Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 605

Almost laughed angrily by the shameless words of the ark. Zhuang Yang laughed a few times. Suddenly he raised his hand and punched the ark. He scolded unclearly, "grandson, do you know the value of the car? Just because you want to drive away?"

The ark would not be hit by the fist. He stepped back, turned back and gave the strong man an elbow with his backhand.

"Who\'s the turtle grandson? The dog son?" when the strong man bent down because of severe pain, the ark raised his arm and hit him on the back several times. With great strength, he could almost hear the sound of broken bones.

The ark is also Xiuqi\'s confidant. Although it looks like a weak young man, its strength is not general.

Unexpectedly, he was beaten and lying on the ground by the dwarf. The strong man blushed angrily and bowed his back to get up.

He raised his foot and stepped on the back of the strong man. The thick soled military boots almost cut the strong man\'s spine.

The strong man gave a cry of pain and lay on the ground without any strength to resist.

Mercilessly ran over the strong man\'s back twice. The ark took back its hand in no hurry. His side eyes smiled at the people who came all the way with the strong man, "do you want to come and fight with me?"

Those people didn\'t have the muscles of a strong man. They looked at each other and shook their heads together.

"It looks good." then he raised his foot to the back of the truck, opened the tin door, climbed into the truck and began to determine the weapons and food

This time, two trucks came. The first one was full of weapons, and the second car mixed weapons and food.

"Drunk emperor." the ark picked up the contact, "the materials are suitable."

After that, he waved to the peak that had been standing beside him, gave him a compass and said, "go straight to the southwest and park there when you find a row of black flags, you know?"

"Shall I go alone?" Gao Feng asked with some hesitation.

"Of course," said the ark. He took out two strong chains from the corner of the carriage and tied them tightly between the two trucks. "When you finish delivering the goods, you will walk back. In order not to let you starve to death, you can take some food as an emergency."

After explaining the things to be explained in one breath, the ark directly threw the stunned peak into the car, closed the door and signaled him to leave.

"For your light rain." patted the window, and the ark gave Gao Feng a thumbs up.

Gao Feng, with a wooden face, looked back at the compass, took a deep breath, finally stepped on the accelerator and left.

The strong man who finally got up from the ground had no time to stop him. He could only watch the truck that Yu Ruoshui told him to take back was driven away by others.

He got up and chased the truck for two steps. He shouted angrily, "you must return the car!"

"Don\'t pay it back." I don\'t know when I came behind the strong man. The ark kicked the strong man directly on his back and kicked him to the ground again.

"Go to hell!" the strong man who was crawled on the ground by the ark for the second time only felt that a stream of blood rushed straight to the forehead. He clenched his teeth, stared round his eyes, turned around, and threw a ball of flame at the ark.

"Are you serious?" seeing that the strong man had used his powers, the ark stepped back and took a thumb sized biscuit out of his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

At the next moment, countless crustaceans came out from the ground. Each of them may be only one bone joint of the index finger, but they can make people\'s scalp numb when they are crowded together.

They were startled by these insects. When they recovered, they found that they had been surrounded by insects.

The strong man\'s previous attack ended in failure because he was disturbed by insects.

"As for you, deal with these lovely little guys. I\'ll go first. There\'s still something to do when I go back." seeing that the insects dragged everyone\'s footsteps, the ark turned around and left leisurely.

The rest of the people looked at the ark triumphantly. One by one, they dared not say anything, and they didn\'t even know how to get rid of these insects.

"I\'ve got it." the other side was drunk all night, turned off the contact device, raised his eyes to Ruoshui and said, "I can heal you now."

Yu Ruo nodded with a cold face, but her heart was out of control. The corners of her mouth moved slightly and soon raised an arc.

Seems to be aware of the change of Yu Ruoshui\'s mood, drunk all night with a bright smile, stepped forward and pressed her shoulder without arms, and began to heal with powers.

I felt my shoulder itchy. Yu Ruoshui looked down and saw that his lost arm was growing muscles little by little. Some places had not had time to grow skin, and the blood vessels mixed between the muscles were clearly visible.

As soon as she thought that she would be cured immediately, Yu Ruoshui couldn\'t help getting excited. She first thought about where to run after her legs were good, and then began to think about how to return all this to Yu Lan.

Yu Lan that bitch hurt her like this. She has to fight back ten times what she says!

When Ruoshui was fantasizing about torture, the contact device at hand suddenly rang, and she picked it up with her good hand. Before she could speak, it was like hearing a rough voice shouting anxiously, "Miss, the people who want to alliance have driven our car away!"

"What do you eat?!" Yu ruo\'s eyes looked at the drunk night as if the water was cold and poisoned.

The truck she used is recorded in the south. Once it is found that the car is gone, she will be exposed at the first time.

Originally worried about this problem, she found Yu Tian to be her scapegoat. At that time, just say that everything was done by Yu Tian in her name. But she didn\'t have the heart to send her brother who was so good to herself to death, so she wanted to bring the truck back anyway.

But now

"Why did you take my truck with you?" Yu Ruoshui asked dangerously, looking coldly at the drunk night on his side. "This is not in the scope of our previous transaction."

"Ah, that\'s what Xiuqi\'s men do. I can\'t control it." he has helped Ruoshui treat half of his arm. He is drunk all night. Looking at his achievements, he calmly releases his hand. "I\'m just coming to play a trick on you."

"What?!" Yu Ruoshui suddenly had a very bad feeling.

"Well, in fact, I especially hate self righteous women, especially embarrassing and mean women like you." drunk night kicked Yu Ruoshui\'s wheelchair at will and directly kicked her to the ground.