Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 610

As soon as grey Yan\'s voice fell, the doorbell rang again. This time the voice was much faster than the last time. Obviously, Yu Ruoshui who stayed outside the door had no patience.

Sugar moon took the blank and hid in a tightly closed room next to her. After closing the door, grey Yan opened the door.

"So slow, what are you doing?" Yu Ruoshui came in slowly, moving his wheelchair and asked.

"Thinking about things." gray Yan subconsciously replied.

"May I ask what you\'re thinking?" Yu Ruoshui asked politely, seeing that gray Yan\'s room was as lifeless as ever. Yu Ruoshui soon lost his interest in looking at it and suppressed his impatience at the bottom of his heart.

"It\'s just wishful thinking." grey Yan smiled and seemed to have little strength to sit in the next chair, "how come you have time."

"I\'m here to ask you for help," Yu Ruoshui said, looking at the blank. "I need you to make me a pair of useful prosthetics."

Yu Lan\'s appearance makes Yu Ruoshui panic completely. Whenever she sees her incomplete body, she feels that it\'s better to die early, so as not to be beaten up by Yu Lan again.

"This matter has been arranged by the leader for a long time." grey Yan got up and walked to the freezer behind him, struggling to move a metal box out of it.

"You should find a helper." Yu Ruoshui frowned and said, "I really doubt how your body can survive in this last world."

"Thank you for your concern." gray Yan smiled, pushed the button on one side of the box and opened the box. "I don\'t like any assistant. No matter how good an assistant is, it\'s not as easy to use my own hands."

After hearing this, Yu Ruoshui, who has always been arrogant, snorted and said faintly, "I\'m not caring about you, just because you still have some effect on our South."

Gray, blank, and rainbow are all highly cherished talents in the end of the world. The people they make play a role of dawn in the end of the world.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, the whole world lost communication, and the mobile phone that never left hands became waste. A few people could only use pagers to talk, but without batteries, it was still like waste.

However, man-made powers use human brain waves to connect with each other, and their emergence undoubtedly connects the fragmented country of China.

In the following years, handheld contactors gradually appeared, but the status of man-made powers was still not affected.

He shook his head carelessly. Grey Yan lowered his eyes and took out the prosthesis he had already made. "I heard you didn\'t plan to use it before. I\'m going to improve it again to see if it can be used elsewhere. Fortunately, I didn\'t do it."

Yu Ruoshui frowned, stared at the prosthetic in front of him and whispered, "is there no problem that this kind of thing is directly connected to the human body?"

"Certainly not as fit as before the end of the world." gray Yan whispered, "but there is no problem with safety."

This pair of prosthetics was made by collecting almost all the precious materials in the south. It can be said to be an excellent thing.

"How long can I walk with this?" he picked up the cold prosthetic, glanced at Yu Ruoshui and asked, "can I run and jump with it?"

"You are a superpower, and your balance and adaptability are much higher than ordinary people, so it takes about a week for you to act as soon as possible." gray Yan said, "but after all, there is less time, running and jumping may still be a little difficult, and normal walking is not a problem."

"What about the hands?" he lowered his eyelids not very satisfied, and Yu Ruoshui continued, "how strong can flexibility be?"

"You can take and put things." gray Yan said faintly, "but if you want to attack others... I\'m afraid it\'s not feasible."

"You can\'t attack it. What do I want it to do?" he raised his hand and threw the prosthetic limb back into the box. Yu Ruoshui\'s whole face was distorted. "Now Yu Lan is so invading everything I manage in the last world. I don\'t even have the ability to resist!"

Knowing what he shouldn\'t say at this time, grey Yan lowered his head and kept silent.

Although he doesn\'t know who Yu Lan is, Yu Ruoshui should be a thorny enemy.


Suddenly I felt that Yu Lan\'s name was familiar, and gray Yan frowned. Then I remembered that Yu Lan was the person mentioned in the blank just now.

It turned out that Yu jueying\'s "genuine" daughter really came over?

"Damn it." hugged his head. Yu Ruoshui still couldn\'t accept his fate of becoming disabled.

Now, as soon as she thought of her incomplete appearance, she would meet Yu Lan. The whole person was like being thrown into an oil pot.

"Didn\'t you plan to use a prosthetic before?" looking at such Yu Ruoshui, gray Yan couldn\'t help asking, "why did you suddenly change your attention now?"

Grey Yan doesn\'t mention this. It\'s OK. When he mentions this, Yu Ruoshui feels angry enough to want to kill.

Originally full of hope, waiting for drunk night to cure her wound, he privately moved the southern supply. Who knows it turned out to be just a scam.

At the thought of this place, Yu Ruoshui only felt that she was angry enough to explode. It is not difficult to imagine that if she was drunk all night, she would wring her neck off.

"You don\'t have to worry about this." because of her bad mood, Yu Ruoshui\'s tone towards gray Yan also became bad. She rubbed her forehead and left gray Yan\'s room without saying anything more.

Yu Ruoshui was sure to take a breath when he left. He closed the door and said to the room where they were hiding, "come out."

Blank looked at the closed door, then came out and said, "you should have heard just now. Yu Lan is now attacking the south, and Yu Ruoshui has no power to resist."

"So, that\'s your business, and it has nothing to do with me." she didn\'t like the power struggle between Yu Lan and Yu Ruoshui very much. Grey Yan looked at sugar moon and restrained her anger, "What you want to do is your business. Don\'t bother me again. If you come to see me as a friend, I welcome it. If you want me to do anything for you... I can only say that I don\'t even think about it."

I didn\'t expect that grey Yan\'s attitude was so firm. The blank that was not good at words suddenly had no words to answer.

He knew he was unfit for such a thing!

He took a deep breath and decided to play emotion cards with gray Yan.

"Not for sugar month\'s sake?"

"Don\'t involve her!" unexpectedly, this sentence completely provoked gray Yan\'s anger. He directly raised his head and roared at blank, which almost frightened blank.