Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 551

Would you like to tell that

An ugly, scarred zombie crawled on the ground and looked a little tired.

Yi\'an\'s strength is far from what they can match. Even a glance at them is enough to make them unable to lift their heads, let alone Yi\'an can control them to a certain extent.


Another zombie stood next to the alien plant and gently shook his huge claw. After they surrendered to Yu Lan, their strength also increased with the growth of Yu Lan\'s ability, and more or less restored some consciousness that they had only when they were human beings.

[do you want us to find it?] the zombie crawling on the ground got up, and saliva was seeping out of his huge mouth: [now neither Firebird nor long snake is here.]

[no, let the rabbit go.] the standing zombie looked at the depths of different plants, and the sharp fangs gently collided with each other, making the sound of porcelain breaking.

The rabbit is one of the three zombies close to Yu Lan. It\'s most appropriate for him to go.


Not knowing what happened to the forest of death, Yu Lan leaned on the table with his chin, listened to the hazy rustle of leaves outside the window, and narrowed his eyes bored.

Arvin hasn\'t come back yet.

A ray of sunshine came in through the window and made her feel warm while shining on her.

But even if the temperature of the sun didn\'t make her uncomfortable, she got up and avoided the sun.

After becoming a zombie, in addition to being unable to eat human food, her body also subconsciously resists the sun.

She stood in the corner of the room and looked at the sunshine on the table. She could also see the dust floating in the light path.

Her pupils narrowed slightly, and she quickly lowered her eyelids.

It must be false to say no loss. No one doesn\'t like the warm sunshine.


He knocked on his head. Yu Lan looked down at his pale palm. The deep lines crossed irregularly, which made people unhappy.

"I am a zombie."

After whispering for a while, Yu Lan suddenly burst into a smile and raised his eyes. He was no longer lost because of this problem.

What she can\'t change will not change no matter how she thinks. What she can do now is to accept herself and make herself better in the future.


As soon as Yu Lan regained his mind, he lifted his eyes and saw Jiulian standing at the door with a small basket of fruit in his hand. Qiqiqi followed Jiulian\'s side and grabbed Jiulian\'s clothes with some fear.

Although the food attack in Baishi base is not as diverse as the desire alliance, it is not bad in this end of the world.

In the rear of the base, a food producing area of seven or eight Mu is set up, where there are several fruit trees in addition to the planting of some necessary food.

The Baishi base does not have a greenhouse like Yumeng to ensure adequate food supply, but under the catalysis of several wooden powers day and night, the food here is not received once a year before the end of the day, and it can be received once a month.

"Jiulian, what can I do for you?" seeing that it was Jiulian, Yu Lan reached out and put on the sunglasses on the table to avoid scaring a child as big as Jiulian and Qiqi with his gray eyes.

Seeing that Lan put on her eyes, Qi Qiqi was secretly relieved. She was a little afraid every time she saw Yu Lan\'s eyes. It was like a scary monster said by other adults.

"I can\'t find the way." nine master whispered, "I want to send fruit to Lord Qin."

"You come with me." smell speech, Yu Lan nodded and walked out the door to show them the way.

The sun outside was a little bright. Yu Lan leaned over to avoid the direct sunlight and followed the memory to the ink.

At this time, the Firebird flapped its wings and fell down. The next second, Qi Qiqi was frightened and screamed, and hurriedly hid behind Jiulian.

Nine masters were not frightened, but turned sideways to protect Qi Qiqi behind him. His eyes were fascinated by the sudden wind.

Yu Lan looked at Qi Qiqi, then looked at the Firebird, twisted his eyebrows and asked, "what\'s the matter?"

[I see the rabbit coming.] the Firebird whispered.

These days, Firebirds are idle and dying. They fly back and forth every day, which frightens many people.

"What does it do?" Yu Lan\'s side eyes. She remembered that she let the rabbit guard the forest of death.

[I don\'t know.] the head of the Firebird shrank in its body shook, and its huge body shook, looking like a bulky penguin.

Only Yu Lan knows how sensitive the "Penguin" is.

"Then come back to me when the rabbit comes." Yu Lan whispered.

The Firebird shook its wings, and the bloody eyes looked at the nine masters, and immediately flapped their wings and left.

Several white guards nearby gave the Firebird a look and continued to do what they should do.

"Let\'s go on." after watching the Firebird leave, Yu Lan turned around and smiled at Jiugan and continued to lead the way in front.

Nine masters took Qi Qi\'s hand and quietly followed LAN behind him.

"Sister......" Qi Qiqi stared at Yu Lan\'s back and said timidly to Jiufu, "this man... Is terrible."

Knowing that the "this man" in qiqiqi\'s mouth refers to Yu Lan, Jiufu quickly covered Qiqi\'s mouth as soon as his face changed.

"Don\'t talk disorderly." nine master\'s face was dignified, and raised his eyes to see Yu Lan at the same time.

Yu Lan didn\'t seem to hear the dialogue between them. He didn\'t mean to turn around at all.

Seeing this, Jiufu was relieved and took Qi Qiqi quietly behind LAN.

What no one saw was that Yu Lan was completely helpless at this time.

Another disadvantage of becoming a zombie is that it is easy to scare children.

"Xiuqi, you all return to the desire alliance, Zhou Yu and the ark. You stay in the white envoy base to guard here."

As soon as Yu Lan came to the window, she heard the voice of ink. She turned back and made a gesture to Jiulian, and quietly looked in from outside the window.

Mo Wen was sitting casually in front of a wooden chair and looked around carefully. "I remember how many new people are there?"

"There are also several people who are the remnant Party of the white envoy base." Zhou Yu, who has done personnel management, stepped forward. "They have two leaders, one is Qinhuai and the other is Jiuming."

"Can you believe it?" Xiuqi raised his eyes and asked.

Zhou Yu shook her head honestly and said, "I\'m not sure."

"Let\'s kill them," said the drunk night smiling, "it\'s not good for us to keep this future trouble."

Zhou Yu was stunned and looked at Mo Wen with some hesitation.

"Deal with it." Mo Wen doesn\'t want to leave trouble in his own power.