited, he raised his eyes and stared at him coldly. His voice ordered, "wait at the door first."

Sugar moon nodded respectfully. There was no curiosity about her life experience in her eyes, but a dark color flashed quickly.

Holding gray Yan\'s wrist with his backhand, he walked outside the room. Although the blank was thin, he had too much strength compared with gray Yan.

Grey Yan\'s health has been poor. It seems that he has some problems with immunity. He will never go out when the flowers bloom in spring, otherwise he will cause allergic reaction.

Knowing that the sound insulation inside and outside the room is good, the blank stares at the gray face, blushes and coughs, a rare strong way, "can\'t you shut up!"

"The teacher entrusted Tang Yue to you at the beginning. How can you turn her into an artificial power?" gray Yan covered her face powerlessly and complained to the blank, "you not only deprived her of her emotion, but also took half of her life. How can you afford the teacher\'s last entrustment!"

Unlike natural powers, man-made powers live half as long as normal people. Unlike natural powers, they can prolong their life.

Sugar moon is the only daughter of their mentor.

"Then what do you say I should do?" blank stretched out his hand, grabbed gray Yan\'s neck, stared at him and said in despair, "do you think she had nothing to do with the disaster at the beginning of the end of the world?"

He paused and unconsciously reddened his eyes. "She was dying at that time. I had no way except to make her an artificial power."

"That time..." gray Yan turned white and couldn\'t say anything.

At the beginning of the last century, their laboratory was looted by a group of thugs, and their mentor died in an instant. Tang Yue... That is, Tang Yue took them to escape from a secret passage in the laboratory.