Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 606

Looking at Yu Ruoshui lying on the ground, drunk all night, he smiled low and sighed coldly, "you just want to treat your crippled hands and feet so much that you believe me, a notorious villain."

"Do you mean you took my things but didn\'t intend to cure me?" Yu Ruoshui finally tasted it. Yu Ruoshui propped up his body with his good arm and shouted angrily at drunk night.

"You\'re right." drunken night spread his hand and walked carelessly to the door. "Originally, I thought you might pay half of the materials first and let me pay the other half after I cured you. Who knows you\'re so anxious and give me all the materials directly. Then why should I cure you? I\'m not stupid."

Where can I let drunk Wuye walk away like this? Yu Ruo bites her lower lip. She holds up an isolation layer with all her strength to block drunk Wuye\'s eyes, takes out a gun and shoots him twice.

As soon as the gunshot rang, the southern base sounded a harsh alarm like a button. With his sensitive hearing, he could even feel a large number of people running towards him.

As like as two peas, the water and the other side of the water were all touched by the bullet. The water was clear of all the bullets, and the night was so deep that it was very close to the other.

"You want to compare me with that monster!" probably guessed that drunken Wuye\'s sister-in-law meant Yu Lan. Yu Ruoshui buckled the pistol that had finished shooting and stared angrily at drunken Wuye.

"It\'s my fault." drunk Wuyi hi waved his hand and suddenly broke the transparent glass wall behind him with his elbow. His strength was so strong that all the walls around him were more or less cracked.

Yu Ruoshui originally found a transparent glass corridor with a wide view for safety, but most of these corridors are not very strong, providing a good escape environment for drunken nights.

"I\'ve had a good time these days. I\'m really lucky to suffer you." before I left, I didn\'t forget to say a word. I should be like water. I was drunk all night. I smiled and showed a big white tooth.

"Shameless... Shameless!" the original hope suddenly turned into despair. Yu Ruoshui lay on the ground in pain, and his half long arm and intact arm beat the ground together, powerlessly venting his inner pain and anger.

How could there be such a shameless person in this world!

The drunk man sneezed several times. He rubbed his nose and came out of the hiding trees after the guards ran over.

"Now the whole South seems to be under martial law." he raised his head and muttered. He walked in the shadow of the leaves and soon found Yu Tian\'s room.

Jumping in from the window, he saw Yu Tian turning the book at a glance.

Hearing the noise from the window, Yu Tian looked up at him, closed the book and said with a smile, "why, the task is completed? I also heard some movement. The guards in the south are all out to catch you now."

"Well, Yu Ruoshui is really angry and wants to kill me." drunk night nodded calmly and didn\'t find Yu Lan\'s figure in the room.

"Where\'s my sister-in-law?" he asked involuntarily.

"You mean Yu Lan?" Yu Tian narrowed his eyes unhappily. "Can you stop calling her sister-in-law? It sounds very annoying."

"She\'s my boss\'s woman. What\'s her sister-in-law\'s name?" I thought Yu Tian\'s reaction was very interesting. Drunk all night, she smiled, walked over calmly and sat in front of him and said, "Hey, don\'t you like your sister?"

"How is this possible?" Yu Tian frowned and looked at the drunk night unhappily. His anger flashed faintly from the fundus of his eyes, which was seven points similar to Yu Lan.

Feeling that Yu Tian\'s reaction was not like fraud, he knocked on his head and said with a smile, "just kidding. I just think you have a strange possessive desire for your sister-in-law. People like me are always inexplicably sensitive to this emotion."

"What the hell are you talking nonsense about?" his eyebrows frowned more tightly. Yu Tian\'s eyes were completely cold at this time, and even the books in his hand were broken several marks by him.

"Hey, don\'t be angry. Just think I didn\'t say anything just now." Zui Wuyi showed a flat smile and casually led the topic elsewhere. "By the way, you haven\'t told me where my sister-in-law has gone, and the blank doesn\'t seem to be there?"

Seeing that drunk night had changed the topic, Yu Tian didn\'t mean to bring the topic back. He hung his eyes and opened the book again. In a flat tone, he said, "now the time is ripe. Yu Lan went to summon the zombie. If it\'s blank, he went to find Huiyan."

"They\'re all gone?" drunk and speechless. "What am I doing now?"