Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 603

"Yes." Yu Tian nodded.

Yu Lan was silent. After several seconds, she raised her head and asked faintly, "if you do this, will grey Yan still hate me when he knows the truth?"

"We only need to care about the process of this kind of thing, and it doesn\'t matter what the result is." Yu Tian couldn\'t help laughing at the unexpected innocence of the question asked by Yu Lan, "After all, don\'t you already have a blank researcher? Grey Yan is a dispensable existence. We use him to cut off the contact between man-made powers when needed, which is equal to blue. After you sit smoothly and become the controller of the south, he will do whatever he likes. Who cares."

"I don\'t agree." blank and unhappy whispered, "although gray Yan is only my former friend, I still can\'t do anything to hurt him."

"You also said, but it\'s your former friend. What are you tangled with now?" Yu Tianba asked with his mouth, and smiled carelessly. "It\'s not good to always live in the past. People always have to look forward."

Blank obviously doesn\'t agree with Yu Tian\'s idea. He opens his mouth to refute it, but he doesn\'t speak very well. No matter how he organizes his language, he can\'t find a way to clearly express his idea.

I had expected that the blank would be this reaction, which was not obvious in the sky. In fact, I had sneered in my heart.

In just a few hours of contact with the blank, he has seen through him. He is hypocritical, timid and lonely, but he is delusional to be a normal person. Only the desire alliance will accept this kind of person.

"In fact, there is no solution, isn\'t there?" Yu Lan suddenly said when he was distracted. "I can control the zombies so that they don\'t hurt the civilians and only attack the rebellious guards."

"What\'s the point of doing this?" Yu Tian asked.

"Grey Yan\'s loyalty is not aimed at jueying, but the South itself. What he values most should be the many civilians in the south. I didn\'t want to hurt the civilians. It\'s good to leave an impression on Grey Yan at that time." Yu Lan thought and said, "grey Yan has worked in the south for several years, so it\'s a pity to give up his words."

"But it would be very troublesome, wouldn\'t it?" Yu Tian said. "If the kind guy hadn\'t been surrounded by the light of the researcher of man-made powers, he wouldn\'t have known how many times he died in this last world."

After saying that, he reacted and said the most real idea in his heart. Yu Tian was stunned for a short time. Suddenly, he burst into an embarrassed smile and said, "is it cruel for me to think so?"

Say the most real thoughts in your heart. This kind of thing hasn\'t happened for a long time.

"Everyone has different opinions." Yu Lan, who has seen the crazy people like drunken night, doesn\'t think it\'s cruel for Yu Tian to say what he thinks. "Although as the saying goes, good people don\'t live long, if there are bad people in the world, it must be a very bad thing."

"Yes." Yu Tian smiled in agreement.

I always felt that there were many things hidden in Yu Tian\'s dandy smile. Yu Lan looked into Yu Tian\'s eyes and said, "Yu Tian, do you really think of me as your sister?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan would suddenly ask such a question. Yu Tian hesitated for a moment and said definitely, "of course, you are my only sister."

Are you my only sister?

Jiang Xuan\'s heart is full of alarm bells. In his impression, Yu Tian also said something similar to this sentence to Yu Ruoshui - you are my only sister.

Seeing that Tian was serious, it didn\'t look like fraud. Yu Lan lowered his eyes, looked at his palm and whispered, "since you think I\'m your sister, why do you always call my name?"

"Wouldn\'t you feel uncomfortable if I called your sister?" Yu Tian answered without hesitation, as if he had no time to go through it in his mind.

"No." Yu Lan said faintly.

"That... Sister." Yu Tian called directly. He didn\'t feel uncomfortable at all, as if he really wanted to call it so long ago.

The word "sister" that she hadn\'t heard for a long time made Yu Lan a little distracted. She raised her eyes to Yu Tian, and her milky eyes flashed uncontrollably.

"Sister." Yu Lan repeated, looking down at the ground, "I found that you and I don\'t look at each other."

"What do you think of me?" Yu Lan asked.

"Stubborn, kind, stupid..." easy to control.

Yu Tian didn\'t say the last adjective. He raised his head and began to examine Yu Lan again. After a long time, he said, "but I found that you are also suitable to be a superior."

Yu Lan was puzzled. She frowned suspiciously and felt that she couldn\'t understand her brother more and more.

"Sister," Yu Tian called for the third time, and raised his eyes to show a sincere smile, "you are a good person. All I want is the sense of security given by this blood relationship."

In the blue eyes, Yu Tian\'s smile at this time gives people a real feeling.

"No matter what, I won\'t hurt you." Yu Tian looked at Yu Lan and said with a serious smile, "as long as you believe this."

"Well." Yu Lan nodded and saw Tianxiao\'s happiness. She couldn\'t help saying, "I won\'t hurt you like this."

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan would say such a sentence. Yu Tian was obviously stunned, and then grinned in a disguised way.

"Yes," he said.


"Have you sent the things to the place where they should be sent?" I was so drunk that I was forced to stand in the corridor and scolded countless times in my heart.

This damn weather is really hot to death.

The weather in late September and early October has not turned cold. Instead, it is getting hotter and hotter. In some places, the water source is in urgent need, and now the water source has become the first scarce material.

Now the corridor is a transparent glass corridor. There is no air conditioner or fan in it. Only the scorching sun is drying overhead. The heat can almost burn a layer of skin drunk all night.

"It has been sent. You can contact your people." Yu Ruoshui is obviously upset about the dazzling sunshine. She impatiently pointed to the backlight next to her, raised her eyes and continued, "I think we can continue to talk in detail there."

"Just what I want." I was going to find a shady place first. Drunk Wuye nodded and strode into the shady place.

Yu Ruoshui followed in and wiped the sweat on his forehead, which was a sigh of relief.