Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 524

"How long can it last now?" the square asked in a deep voice, leaning against the wall to avoid the dense bullets.

"An hour at most," whispered the guard.

Smelling the speech, the square couldn\'t help looking at the ark standing outside. After biting his teeth, he whispered, "now we can only fight."

Then he estimated his distance from the ark, suddenly turned over from the window and jumped out. When everyone didn\'t respond, he used his power to flash and directly blinked behind the ark.

"Don\'t move!" he growled.

Seeing that the ark was hijacked, the people of the alliance looked at each other one by one. For a moment, they swept over with weapons without hesitation.

Before the square could react, he was hit by several bullets, and the ark in front of him also gave a stuffy hum.

Looking at these people who don\'t care about the life and death of the ark, he only feels cold in his heart.

"Didn\'t I tell you before?" he smiled grimly with a pale face. The ark avoided the attack of several people and smashed his elbow on the chest of the square. Just as he was about to use the killing move with a dagger, the square dodged and disappeared in front of him.

"This method is of no use to us." he looked at the wall where the square avoided. The foot of the ark was soft. He took a half step back and sat under the guardrail next to the roof. "You bastards really shot me!"

"We deliberately avoided your key." Anze came to help the ark deal with the wound and looked at the blood stains on his hands. There was even a faint color of love between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Ark, are you all right?" Yang Tianzong rushed to the side of the ark and asked under the cover of the railing.

"Fortunately, I am a power, and this injury will be cured soon." the ark coughed and said with a pale smile, "if only there were a drunk emperor at this time."

Hearing the speech, Yang Tianzong\'s look was dark. In his eyes, the drunken emperor was actually a very powerful person. Unexpectedly, he was folded here.

Thinking so, he raised his eyes and looked at the dead body drunk all night, but his eyes condensed together in an instant.

"Where\'s the drunk emperor\'s... Body?" he asked in some shock, "was it there just now?"

Maybe Yang Tianzong\'s vibrato was very strange at this time. The ark couldn\'t help but get up and look at the direction of the drunk dead body, but he didn\'t see anything.

"Is it under the pressure?" he scratched his head and was surprised. "The drunk emperor\'s head just exploded in half. It can\'t be alive, even if it\'s a healing power."

"But the corpse did disappear. That\'s right." Anze\'s eyes were full of interest. He opened his eyes and swept the corpses back and forth on the ground, definitely nodding, "no, the drunken emperor\'s corpse is gone."

"I guess who took it away." the ark took back his eyes and leaned against the guardrail according to the wound on his abdomen. "No matter where his body went, let\'s get rid of these guys first."

Anze nodded and pulled Yang Tianzong, who was still in a daze, to continue to join the war and put pressure on them.

But soon they found that their attack slowed down obviously. When they got to the back, they simply stopped. Only the black muzzle of the gun was still against the wall, indicating that there were still people guarding here and there.

"What\'s the situation?" looked at Anze, who touched his chin. Yang Tianzong asked a little tangled. He wiped the sweat dripping from his chin and coughed twice with saliva.

"I don\'t know." Anze shook his head. He looked at the ark still sitting in a daze in front of the guardrail and said quietly, "watch the change."

So the people on the other side of the square stopped, and the people who wanted to join the League all put away their guns, like they would never do it if they didn\'t shoot.

At this time, the box didn\'t want to shoot, but the whole person was strangled.

He grabbed his arm around his neck and rubbed the ground under his feet. People could even see his struggling toes on his vamp.

The men of the square are not so cold-blooded as those who want to alliance. When they see that the square is kidnapped, they stare at each other, and they dare not move at all.

But at this time, what they were afraid of was not the arm under the square neck, but the drunken night standing behind him.

At this time, the drunk night had no half of his head, and his body was also covered with large and small gun muzzle. Some wounds were splashing blood and water with his strength.

"How can you still be alive?" he looked at the man in horror, and even suspected that he had become a zombie.

"Oh, it\'s terrible." at this time, there was only half a mouth left in the drunken night. He spoke hard with his leaky tongue, and his voice was broken and almost inaudible.

One of his eyes turned, and one side of his head quickly began to return to its original state. Almost in the blink of an eye, his head returned to its original state. The biggest difference from the previous one is that he didn\'t even have half a hair on the exploded left side of his head.

"Tell you a good news." holding the gun taken from the diamond\'s hand, drunk all night, pointing to the diamond\'s head and smiling brightly, "thanks to you, I seem to have been promoted to level 3."

Level 3 healing powers have never appeared in this end of the world. At least in the news that everyone can get, drunk all night is the only level 3 healing power.

The crowd looked at the man who could survive even if his head was exploded. The guns in his hands almost fell to the ground.

"Good luck, isn\'t it?" he smiled and strangled the square\'s neck, like holding a huge plush toy. "I almost died. If I don\'t lie to you, it\'s really almost."

"... let me go!" the square obviously didn\'t like to be treated like a doll. He struggled hard and didn\'t even know that his shoes had been kicked off by him.

"Ah, good." Zui Wuyi smashed his head with the muzzle of a gun and said with a smile, "don\'t move, ha, I don\'t guarantee that you can survive like me after exploding your head."

Feel Sen Leng\'s muzzle pointing at his temple, the box\'s throat rolled uncontrollably twice, and even breathing became laborious.

"Really good." you really don\'t struggle when you see the square. When you are drunk all night, you can\'t help smiling, "let you stay still."

Then he moved his legs, which had recovered as before, stretched out his tongue and touched the square\'s ear very gently.

The square shuddered. He felt that his legs were soft and couldn\'t move. All the nerves in his body focused on the place where his ears were touched by the drunk night.