Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 550

Wen Yan Yu Lan was not much disappointed, and Mo Wen completely followed Yu Lan\'s mood.

Yu Lan wants to become human. He will find a way. She wants to continue to be a zombie, and he will support her unconditionally.

"Isn\'t it similar to chicken ribs?" Xiuqi seemed to smile.

"Oh, chicken ribs are not so powerful." drunk night hummed, "do you know what this means? It means that in this last world, I won\'t have the chance to become a zombie. This is a talisman that no one has."

He paused, waved his hand to Yu Lan and continued, "of course, I didn\'t say what you mean, sister-in-law. Don\'t think about it."

Yu Lan waved his hand to show that he didn\'t care, while Mo Wen looked at him and motioned him to take care of his mouth.

Drunk without night, he covered his mouth with one hand and honestly said he wouldn\'t talk any more.

Just at this time, Shengge also woke up. She sat up and stared at the scenery in front of her for two seconds. Suddenly, after her eyes had a focal length, she jumped up and rushed to Xiuqi\'s arms, "brother Xiuqi!"

Xiuqi was stunned and finally didn\'t push away the Sheng song.

Sheng Ge straddles his legs, leaning against Xiuqi\'s arms.

"What shall we do now?" Xiuqi felt that he had nowhere to put his hand. Finally, he could only touch his nose and looked up at Mo Wen.

"You and drunken night go back to the lust alliance first." Mo Wen said coldly, "the next lust alliance will never be calm."

"OK." Xiuqi readily agreed. He thought it would be a great pleasure to help Mo Wen.

Drunk without night, he thought he might escape the fate of being exiled to the third district of the land of death by ink this time.

I don\'t know what he was thinking when he was drunk all night. Xiuqi took two uncontrollable blows when he noticed his strange smile.

"Where are you going, boss?" drunken night asked dutifully. It was torture for him not to let him speak.

"I want to go to the South with LAN LAN." Mo Wen said faintly.

"...." I felt that ink had squeezed them out of their habit. When I was drunk, I turned my mouth. As soon as I was about to speak, I heard ink say again, "I\'ll give you all the things you want to alliance."

"You give me the desire League too." drunk night said angrily.

"You want?" Mo Wen looked at him. "Just take it."

"..." drunk night felt that he wanted to beat people again.

"Boss, drunk emperor." just when drunk Wuye wanted to beat people with resentment, Zhou Yu suddenly appeared with a bag of documents in his hand, "this is the matter to be handled today."

"Give it to me." I thought Zhou Yu appeared at the right time. Drunk all night, I walked over happily and took the document in Zhou Yu\'s hand.

Then in Zhou Yu\'s confused eyes, a bag of documents were all thrown into Mo Wen\'s hands.

Feeling that Mo Wen looked angry, he swallowed his saliva and looked at Yu Lan like asking for help. "Sister-in-law, you take care of the boss."

Yu Lan felt that there was no problem dealing with the documents in ink. He glanced down and poked the documents in ink.

"Do you want me to work?" Mo Wen said almost at the moment when Yu Lan made his action. Seeing her nod, he immediately took out the document and read it, "OK, I\'ll listen to you."

Looking at Yu Lan, who was taken care of by Mo Wen, I felt that I couldn\'t keep my titanium alloy dog eyes.

"There are two more things to say." I think there is something strange about the relationship between Mo Wen and drunken night. Zhou Yu coughed and didn\'t ask more. He continued to report the current situation, "The granary in the South has been destroyed. At present, we can\'t spare time to reinforce the handover city. The people in the north have arrived, but now they have lost more than half. We have captured all the remaining people alive."

Seeing Mo Wen nodding, Zhou Yu continued after pausing, "and that is, a guy named Yang Chu has arrived outside the white envoy base, and he still takes the rest of the remnant Party of the white envoy base."

"Not bad." Mo Wen nodded and praised.

"How should we deal with those remnant parties?" seeing Mo Wen in a good mood, I couldn\'t help but say drunk all night, "now the ordinary civilians in the white envoy base have not participated in our operation. I don\'t think we need to care about them for the time being, but it will be bad in the long run.

"What we need to worry about next is to return to lust alliance. What should we do with ordinary people like them?"

"Just keep it. I\'ll leave it to Zhou Yu for the time being." Mo Wen said carelessly. He looked at the uneven and jagged tree houses on the side. He felt that the air here was actually good and a place to live for a long time.

But Mo Xiaohuan is like a time bomb at this time. They don\'t know when it will explode. What they can do is to minimize the chance of her against unknown enemies in the future.

"OK." Zhou Yu was surprised at first, then hurriedly smiled, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

You can successfully get such an important position as managing Baishi base in the end of the world... It seems that joining the desire alliance is indeed a wise choice.


At this time, there was a dull crash in the forest of death, just like a heavy sigh from the deep mountain.

A senior zombie ran away in panic, but the next second it was penetrated by a huge plant.

The zombie vomited dry blood, and the whole body soon began to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A figure loomed in the depths of the forest of death, like a ghost, constantly attracting people\'s attention.

He quickly walked up to the zombie, took out the crystal core and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I haven\'t eaten the crystal core for a long time." at the moment when the figure swallowed the crystal core, the bright moon appeared in mid air, reflecting the evil smile of Yi\'an\'s family, "level 3 healing power?"

"Very good, very good." he smiled low and moved his muscles and bones that had not moved for a long time.

Not far away came a few strange roars, which made the desperate Senling look colder.

"What I thought was useful was Yu Lan." Yi An hummed and walked outside the forest of death. His bright eyes penetrated the space, and in an instant he received all the information he wanted to know, except the cold smile at the corner of his mouth. "I didn\'t expect that she was useless... It was the man who was drunk all night."

After that, he no longer insisted on regretting the previous things and left the forest of death.

The rest of the zombies hid in the forest of death. When Yi\'an left, they gathered together and began to whisper.