Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 601

"How can I not worry." reaching out to cover Yu Lan\'s hand, Mo Wen closed his eyes and felt the temperature in his palm. "As long as you are not in front of me, my heart can\'t settle down."

Listening to the deep and hoarse voice of ink, Yu Lan couldn\'t help raising his eyes and staring at his black eyes. His cold and smooth fingertips gently touched his eyelids.

This stupid thing.

Tiptoe, he printed a kiss on the chin of Mo Wen. Yu Lan bent his watery eyes and asked with a low smile, "then... Will you feel at ease?"

Mo Wen was stunned and didn\'t seem to understand Yu Lan\'s meaning.

Yu Lan poked his face, then padded his feet again and printed a kiss on his lips.

"So?" she asked again, her lovely smile seemed to be the best invitation.

The cold taste of blue still lingered on the lips, and the ink blinked like a nerd, as if she gradually understood what she meant.

Quietly revealed the cat\'s cunning smile. Yu Lan sat across Mo Wen\'s legs, hugged his neck and kissed his thin lips again.

Women\'s coquetry is very simple, but it always works for men.

"So, don\'t worry about waiting for me to come back?"

"... well."


After a day of being bored in the desire League, Yu Lan set out, but as soon as he left the door of the desire League, he was almost hit by the oncoming fireball.

The ink standing on her side blocked the fireball with her backhand, and her cold eyes swept to the foreigners standing not far away.

The next second, the surrounding air seemed to be solidified and heavy. These people who were desperately attacking the alliance turned into blood clots in an instant. They didn\'t know what they had experienced until they died.

Holding the chain, Xiuqi calmly pursed his lips behind the scenes and slowly took the chain back to his arm.

The people of the invasion department and the Defense Department looked at each other and began to pack up and prepare to go back.

Really, they haven\'t had breakfast yet.

"Be careful all the way." reluctantly holding Yu Lan\'s slender hand, Mo Wen lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, with a long sigh.

"HMM." he shook the ink back, and Yu Lan smiled brightly at him.

The Firebird quickly flapped its wings and fell down, and gave a high voice in front of the people.

The black fish floated on the nearby lake and shouted to the Firebird.

"I\'m leaving." Yu Lan turned around, nodded to blank and sugar moon, turned over and jumped directly on the back of Firebird.

The rabbit also quickly drilled out and bared its teeth to the blank before crawling down obediently and letting them ride on their back.

For the first time, he rode on the back of the zombie and touched the rabbit\'s neck, which attracted a low roar of dissatisfaction from the rabbit.

Quickly put back his hand, carefully hide the curiosity of the fundus of his eyes, and dare not touch anywhere.

"Be careful all the way." he whispered to blue again. Mo Wen raised his hand and waved. In the blink of an eye, the Firebird flew high into the sky, and the figure he was thinking about disappeared soon.

My heart was suddenly a little flustered. Mo Wen subconsciously raised his feet and chased for two steps. Finally, he stopped silently.

He looked at the sky and was obviously in a very bad mood.

"Boss." looking at this ink, Xiuqi couldn\'t help walking forward and standing behind him whispered, "in fact, your long cherished wish... Should be implemented now?"

"Long cherished wish?" Mo Wen was in a trance.

His long cherished wish

The dim fundus of his eyes suddenly lit up. He blinked, looked at the blue sky and smiled.

"Yes," he said brightly, "it can be implemented."


"You say... Can the plan of taking Yu Tian as a scapegoat go smoothly?" Huang Ruifei looked warily at the door, closed the door and whispered.

Originally intended to starve Yu Tian to death during Yu jueying\'s absence, but Yu Ruoshui suddenly found herself and told her plan.

"Mom, don\'t worry. I can\'t guarantee anything else, but Yu Tian... He will sacrifice for me." recalling Yu Tian\'s firm appearance before, Yu Ruoshui couldn\'t help laughing, "he is really a good brother."

"You know who you are, but you don\'t know what you want. You\'d better think about the future." Huang Ruifei, who is good at intrigue, always feels something wrong. She subconsciously doesn\'t trust Yu Tian and doesn\'t want to deliver such an important thing to him.

"Mom!" doubted by Huang Ruifei again and again, Yu Ruoshui finally said impatiently, "how many times have I said that you are prejudiced against my brother. In fact, he is an honest man. At best, he is a dandy and has no threat at all."

"Isn\'t it enough to arouse vigilance that Yu Tian can live well under our treatment for so many years?" Huang Ruifei asked. She stared at her only daughter and always felt that her daughter was sometimes very smart, sometimes stupid, which broke her heart.

"How can we deal with brother for so many years?" Yu Ruoshui frowned. "But at the beginning, you took a supportive attitude and abandoned him, didn\'t you?"

Seeing what Huang Ruifei had to say, Yu Ruoshui, who was completely impatient, quickly interrupted her, put his hands and said, "in fact, we were worried at the beginning. Brother, he can\'t be a threat at all. Whether he has any thoughts or not, it\'s a fact that he is good for nothing!"

Being choked by Yu Ruoshui\'s stubborn appearance, Huang Ruifei breathed heavily and tried to calm himself down.

In fact, it\'s also true that Yu Tian hasn\'t done anything harmful to their interests for so many years. Now she\'s targeting Tian just because he\'s the son of Su elegy.

Turning her attention to this point, Huang Ruifei gradually calmed down.

"You see what you do." knowing that no matter how much you say now, Huang Ruifei sighed, "it\'s always no harm to be more careful."

Knowing that Huang Ruifei had no objection now, Yu Ruoshui restrained his stubborn expression just now, smiled and took her arm and said, "Mom, don\'t worry. I can cure my injury this time. You should be happy."

At the mention of injury, Huang Ruifei couldn\'t help worrying. She looked down at Yu Ruoshui\'s empty cuffs and trouser legs, frowned and trimmed her eyebrows, "is that drunk night credible?"

"I can\'t tell whether it\'s believable or not, but it\'s an exchange of interests between me and him. This relationship is generally the most consolidated, isn\'t it?" Yu Ruoshui affirmed, his eyes full of confidence.

"Just know it yourself." Huang Ruifei nodded.