Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 604

"It\'s terrible weather," she spat.

Drunk no night raised his eyes and tilted Yu Ruoshui. He spread his hands innocuously, "well, it\'s not so hot now. Let\'s continue our topic."

"We have nothing to say." Yu Ruoshui despises the character of Zui Wuye, a small force from the bottom of his heart. Even if he is a famous Zui emperor, no matter how powerful he is, he will be finished if he meets the south.

"You heal me, I\'ll give you supplies." she had to get drunk all night to help. Yu Ruoshui proudly raised his neck and smiled.

I don\'t like to talk more with Yu Ruoshui. I shrug when I\'m drunk and use a contact to connect the ark to get materials.

Yu Tian arranged for the ark to be the head guard of the first area. This position is not high or low, but it is quite convenient to move. If there is no special attention, it will not be found.

"Brother Fang." a strong looking guard hid behind the ark and looked behind him from time to time with a guilty look, "why don\'t we leave our duty without permission?"

Behind him, the yellow sand filled the air in bursts, which seemed to hide a lot of danger.

"What\'s wrong." the ark raised his hand and took out a mask from his backpack. He threw it to the guard behind him. He smiled and put one on himself. "Anyway, no one can see what we look like now."

"But..." the guard looked hesitant and tangled, "I think we\'re wrong..."

"Poof." the ark almost laughed angrily by the pinched man. He held his forehead and sighed helplessly, "let\'s say, Gao Feng, if you save your sister, you must take some risks. Otherwise, where will you get the money?"

"Xiaoyu is not my sister." Gao Feng corrected seriously, "she is my future daughter-in-law."

Unable to see the face under the peak mask, the ark silently turned a white eye and said, "Cheng Chengcheng, your daughter-in-law, your daughter-in-law, I didn\'t say, in what era, can\'t you find a decent woman? God, it\'s not good to find it in the leisure Street in the south?"

Leisure Street is a place specially set up in the south. To put it better, it is a place where people rest in the end of the world. In fact, it is a rotten place.

"Xiaoyu, she\'s fine." Gao Feng said seriously.

"Good, good, good task, even subordinates give me dog abuse." Fang Zhou covered his chest with heartache and felt that the world was full of malice to him.

At this time, a truck came, which was dusty in the yellow sand.

The Ark\'s contact light also lit up at this time. He sighed, connected the connector and said, "drunk emperor, what\'s the matter with you."

"Have you got the supplies?" drunk night leaned against the corner and asked after glancing at Ruoshui.

"I just want to see." the ark nodded and strode to the truck.

The truck stopped quickly. The guards who came down from the truck were fully armed. The leader grew muscles. In this hot summer, he wore knee length shorts without arms.

The only deterrent should be his gun across his waist. It looks a little old.

But the ark knew that although the gun seemed to have been used for a long time, it was absolutely accurate.

"Are you the one who picked up the goods?" the strong man rubbed his palms, looked coldly at the ark, which may be just one meter seven, and hummed, "it looks like a bean sprout. Can you hold these weapons?"

"Do you have to give me the car?" the despised ark was too lazy to argue with him. He pointed to the truck and smiled. "Give me this and I\'ll let someone drive back."