Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 607

"It\'s up to you. Whether you want to go shopping or wander around depends on you." Yu Tian raised his eyes and looked at him with a smile. "But the south is trying its best to arrest you now. I\'m looking at the arrest warrant. You\'d better cover your face."

I always feel that Yu Tian\'s words have some meaning of schadenfreude. In it, I don\'t know how dark my heart is when I am drunk and smiling at the sun at night.

He looked down at the book in Yu Tian\'s hand. He didn\'t see the title of the book. The content looked like a novel.

"Is there anything else?" Yu Tian didn\'t have the habit of reading the same book with others. He keenly noticed that he was drunk all night, raised his eyes and asked coldly.

"Well... Anyway, I have no place to go now. Can I stay with you?" drunk night took back his eyes and asked with a smile.

"No." Yu Tian was too lazy to make any disguised expression at this time. He turned the book expressionless and didn\'t even give drunk night a look. "It\'s right that the south is catching you now, but you can go back to lust League."

"If you go back, you still have to disguise all the way and be worried all day." Zui Wuyi sighed, "but it\'s different to stay with you. I just want to stay. You\'ll cover for me, won\'t you?"

"You have a thick skin." Yu Tian smiled, but there was no smile at the bottom of his eyes. "Why should I cover for you, a strange guy? What qualifications do you have?"

"Just because I\'m Yu Lan\'s companion." drunk night leaned on the handrail on his side with one hand and supported his side face with the back of his hand. "Is this reason enough?"

It seemed that he was determined that heaven would agree to his requirements. He smiled confidently and looked bright.

Yu Tian was silent. He pursed the corners of his lips. Although he quickly restrained his emotions, he still saw his forbearing anger when he was drunk all night.

"OK." just when he thought Yu Tian would explode, Yu Tian suddenly showed a smile and said with a smile between his eyebrows and eyes, "but this is my kindness to you. It has nothing to do with Yu Lan. You must be prepared to repay me."

Unexpectedly, Yu Tian bit himself back. He narrowed his eyes dangerously when he was drunk. He quickly waved his hand and said with a smile, "OK, I can borrow you to take refuge in my room at that time."

"That\'s better." Yu Tian chuckled.

The guards in the South were flustered one by one under the anger of Ruoshui. They divided several roads to look around for drunkenness without night, and they couldn\'t even find any trace.

But at this time, the news of a large-scale invasion of zombies came from the central border. At this time, the south, which was originally empty, was in chaos.

"Tell me again?"

Yu Ruoshui\'s room was terribly cold. She was in a mess. At present, her face was gloomy and terrible.

"There are a large number of zombies attacking in the central area, and the border guards can\'t hold it." Qian Kang, who first got the front-line information, stepped forward. "Several defense lines have been broken through, and now the guards are covering the retreat of civilians."

"Why are so many zombies attacking all of a sudden?" he felt that his misfortune did not come singly. Yu Ruoshui held back his anxiety and covered his forehead.

"It seems that a zombie is leading them." although he has been unhappy with Yu Ruoshui, Qian Kang still reports to her respectfully, "According to the eyewitness, a red, bird shaped zombie seems to have an existence similar to the commander. However, so far, no zombie that can control other zombies has been found, and our people are still investigating."

"Can you control other zombies?" Yu Ruoshui was shaking. She frowned fiercely and roared fiercely, "Yu Lan! It must be her!"

"... Yu Lan?" Qian Kang was stunned when he heard the name, and then opened his eyes fiercely.

That\'s what Yu jueying told him before he left.

"What\'s the matter?" seeing Qian Kang\'s reaction, Yu Ruoshui asked.

"The leader has known Yu Lan\'s existence for a long time and is ready to guard against it," Qian Kang said in a deep voice. At the same time, he took out a coin shot through by a bullet from his body and handed it to Yu Ruoshui.

"Why is this coin here?" Yu Ruoshui was stunned.

At the beginning of the end of the world, Yu jueying encountered many dangers. Unfortunately, this coin just saved his life.

"This is the sign of the leader to mobilize his private forces for you." Qian Kang said seriously.

Yu Ruoshui was stunned and laughed.


At this time, the blank was still lying on the ceiling. He took a breath and almost coughed while blowing up the surrounding dust.

He quickly covered his mouth. He didn\'t breathe until the guards in the corridor ran away.