Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 552

"OK." Mo Wendu spoke. Zhou Yu naturally didn\'t dare not. He sighed secretly in his heart. After thinking of his wife and daughter, he still took the order and withdrew.

As soon as he got out of the tree house, he put on a pair of huge sunglasses and was stunned for two seconds before whispering, "Miss Yu."

Yu Lan waved his hand with a smile, and then looked at Mo Wen from the window.

"Arvin," she whispered.

Mo Wen, who was discussing things with Zui Wuyi, raised his head, and his indifferent eyes suddenly brightened up.

"Blue blue." he called with a smile, walked out of the door, took Yu Lan\'s hand and pulled him in, "how do you stay outside?"

"You look good when you assign tasks." Yu Lan smiled and said to the nine masters behind him, "this is it."

Nine masters came in with Qi Qiqi and handed the fruit to them, "this is what sister Cai asked me to give you."

Sister Cai\'s full name is Li Caicai. She is the manager of the food supply department of Baishi base. She looks medium and has a nice voice.

"Thanks." zuiwuye was the first one to put an apple in his mouth and said vaguely, "but you just came here. I\'ll keep looking. Now Jiufu knows that you have two choices. One is to go with me, go back to lust alliance, and there are a lot of children waiting for you to play with you.

"The other is to go to the north to find ye Wuchen. The north is very chaotic and dangerous. I can\'t guarantee your safety."

At one breath, he explained all the two choices to Jiulian. After being drunk all night, he immediately repaired the apples in Jiulian\'s basket and lost one.

Xiuqi took the apple and took a bite. The sweet taste made his gloomy face look a little better.

Nine masters looked a little embarrassed. She looked down at Qi Qi on the side of her eyes and hesitated for a few seconds. Then she said decisively, "I\'m going to the north, but my brothers and sisters are going to the desire league with you."

"Sister..." smell speech, Qiqi some flustered pulled the corner of Jiufu\'s clothes and looked at her helplessly.

"Be obedient, you won\'t be in danger if you stay in the desire alliance." nine master touched Qi Qi\'s head and said softly.

In her eyes, the desire alliance will not hurt their organization, otherwise they will not be alive now.

Qiqiqi bit her lips and looked like she was about to cry.

"Well, although there\'s some trouble." drunk all night, he looked back and saw Xiuqi bite the apple with a smile and chew the apple with a good tooth.

He paused and suddenly remembered the problems he had forgotten before.

He hasn\'t filled up the candy he has saved!

As soon as the idea came out, the whole person felt a little confused. He turned his head and leaned obscene. He smashed his mouth with a guilty heart.

"Boss." his head turned quickly. He looked at Mo Wen and said seriously, "I think it\'s too dangerous for you to go to the South alone this time."

Mo Wen looked up at him.

"You want to." seeing Mo Wen read it, drunk night organized a language in his heart and smiled, "you and your sister-in-law are the goal of night stop. Although it\'s not clear why he didn\'t hurt you this time, it\'s hard to guarantee that there will be no next time. You should bring a talent to protect you."

"Who can protect me?" Mo Wen couldn\'t help laughing, but he obviously looked at Yu Lan with some worry.

If Yu Lan meets the night stop, it is really dangerous, but it is the most unacceptable thing for him to put her out of his sight.

"Otherwise, let Xiuqi go to the South with you. I\'m from the defense department. I\'ll keep the alliance." Zui Wuyi patted his chest. Breast, a reliable appearance of righteousness lingran.

Xiuqi, who was chewing an apple, twisted his eyebrows and looked drunk all night. He didn\'t understand when he still thought so about ink.

Drunk without night, he opened his big white teeth to Xiuqi, and the smile was called a sunny day.

"You just want to take me away?" Xiuqi asked with a frown, but he was happy to protect Mo Wen.

"If you don\'t, I\'m doing it for you." Zui Wuyi said seriously, "don\'t think I don\'t know you want to go with the boss. If others don\'t know you, I don\'t know you. Anyway, you don\'t need to go back to the desire alliance now. Just follow the boss."

"Right." just then, the ark suddenly said, "if xiuhuang you go back, sugar... Er."

Before the ark finished, he was stared by drunk night. He quickly swallowed the words that had not yet been exported, looking like a chat up.

I almost killed myself

"Sugar?" Xiuqi keenly heard his most sensitive words.

"What kind of sugar." drunk night hummed and said frankly, "I can\'t keep the drunk emperor, and I can\'t make an alliance."

Looking at this posture of drunken night, Xiuqi\'s eyebrows frowned tightly together, and there was obviously some doubt in his heart.

There are not many people who love sugar and dessert in Yumeng. Shouldn\'t anyone touch his dessert?

I don\'t know that my dessert has been eaten by Mo Xiaohuan. Xiuqi has some doubts, but he doesn\'t have the trouble of being drunk all night.

Seeing Xiuqi no longer asked, he vomited and sat calmly on the chair.

"Then Xiuqi, just follow me." I think it\'s a good choice for Xiuqi to follow himself. Mo Wen nodded without affectation and agreed to the proposal of being drunk all night.

Xiuqi nodded and ate the apple in his hand in two bites.

"Drunk without night." when I saw drunk without night sitting in the chair, I began to smile. The corners of Mo Wen\'s lips stirred up slightly, as if after smiling, "you go back and find someone to send Mo Xiaohuan to us. The news from night to others should only be the position of our desire alliance. It\'s not safe to leave Mo Xiaohuan in the desire alliance."

"Shall I deliver it in person?" drunk Wuye discussed, "boss, it\'s boring to stay in the desire League and deal with official business all the time."

"Maybe you want Xiuqi to go back with you?" Mo Wen smiled softly, and the voice was gentle.

Drunk night trembled and stopped talking.

"You pay attention to the situation in the South and come to support us when the time comes," continued Mo Wen.

"Then what\'s the time? How can I fix it if I don\'t grasp the time?" drunk night immediately asked, looking at the ink.

"If Lanlan gets hurt... You know, LV Shi only listens to me." Mo Wen chuckles.

LV Shi is the Minister of the supply department. All food supplies are in his hands. If you want dessert to fill the missing vacancy, you must also get LV Shi\'s consent.