Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 508

He was also a little tired at the moment. He kept killing people all day. Although he enjoyed it, his strength was still much weaker than before.

Wenning was speechless and glared at the drunk night.

At this time, there was a burst of dense gunfire not far away. Drunken night and wensuining looked slightly changed and immediately hid in the broken building next to them.

The surrounding dust was filled with bullets, and even the buildings they used as shields were crumbling, making a faint but harsh sound of breaking.

"Drunk emperor, I swear I\'ll break you into pieces when this thing is over!" Wen cuining clenched his teeth, took out his pistol and shot the man around drunk night.

"Wow, save me while saying such resolute words. Wencuining, are you in love with me?" he looked back, smiled drunk and cheap, and then threw a dagger to pierce wencuining\'s side to attack his power.

"Paid off." shaking the blood stain on the dagger, he stepped back half a step drunk and smiled happily.

Wensuining pursed her lips and looked at the drunken night passing by. After taking a deep breath, she began to continue to solve the invaders from the white base.

At this time, the square that had been watching the war suddenly leaned over. His speed was faster than ordinary people, and he flashed behind the drunk night almost in an instant.

Drunk without night, I was stunned. The next second I turned around and dodged, a hole was made in my chest by the dark muzzle of the gun.

His eyes slackened a little and he knelt down directly to the ground.

So fast! Witnessing this scene, Wen Suining only felt a tight heart, and the next second the square flashed in front of him again.

No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to complete the movement in an instant. Wen Ning\'s eyes suddenly react. At this time, he is clearly jumping in space.

He once heard that someone in the white envoy base is a space movement ability. Unexpectedly, he really met him?

Looking at the man with blue eyes and blond hair, Wenning raised his hand to block his first attack.

"Wen cuining." the square called Wen cuining\'s name word by word, "the most valued figure of the Lord of Qincheng. I\'ve heard a lot about his name."

Wenning pulled the corners of his mouth, and there was no response.

"But I haven\'t heard of this one." he smiled at the drunk night who looked dead on the ground. "His strength is very strong. Can you tell me who he is?"

Wenning continued to draw corners of his mouth, but he still didn\'t make a sound.

He stared at the dead drunk night on the ground and despised it in his heart.

"Don\'t you speak? It\'s a pity." the square leaned forward and directly pierced Wen Suining\'s left shoulder with a gun.

Wenning\'s face turned white and couldn\'t help yelling, "drunk emperor, you continue to pretend to be dead. I TM will really die."

As soon as the voice fell, the box felt cold behind him. He subconsciously dodged, but he still found that his left arm hurt. He looked down and saw that his arm was pierced by a sharp dagger.

"Don\'t shout, I want to die with you, okay?" drunk night glanced at wencuining and coldly took back his dagger.

"You\'re not dead?!" the square was stunned. He subconsciously stepped back and kept a safe distance from drunk night

"No." Zui Wuyi turned the dagger and stared at the wound on the left arm of the square. "It\'s a pity that I missed."

"Who the hell are you?" the square whispered, covering his wound. He stared at his drunken chest. Before, I found that the original wound had completely disappeared, and I couldn\'t see any scars on the exposed skin except a little blood stains.

"Didn\'t you listen to Wen cuining just now?" he raised his chin and pointed to Wen cuining. "I\'m the drunk emperor."

Drunk emperor? The thinking of the square was dull for two seconds before he said, "the drunk emperor of the alliance?"

"Awesome." drunk, no night booth, "your reaction speed is not too strong."

"Why did the people who wanted to join the alliance?!" the square shouted inconceivably, "do you say... Do you know our plan in advance?"

"Yes." Zui Wuyi flicked the dust on his sleeve, looked up at the strange plants enveloping them not far away, and suddenly showed a smile of sunshine on his face, "Nah, Wenning, what did I just say to you? Look, our people have come."

In the direction of the invasion of Baishi base, yizhi suddenly shrinks. From the perspective of drunk night, many people can be seen running out of Yizhi.

The people who were having a fierce gun battle with the guard of the handover city stopped their attack. They were surprised to see those people who suddenly appeared. They didn\'t know whether they were enemies or friends for a moment.

"Damn it!" up to now, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that the territory of their handover city has been occupied. He clenched his teeth and turned back to flash them regardless of being drunk all night.

However, being drunk all night would not let him go so easily.

"I\'m very vindictive." the dagger in his hand pierced the square\'s shoulder at some time. The square\'s arm was numb and lost his gun powerlessly.

Wenning immediately came forward with the gun in his hand and aimed at the square. The whole person\'s eyes were cold.

"The firing speed of this gun is so fast that you should have modified it with the power of a power?" Zui Wuyi ran forward, picked up the box\'s weapon, turned his hand around and fired a shot directly at the box\'s leg.

The bullet speed of the gun, even the vision of the power user, can\'t see the residual shadow. Almost at the moment of pulling the trigger, the leg of the square has opened a huge hole.

Zuiwuye\'s bullet hit the patella at the knee of the square directly. As soon as his leg was soft, he immediately fell to the ground because of unstable center of gravity.

At the moment when he fell to the ground, he only felt that the thoughts in his mind became clearer than ever before.

Some people from the lust League infiltrated their white envoy base, but they took precautions against the north and south, but forgot this rebellious and notorious lust League.

Yes, they are also the power of China. Why have they ignored them?

"You know, I actually hate your white envoy base." I squatted down and patted the square\'s high nose, sat down cross legged drunk all night and said, "we didn\'t invade the river. Why do you say you use our name of desire alliance to develop forces in the north? It\'s ridiculous to return the God of desire alliance."

"Do you know?" the square stared at him incredulously.

For the sake of confidentiality, before they invaded the handover City, the existence of the false desire alliance should only involve some of the lowest civilians in the north, except the high-level people in the north. Why would the desire alliance know?