Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 525

"I always like good children," he said with a low smile. Suddenly, he dragged the box to the door on his side and said with a kind smile, "but I like the little cute people who can be good from beginning to end."

Then he attached to the square\'s ear again, and his sweet voice sounded low, "listen, let your little partners put down their weapons, okay?"

The square widened his eyes and didn\'t want to give in. Under the threat of drunk night, the square clenched his teeth and wanted to use his power to escape from drunk night\'s men.

Unfortunately, drunk all night would not give him this opportunity. He directly raised his foot and kicked off the leg of the box, then picked up the gun and fired two shots at his left and right shoulders.

"I told you clearly that I like good children." looking at the square\'s painful open mouth, drunk all night is quite wronged, "but why don\'t you listen to me? I hate disobedient guys."

Then he looked at the remaining members of the white envoy base again with a smile and said gently, "look, he\'s like this, but I still won\'t kill him, because he just listened to me. What about you? What\'s your choice?"

Drunk night was not sincere when he said this, but it\'s a pity that now he can only make the people of Bai base tremble.

Seeing that they still delayed to put down their guns, their eyes were slightly cold, and even the corners of their eyes seemed to be stained with cold color.

Under such eyes, all the people in the base only felt that every pore of their body seemed to be frozen, and there was no reaction. Their minds were blank, their ears roared, and they didn\'t even know when they lost their guns.

"Really good." seeing that I was drunk all night, I couldn\'t help praising them. Then I looked at the ark outside, "ark, how do you want to die?"

Before the ark treated him so casually, he still had a little impression, and he was a little unhappy.

"Not yet!" the ark lay on the railing, covered his wounds that hadn\'t grown well, and said with a smile, "I want to live a few more years. Then I\'ll think about how to die and tell the drunk emperor No."

"Well, I can think about it." I spread my hand and smiled.

Seeing that he had no intention of killing himself, the ark raised his hand and motioned the people of the alliance to rush to their camp and subdue all of them.

"But drunk emperor, your life is really big." the ark jumped down from the railing, regardless of whether his wound exuded blood or not, he smiled calmly, "it\'s like that and you can still live."

"Almost died." he threw the dying box in his arms to Anze. Drunk all night, he raised his hand and punched the abdomen of Fang Zhou\'s hand before moving his wrist. "Unexpectedly, he just advanced to level three, but he saved my life."

"This is the legendary scourge for thousands of years?" Fang Zhou hugged his abdomen and couldn\'t stand up, but a gloomy voice sounded behind him. "Drunk all night, good new hairstyle."

"Yo, Xiuqi." as soon as he saw Xiuqi drunk all night, he immediately burst into a big smile. He opened his hand and gave Xiuqi a big hug. He missed him very much. "Haven\'t seen you for a long time. I miss you so much."

Xiuqi shook. He only felt that goose bumps grew from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Shaking can fall to the ground.

"Get away from me!" kicked away the drunk night, and Xiuqi\'s face was very black.

"Tut, I\'m sorry, just say it. Why are you so cold." glanced at the ark, and tut with a smile when drunk all night. Then he put his eyes on the ink behind Xiuqi, "boss, you\'ve come too."

Mo Wen nodded, looked at the people gathered around him, frowned slightly and said, "there are too many people around. Let\'s find a quiet place first."

At this time, Yu Lan put on a gray cloak, which covered her petite body.

She rolled her eyes and looked around with her head tilted.

Sheng Ge always stood behind Xiuqi and dragged his clothes. First, he was a small follower.

"OK." touching the newly grown meat on his arm, the drunk light swept over Sheng GE\'s body, leaning his head to Xiuqi and said happily, "Xiuqi, I haven\'t seen you for a long time. I\'ve changed my nature."

In the past, Xiuqi would never let children get so close to him.

"It can\'t compare with your taste of becoming vulgar in an instant." Xiuqi sneered, took out his dagger and said to his smooth face, "your hairstyle is coquettish enough."

From the neat dagger, drunk all night, I clearly saw that there was no hair on his left head face, and the hair on his right head was strangely stuck together under the solidification of blood, and dirty on his right forehead.

"..." I always feel handsome and cheerful. I feel a little hurt when I am drunk all night.

He silently looked away, looked around and came to a spectator. He grabbed the hat from his head and put it on his head.

"Hey!" the man stretched out his hand and wanted to get it back, but he was stared by a drunk night, and he didn\'t even dare to move.

"Do you think the theatre is free?" drunk night sneered. "I tell you, if you want money, you\'ll give me this hat!"

As he spoke, he also proudly helped his hat brim, and a big smile appeared on his bloody face.

"... brother Wuye?" just then a familiar male voice came out of the crowd. Drunk Wuye looked back and saw Ling Yuan looking at him in surprise. It seemed impossible to imagine that this bloody man was the sunny and handsome drunk Wuye he saw in the handover city.

"Ah, Lingyuan." zuiwuye greeted him with a smile. The smile was sincere and beautiful, and there was no false meaning at all.

Ling Yuan is an ordinary man and one of the guards of the handover city. He knew him when he was drunk all night before.

Looking at the familiar smiling face of drunk night, Ling Yuan came forward and said, "what\'s the matter with you? How did you get hurt like this?"

Looking at the body covered with blood, Ling Yuan thought he was badly hurt, but when he looked carefully, he found that he couldn\'t even see any scars on his body. How white and tender the skin was.

"I\'m not hurt." drunk night smiled, "it\'s all other people\'s blood."

Then he turned his head and asked with a smile under Lingyuan\'s puzzled eyes, "I haven\'t asked you yet. How\'s your sister Qingyuan?"