Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 549

Drunk without night was slightly stunned at first. After seeing the repair carried by the ark, his look changed a little. His expression didn\'t change much, but Zui Linxue next to him clearly found that his smile was much lighter.

"Elder brother?" keenly aware of the emotional change of drunk all night, drunk Linxue stretched out his hand and pulled down drunk all night\'s sleeve.

Drunk night blinked his eyes, seemed to be back to his senses, smiled at drunk Linxue, and then strode towards the ark.

His eyes fell on Xiuqi\'s pale face. He was drunk all night. The smile on his mouth remained the same, but his eyebrows were slightly frozen.

"A sudden guy did it." the sweat on the Ark\'s face covered his eyes and didn\'t speak smoothly.

He had been running at full speed all the way. If he hadn\'t been a power, he would have died suddenly

"The night stopped working." then the Mo Wen suddenly said, throwing the Sheng song in his hand in front of the drunk night, "saved her, too."

"What is this little girl?" drunk all night without looking at Sheng Ge, he directly covered his wound with his hand and healed his wound.

Xiuqi\'s back was so bloody that he could hardly see the original shape. He obviously hurt his lungs. At this time, except for the weak beating of his heart, there was basically no sign of being alive.

"Why did the guy suddenly jump out?" the slender white fingers gently stroked the neat wound, drunk night focused on healing the wound, and asked the ink on the side of the body.

"He saved Xu Jielin." Mo Wen said faintly.

Yu Lan jumped down from the back of Mo Wen and held Sheng song in his arms.

"Xu Jielin? Boss, you haven\'t disposed of him yet." smelling that he was drunk all night, he smiled twice. There was no sign of tension on his face. A relaxed smile asked, "how did Xiuqi hurt like this?"

"Yezhi just attacked." ink\'s dark eyes were covered with a layer of cold chill. He looked at the injured Xiuqi and whispered, "in addition, I doubt Yezhi is not the clown of Baishi base."

Under the healing power of drunkenness without night, the wound on Xiuqi\'s body soon disappeared, and even the scar could not be seen.

Looking at Xiuqi\'s pale face, his drunken eyes flashed slightly.

"Why?" he got up and patted his palm. He noticed Yu Lan\'s singing in his arms and went forward to heal her.

"Yezhi didn\'t mean to do anything for the white envoy base from beginning to end. According to his strength, he shouldn\'t just save a Xu Jielin." his eyes stopped in front of LAN for a moment, and Mo Wen\'s words continued after two seconds, "Also, before the night ended, it was clear that he wanted to kill blue, but this time he had no plan to fight us."

Sheng Ge was soon cured by Zui Wuye. Zui Wuye stood up with his wrist active. Zui Linxue on one side understood him and immediately came forward and gave him a compressed biscuit.

"It\'s strange." he looked at Mo Wen while chewing compressed biscuits and drunk all night. "Is he in the mood of watching the play?"

Drunken thinking is always different from ordinary people, and the angle of thinking about problems is always strange. "He saved Xu Jielin just to keep the fight between you from stopping. This is the plan to go to the theatre."

"It\'s possible." without denying the conjecture of being drunk without night, Mo Wen nodded, "the night stop mentioned the key several times. Mo Xiaohuan will have a lot of people coming to the League next."

"Come for alliance?" forced drunk Linxue to sit next to him, drunk without night, and asked with his head on his side.

"Before leaving, the night stopped and said to tell the people who coveted Mo Xiaohuan the position of the alliance." Yu Lan lay on the back of Mo Wen and looked at his eyes. His expression was stiff, but there was a light flash in the bottom of his eyes, a soft drunken snow.

"Then our defense department is busy next?" I was drunk and happy at night. At the same time, I looked at his eyes and knew he was going to wake up.

Mo Wen nodded and raised his eyes to see Xiuqi standing up, moving his ten fingers.

"Yo, Xiuqi, you\'re still alive." drunk night greeted Xiuqi with a smile, "this time I\'m your life-saving benefactor. Thank me quickly."

Xiuqi looked white and drunk. His gloomy face became a little guilty when he saw the ink.

"Boss." he walked forward in frustration, "I\'m sorry I didn\'t finish what you gave me."

"Don\'t care." Mo Wen waved his hand carelessly and nodded after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Xiuqi. "Next, there may be a large number of enemies in the desire alliance. You have to watch it for me."

"I see." see Mo Wen still yearn to explain the task as usual. Xiuqi\'s eyes brightened, and the gloomy color on his face faded.

Looking at the way Mo Wen and Xiuqi get along, zuiye and Yu Lan feel a little novel.

"Boss." Zui Wuye asked directly, "what was your relationship with Xiuqi before? I think Xiuqi listened to you too much?"

"The boss is the one who gave me a new life." Xiuqi replied, looking at the drunk night. At the same time, he gently thanked him, "thank you this time."

"Sincerity! Sincerity!" he crumpled a handsome face, patted the ground vigorously when drunk all night, "take out the attitude of thanks!"

"Attitude?" Xiuqi\'s look gradually became gloomy, looking at the face drunk all night.

"Three kneeling and nine kowtowing, three worshipping the high hall and so on..." drunk all night, he talked nonsense. The next second, he got his wish and was hit with a fist.

However, he responded in time, raised his hand and caught the neat fist, fortunately avoiding the risk of disfigurement.

One hand protected the drunk Linxue on the side of the body. Drunk all night, he picked his eyebrow and said, "we\'re a little partner. Don\'t start if you don\'t agree."

"If you want to talk less, you may live longer." after seeing the unarmed drunk Linxue, Xiuqi took back his fist and sat beside him.

"Don\'t worry, the disaster will last for thousands of years. People like me won\'t die early." drunk night smiled, "and my ability after level 3... Is really the same as we speculated before."

"Let the zombie become human?" Xiuqi raised his eyes and subconsciously looked at Yu Lan.

Yu Lan also blinked and looked at the drunk night with Mo Wen\'s face.

"There\'s no way like my sister-in-law." I\'m drunk and calm. "I can only recover a human who has just become a zombie. I don\'t know how long it will take, but it won\'t exceed one day at most."

In other words, Yu Lan, who has become a zombie and has been in the form of a zombie for some time, has no chance to become a human again.