Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 526

"She\'s fine. I put her in a safe place in advance." under the gentle eyes of drunk night, Ling Yuan finally found his previous feeling. He nodded, scratched his head and smiled, "she misses you very much."

"Well, I\'ll go and see her if I have a chance." the sun smiled at me when I was drunk.

Ling Yuan nodded and noticed Xiuqi\'s cold eyes when he wanted to say something else.

He knows Xiuqi. He should be a drunk partner.

Shanshan smiled at Xiuqi and saw his dark eyes narrowed. Ling Yuan felt cold behind his back and couldn\'t move like a mouse stared at by a poisonous snake.

But Xiuqi quickly looked away and went to Mo Wen\'s body to say something.

"Then I\'ll go first." seeing Mo Wen, they were ready to leave. They were too drunk to continue to pretend to be a big brother next door in front of Ling Yuan. After waving their hands and saying a word casually, they followed Mo Wen.

Ling Yuan stood in the middle of the crowd, scratched his head and simply left the crowd.

"Boss, why are you here?" the advanced level 3 drunk sleepless only felt that he was refreshing and had wind on his legs when he walked.

"I heard you couldn\'t find the box, so we\'ll help you." Mo Wen said gently, with a warm smile on his pale face.

Drunk and stunned, he turned his head and said in doubt, "square? The bastard I\'m looking for these days is the square of the white envoy base?"

"So you don\'t know." the smile on Mo Wen\'s face was more gentle. "I\'m drunk all night. It\'s only a long time since I saw you. It seems that you\'ve become a lot more stupid."

"OK, good." drunk night Hei hei smiled, with a thick skin comparable to the city wall.

"Maybe you can be a little more stupid." looking at the drunk face, Mo Wen smiled at him, which was called a gentle smile.

Listening to the words that Mo Wen said in an extremely gentle voice that made him tremble, drunk all night, he quickly tilted the corners of his eyes, motioned him to ask for a favor for himself.

Xiuqi smiled coldly. Don\'t go over your head and signal that there\'s nothing you can do.

"Hey, you don\'t stand up for justice!" seeing that you are drunk all night, you can\'t help coming forward and embracing Xiuqi\'s shoulder, "why don\'t you say a word for me?"

Drunk without night, this person is different from ordinary people. Others want to hide things. He spoke calmly.

Mo Wen looked drunk without night and smiled.

Drunk without night, he showed a big smile at Mo Wen.

Some novel looked at the way they get along with Mo Wen and drunk night. Yu Lan blinked and thought that Mo Wen was still cute at this time.

Hugging Mo Wen\'s arm, Yu Lan only felt that her ah Wen looked tight no matter what he looked like.

I feel that Yu Lan likes to rub with him since she became a zombie. Mo Wen is very fond of the change of LAN. He raises his hand and holds her in his arms. Regardless of whether there is anyone around, he gently pinches her face.

Seeing Mo Wen\'s attention on Yu Lan, he continued to say to Xiuqi, "we haven\'t seen each other for several months this time? I think it\'s almost half a year."

"There seems to be." speaking of this, Xiuqi looked a little better, at least not as gloomy as before. "I went to destroy the selling point in the Fourth District of the north this time. Except for some accidents, Shengge saved me."

"Sheng Ge?" I raised my eyebrows when I was drunk.

Pointed to the Sheng song that had been walking next to him, Xiuqi said faintly, "she is the Sheng song."

"Good brother Wuye." Sheng Ge called sweetly.

"Hello, little guy." stretched out his head, Xi habitually raised his smile, and immediately took back his eyes and looked at Xiuqi, "she\'s a child, isn\'t she? You still keep her around?"

"What\'s wrong?" Xiuqi twisted his eyebrows and looked at the drunk night.

"Of course not, it\'s strange!" drunk night said with exaggerated expression, "when did you let children close to you?"

"She is an exception." Xiuqi obviously didn\'t want to explain anything more.

"Exception..." looking at Xiuqi\'s expressionless face, he hummed quietly when he was drunk, and his smile returned. He said Acacia to Xiuqi.

Unfortunately, Xiuqi gave him two white eyes.

Sheng Ge walked beside, watching the interaction between drunk night and Xiuqi, and sighed gently in his heart.

In the last life, there was a good relationship between drunken sleepless and Xiuqi, but I don\'t know what happened to him after Xiuqi died.

She and Xiuqi were killed by crazy ink together. At that time, the world was already a hell on earth. Whether China, m or any other surviving country was in chaos.

At that time, the world was the real end of the world.

Raised his eyes and looked at the Mo Wen walking in front of him. Seeing that his eyes looking at Yu Lan did not look like a fake tenderness, Sheng Ge gently lowered his eyelids.

Today\'s Mo Wen and the previous life are completely in two states. If she hadn\'t seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn\'t believe that Mo Wen could show such a gentle smile.

Now it seems that everything is unexpectedly good. Maybe it won\'t repeat the tragedy of the last life.

They soon found a place with few people. The ark took them into a room, pulled a bench and sat down.

"What are we going to do with this guy?" he asked, pointing to the square in Anze\'s hand. "Are we going to deal with it directly or take it back?"

"Just try it directly." seeing square staring at him angrily, Mo Wen touched his chin and whispered slowly, "it will be very troublesome to take it back."

So far, he hasn\'t shown his face at the end of the night. If he robs the box on the road, things will be very troublesome.

"OK." felt that Mo Wen\'s idea just met his heart, Fang zhouxie smiled and directly agreed.

Looking at the bad smile of the ark, the square can know what he will experience next without thinking. He tried to struggle, but he could only raise his sore neck slightly, and could not lift any waves at all.

At the moment, he lost too much blood and didn\'t replenish food in time. He couldn\'t use his power to escape.

Anze easily held his bloody shoulders, stared at the wound on his body and showed a favorite smile.

"You!" biting the tip of your tongue to make your consciousness not blurred, the square roared fiercely at the ink, "I tell you, you can\'t ask anything from me, so don\'t waste your energy!"

Mo Wen just shrugged his shoulders and silently raised his hand to signal the ark to take people down quickly, which frightened his blue.

Yu Lan just looked at the box curiously with his eyes open at this time, which had nothing to do with being scared.