Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 602

Seeing that Ruoshui was still confident, Huang Ruifei frowned and sighed, "then I will send some of my confidants to protect you, so as not to make any temporary regrets and accidents."

"Good." knowing that Huang Ruifei did all this for his own good, Yu Ruoshui just smiled with his eyes bent this time, without saying anything to refute.

Huang Ruifei is his mother no matter what. There\'s no need to compete with each other.

After they had talked enough, they went out of the room one after another and began to prepare Yu Tian\'s plan to be a scapegoat.

There was a wave in the quiet room. Jiang Quan quietly appeared, stood in situ and meditated for a few seconds before he opened the door and went out.

Yu Ruoshui now believes in Yu Nai wholeheartedly. It is really a skill of Yu Tian to enable a narrow-minded person to achieve this trust.

Quiet steps in the corridor, clear and loud footsteps make the empty corridor more and more silent.

Yu jueying took nearly half of the people in the south to support the north. The south, which was not very lively, has become more and more quiet.

Several guards coming up just saw Jiang Quan. They came up and checked his pass. Then they continued to walk forward step by step.

"That guy is a stranger," a guard frowned.

Hearing the guard\'s words clearly, Jiang Quan didn\'t look back, but pursed his lips.

No matter before or after the end of the world, he can\'t appear in the light. Unconsciously, he has been used to living in the dark.

He jumped down from the window sensitively. When he landed, he hid in the air again, leaving no trace behind.

When Jiang Quan walked into Yu Tian\'s room, he saw Yu Lan sitting in front of the sofa playing with the crystal core.

"Do you like it?" Yu Tian asked, lying on the table with only a pair of eyes.

"It\'s delicious." Yu Lan raised his eyes, bent his eyes and looked very happy.

"Do these crystal nuclei taste different? Or do they all have the same taste?" Yu Lan was happy and couldn\'t help laughing. "I didn\'t expect that crystal nuclei could also be eaten."

"Only zombies can eat crystal nucleus, but you still can\'t eat it." Yu Lan took out a pink crystal nucleus from the backpack behind him and pointed with a smile, "for example, this crystal nucleus is my favorite food, and the taste is very sweet."

"Really?" Yu Tianliang\'s eyes were full of curiosity. "Can I have a look?"

"Yes." the crystal nucleus on the handle was handed to Yu Tian. Yu Lanzhu looked at him with his chin. "It looks good, too, doesn\'t it?"

Yu Tian nodded and touched the crystal nucleus on his hand. A dark color flashed under his drooping eyelids, "what crystal nucleus is this? Where can I get it?"

"It\'s the crystal nucleus of a different plant in the forest of death." Yu Lan said with a smile.

"The forest of death..." Yu Tian whispered.

Listening to the two happily talking about the crystal core, even Jiang Quan was a little surprised at the moment. Yu Tian didn\'t seem to be cheating at this time. He seemed to really like chatting with Yu Lan?

But there was always some uneasy feeling in his heart, which also made him very uncomfortable.

"If you two have talked enough, can you give me a drink of water first? I\'m dying of thirst." blank and Tangyue sit on the sofa on the side of blue body and cover their forehead, "and, in order not to disturb you, can you show me the way first? I\'m going to find Huiyan."

"Oh, I\'m sorry, I\'m so happy to talk with Yu Lan." Yu Tian smiled politely and leaned back to the back of the chair behind him.

The chair slid back for a distance because of inertia. With his head on his side, he reached out to hold the messy table next to him, opened the drawer and took a map from inside.

Yu Lan noticed that his drawer and desktop were two extremes. The inside of the drawer was neat, and even the documents were arranged in order from small to large.

"Is this?" I was stunned for a moment when I received the document handed over by Guo Tian.

"The office marked with a red pen is gray Yan\'s office. You go along the route I drew. Generally speaking, you won\'t meet anyone." Yu Tian propped his chin and continued with a funny smile, "but... This road is a little difficult. Pay attention."

I always felt that Yu Tian\'s smile had some malicious meaning in it. I frowned and got up to go out according to the instructions on the map.

"Hey, hey, don\'t worry first." he stretched out his hand and waved to the blank twice. Yu Tian said, "I\'m sure that even if you say your tongue is rotten in the past, grey Yan won\'t promise you."

Thinking that Yu Tianshi was denying his ability, he didn\'t have much emotional intelligence, and suddenly pinched his fist unhappily.

Sugar moon felt his discomfort and subconsciously blocked him.

"Why do you say that?" he said unhappily.

"Don\'t get angry." Yu Tian pointed to his brain, raised his chin and almost looked at people with his nostrils. "Move your brain. How can a kind guy like gray Yan easily rebel? I didn\'t expect that people who want to Alliance... Don\'t necessarily have IQ."

Then he ignored the blank and ugly face, and looked directly at Yu Landao, "Yu Lan, can you really be safe in this organization?"

"Blank is just a little low in Eq." Yu Lan drooped his eyes and resolutely maintained blank.

Seeing that Yu Lan was so decisive in maintaining the man who had no blood relationship with them, Yu Tian\'s eyes were dark. He lowered his head and could hardly maintain the distorted look on his face.

"What\'s the matter with you?" Yu Lan asked with a frown when he noticed Yu Tian\'s abnormality.

"Ah... It\'s all right." Yu Tian raised his eyes and said with a habitual smile, "let\'s continue the previous topic. I think there is only one way to make gray Yan change his mind, that is to let him see that the object he is working for is an incompetent guy. Under their management, only more people will die. Only this way can shake him."

I think Yu Tian\'s words really have some truth. After a few seconds of silence, I lowered my head and said, "what should we do?"

I have to say that he had never thought about this before. He just wanted to harden his head.

"It\'s simple." Yu Tian looks at Yu Lan and holds his chin and laughs, "Yu Lan, after you get drunk and trade with Yu Ruoshui, call the zombie to attack the south. According to what you said, Qin Feng will stand on your side and stop Yu jueying, who supports you on the return trip, which provides us with enough time to prove Yu Ruoshui\'s incompetence."

"Do I want to find grey Yan in this time period?" blank asked seriously.