Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 600

"The place with you has always been my home." I think it\'s the happiest thing for Yu Lan to regard this place as home. Mo Wen quietly opened the document on his side and said seriously in front of LAN, "well... I\'ll wait for you to go home."

"You won\'t wait too long." Yu Lan nodded happily and cuddled Mo Wen\'s neck.

Just then the door of the room was pushed open again, and the tiredness between them came to an end.

"Boss." the one who entered the door this time was a quiet blank face. His straight body was still wearing that spotless research suit. No matter how long he wore it, it looked like new.

Sugar moon stood quietly behind her, and her bloody eyes looked at the ground without expression.

"What can I do for you?" Mo Wen raised his eyes and asked.

"Boss, I want to leave here for a while and go somewhere else." blank stepped forward and looked at Mo Wen seriously, "After comparison these days, I noticed that the sound wave controlling the zombie was very similar to the sound wave emitted by Yu Lan. According to the data now available, nine times out of ten the sound wave was emitted by the human zombie named Yi An, so I don\'t think it\'s necessary to continue to study this kind of sound wave."

Saying blank, she also glanced at Yu Lan with her side eyes, which was the kind of look that researchers would have. She was hairy.

No one wants to be studied.

"Then what are you going to do next?" he tapped on the table, and ink narrowed his eyes unhappily.

Aware of the coldness projected on him, the blank hurried back his eyes, sorted out the language again, and then continued, "I also noticed that the sound causing the corpse tide is basically similar to the sound controlling the zombie, but there are still some small differences in some characteristics. I want to go to the forest of death to see if I can find the source of the sound wave for comparison."

"So." Mo Wen\'s frown gradually stretched out. He took out a document from the corner of the table and threw it to the blank. He said faintly, "this is our action plan this time. Take a look first."

I don\'t understand why Mo Wen showed himself this. The blank took over one eye and ten lines and swept them. After a long time, he raised his eyes and said, "well... What\'s the problem?"

Yu Lan couldn\'t help looking at Mo Wen and couldn\'t guess what he was going to do all of a sudden.

"In fact, I was going to find you, but since you came here, I\'ll make it clear." Mo Wen naturally overlapped his hands in front of the table and raised his eyes lightly. "Our action this time is best to cut through the contact between jueying and them. All artificial powers in the South are made by grey Yan. If you want to cut off the contact in the south, you can only find him."

"Boss... Do you want me to find grey Yan?" blank hesitated, "but different ways don\'t work together. How can he agree."

It seemed that he had expected the blank would answer like this. Mo Wen smiled and found a folder accurately from a pile of documents.

"This is the manpower information that Zui Wuyi made a year ago." he opened the document and quickly found the information of grey Yan. The ink whispered, "it clearly says that grey Yan prefers cowardly character, and his loyal object is the whole south, not Yu jueying in the south."

"Drunk emperor\'s investigation information is not necessarily accurate." blank closed the document in his hand and lowered his eyes in a low voice.

When the desire alliance was officially established, Zui Wuyi organized people from the Defense Department to sneak into various forces to explore their forces. At that time, the internal structure of various forces was not close enough, although it was not full of holes, it was enough to give them a chance to drill in.

"But it also has a certain credibility value." he glanced at the blank with a smile, and Mo Wen continued, "for example, the most special one above - once and blank were close friends."

Blank, after hearing such a sentence, the whole person froze. He just felt his fingers cold and his blood was pouring into his feet.

I didn\'t expect that drunk night could find out this kind of thing. Blank resisted the desire to escape, bit his teeth, repressed his emotions and said, "the rainbow in the north and we are all close friends."

"There is no rainbow color on it, only you." Mo Wen said faintly with his chin. "Although I don\'t know what happened between you, this task must be done by you."

"There\'s no other choice?" I came to say goodbye. I didn\'t expect to encounter such a job. I couldn\'t help smiling bitterly.

In fact, he is not afraid to see gray face, but to get along with the people before... He will feel uncomfortable.

"No." blank won\'t get along with others. Mo Wen knows, but it doesn\'t affect his judgment - the task of persuading gray Yan must be done by blank.

Blank was silent again. He took a deep breath, nodded seriously and said, "I know."

Mo Wen then spread his hand and said with a smile, "when are you leaving?"

"What about you?" the blank asked back.

Mo Wen looked at Yu Lan.

"Just these two days. I\'ll clean up and start." Yu Lan smiled with curved eyes in front of his desk.

"Is it really OK not to accompany me?" Mo Wen was still worried.

"Arvin, I can." Yu Lan pointed to his face and puffed his cheeks. "How old am I? You don\'t have to treat me as a child all the time."

Looking at Yu Lan\'s tangled lovely appearance, Mo Wen couldn\'t help rubbing her head.

Now Yu Lan\'s skin is pale without blood color. Although a pair of bright eyes are still milky white, they are very moving.

Anyway, in the eyes of Mo Wen, when describing Yu Lan, all the good words were put on her.

Blank stood in place without any eyes. When Mo Wen looked impatiently, he hurried to say, "let\'s go together when you leave Yu Lan."

"OK." Yu Lan nodded and left with sugar moon.

When there were no more people in the room, Mo Wen leaned over and picked up Yu Lan, gently rubbed her face and said, "pay attention to safety."

"Yes." Yu Lan grinned.

"Be careful of those who don\'t have eyes," continued Mo Wen. "You can\'t believe anyone outside except me."

"HMM." Yu Lan continued to grin, feeling that he was like a bear child in the big class of kindergarten who was told by his parents again and again.

"If you have anything, please contact me immediately." Mo Wen sighed and couldn\'t give up, "otherwise I\'d better go with you."

"Arvin, it\'s said that I can take good care of myself." walking around is to follow her

Originally, the child\'s mouth was out of control. Yu Lan puffed up his cheeks, held both sides of the ink in his hands and said, "you don\'t have to worry, huh?"