Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 599

"All the people who want to join the alliance have found it. Is there any meaning for me to continue to bear it?" Yu Tian knocked on the railing on his side, and his calm smile became ferocious. "Now... Is the best chance to bring down Ruoshui in one fell swoop. It\'s time to return everything they added to me."

Wen Yan Jiang Quan nodded quietly. He suddenly found that he had never seen through the sky. Even if he had been around him, he couldn\'t tell the sincerity and falsehood of Yu Tian at all.

One second, you can look like the best brother in the world, and the next second, you can directly show your ferocious malice... Most people really can\'t do this.

"But the ark and Baize are of some use." seeing that Jiang Quan didn\'t speak, Yu Tian didn\'t care.

"Hmm..." Jiang Quan nodded. He suddenly raised his eyes and asked in a low voice, "are you serious about what LAN has done?"

"Of course." Yu Tian answered without hesitation, just like Yu Ruoshui before, "I don\'t mean to hurt blue, not at all."

Knowing that he had no ability to analyze the true and false from Yu Tianhua, Jiang Quan just nodded, lowered his head and stopped talking.

"But it\'s better now." at this time, Yu Tian didn\'t want to discuss Yu Lan with Jiang Quan. Yu Tian looked out and directly cut off the topic, "now Yu Ruoshui will protect me. Naturally, I don\'t have to worry that Yu jueying or Huang Ruifei will stab me in the dark."

"That\'s right." Jiang Quan nodded and looked at Yu Tian quietly, doing his duty as a protector.


Yu jueying set off after a brief negotiation with Ye Zhi. He personally led his elite to the north with Ye Zhi\'s people.

He still knows that icing on the cake is never as good as delivering charcoal in the snow. This time, he is also determined to help his long-standing enemy Ye Zhi.

Naturally, ye Zhi was very grateful for this and privately agreed to many conditions for Yu jueying.

Knowing the news, Yu Lan immediately set out to leave Yumeng, but the current situation of Yumeng forced her to be vigilant.

"Boss, the enemy has been wiped out this time." Xiuqi came in bloody from the door and looked at the ink text of Qian sitting at the desk. "This is the third batch."

"Look at you, it\'s a little tricky this time?" Mo Wen raised his eyes and handed the documents in his hand to Yu Lan as a toy to play with. He stood up and looked up and down for a while, and said, "you\'re rarely so embarrassed."

At this time, Xiuqi was covered with blood. At a glance, he could see the uneven wounds on his arm.

Although most of the blood on his body was from others, it still looked very seeping at a glance.

"Well, one group is stronger than another." Xiuqi glanced at Yu Lan and looked at Mo Wen again. "There are foreigners and our Asian faces, but I didn\'t find anything to prove my identity from them."

He paused for two seconds and continued to open his mouth, "and... They are getting closer and closer to entering the desire alliance. This time, the enemy has almost reached the gate of the desire alliance. If the people standing guard at the gate hadn\'t found it in time, they might have found it by now."

"Are these the people sent by Yezhi?" the smile on Mo Wen\'s face faded. He lowered his eyes and knocked on the wooden table in front of him, raised his eyes and whispered.

"I\'m not sure yet." Xiuqi shook his head. "Yangchu has taken someone to the fifth floor for interrogation. It\'s estimated that he can get the answer tonight."

"Let him hurry up." Mo Wen said faintly. "Now Yu jueying has left. According to the plan, I should go to the South with him."

"Boss," said Wen yanxiuqi subconsciously, "from the current situation, there are more and more people who want to attack the alliance. If you are here, we will defend better."

"This kind of thing you can do as you see." without paying attention to the neat tangle, Mo Wen raised his eyes and said faintly, "anyway, I want to leave with LAN LAN."

Knowing this kind of ink, he couldn\'t speak for three more times. Although Xiuqi had some opinions, he didn\'t say it in the end.

"Ah Wen." Yu Lan, who has been silent, sighed, put down the documents in his hand and whispered, "in fact, this time I also think it would be better for you to stay in Yumeng. Just leave it to me in the south."

"How can this be good?" upon hearing Yu Lan\'s words, Mo Wen\'s mood suddenly became worse. "If I\'m not here, who can protect you?"

"I can protect myself." Yu Lan tilted her head and showed a sweet smile. "Ah Wen, you have to believe me. It\'s more meaningful for you to stay here to protect Mo Xiaohuan."

"No, I just want to protect you." Mo Wen pursed his lips unhappily, and even stared angrily at Xiuqi.

Talk more!

Strangely understood the meaning of ink eyes, Xiuqi silently took down ink eyes, closed his mouth, and didn\'t mean to speak at all.

"Arvin, don\'t worry. I\'ll never have anything wrong this time. Just wait for me at home." he tiptoed and touched Mo Wen\'s head, and Yu Lan said with a smile. She always felt that Mo Wen was a very attentive parent and was always worried about her naughty child.

The word "home" made Mo Wen feel happy, but he still pursed his lips, didn\'t nod or shake his head, and didn\'t know what it meant.

When the room was strangely quiet, Xiuqi soon received the news of the arrival of the fourth wave of enemies. He hurried out and just left the room with a strange atmosphere.

"Lan Lan, are you really serious this time?" Mo Wen frowned and stared at Yu Lan.

"Well," Yu Lanxian said first, "capturing the south is something I should have done long ago. I hope Arvin you can give me such a chance."

"I can follow you." Mo Wen still seems not to give up. He reaches out his hand to hold Yu Lan\'s shoulder and says softly, "just do what you do. I don\'t do anything, just watch."

"Then you might as well protect Xiaohuan." Yu Lan felt that such ink was childish and lovely. She couldn\'t help laughing and told ink again and again in a nice voice, "now you should stay here for the alliance crisis, shouldn\'t you? Otherwise, when I come back, I find that my home is gone. How sad it will be."