Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 509

"When did your forces penetrate into the north?" the square looked at the drunken night in front of him, and his dark blue eyes suddenly became sharp.

In the eyes of their white envoy, the desire alliance has always been an organization formed by a group of madmen. There is no order or rules. When is there a special place to collect intelligence?

"Do you look down on us too much?" zuiwuye sat on the stone next to him and reached out to help wencuining heal the wound on his shoulder.

Square smiled, "you never participate in the interest struggle between us. It\'s inevitable that you don\'t have a sense of existence, isn\'t it?"

"Yes," said Zui Wuyi with a brilliant smile and a chin. "So you\'re losing miserably now, aren\'t you?"

Just want to give a face to the drunk, the face of the night, the heart of the box, the unhappy, the face is a sneer, "miserable is not bad, you has the final say."

As soon as the voice fell, his body immediately disappeared in front of the drunk night, and there was not even a trace left.

Drunk without night, he stood up and looked around.

The surrounding dust is all over the air, blurring people\'s sight, and the smell of squares is hidden in the smell of gunsmoke and blood around, so that people can\'t even find a target.

"Should we get rid of him?" I looked back at Xiang Wenning, who was playing with guns, and asked with a frown.

"Maybe, anyway, even if that guy runs away, it\'s you who want to alliance." wencuining smiled unkindly, hid his chin behind a cement board and sighed, "but now in this situation, it may take some time to rebuild the handover city."

"So sure our people can save you?" drunk night got up and walked to the next place, looking for the shadow of the box everywhere.

"If you don\'t save us, the contract will be cancelled." Wenning snorted and looked at the dust and blood stains on his hands. "But you\'re really slow enough."

"It\'s not my fault." he walked a few steps away, drunk all night, and jumped out of wensuining\'s sight. He wanted to find the box and said nothing could leave future trouble.

"Running pretty fast." he took back his eyes, and Wenning felt that his arms and legs were sore. He took a long breath and sat down against the cement board amid the sound of gunfire and power impact.

All this is finally over.

He closed his eyes and only relied on his ears to recognize the wind and grass around him, and his breathing gradually became slow.

"Are you okay?" a familiar voice sounded in front of him. Wen cuining opened his eyes and saw Qin Feng standing in front of him, looking at the place where the powers fought behind him.

"Not dead." he tilted Qin Feng angrily, and Wen cuining said angrily, "you know it. I thought you knew to hide in the dark and watch a good play."

"I\'ve asked my little cute people to help you. What else do you want?" Qin Feng said displeased and raised his hand to pull Wen Xining up.

"OK." don\'t bother to talk to Qin Feng about this. Wen Suining looked at Qin Feng\'s eyes and asked in some doubt, "why did you suddenly come out?"

"I\'m looking for angel, but he doesn\'t seem to be here." looking at those people who want to join the alliance, Qin Feng said in disappointment, "he\'s drunk all night. He won\'t lie to me, will he?"

"He\'s over there. Go find him yourself." Wenning pointed to the direction he left just now.

Hearing the speech, Qin Feng immediately turned and ran towards the direction of being drunk all night. He looked sick, but he ran very fast.

Wen Suining sighed helplessly, raised his eyes and happened to see several remnant parties of the white base chasing after Qin Feng.

"It\'s all like this. Don\'t give up." Wen Ning twisted his eyebrows and immediately chased Qin Feng.

From before the end of the world to now, he seems to have been cleaning up the mess for Qin Feng.

The number of people who want to join the alliance here is not large. They are scattered among the crowd of Baishi base and break their defense from scattered to the whole.

When it comes to management and construction, people who want to alliance are certainly not good at it. Their best thing is to kill.

Their only purpose here is to kill all the people who make the base resist.

Therefore, although there are more people in Baishi base, compared with those who want to alliance, they are like fish on the chopping board.

The ark took people with different plants and invaded the center of Baishi base smoothly.

"The temperature here is much more comfortable." raised his hand to wipe the blood splashed on the tip of his nose, and the ark smiled.

Different plants block most of the sun. The ark, which has been in the hot sun before, just feels that the whole person is not comfortable at the moment.

The dagger in his hand turned back and forth. While harvesting the white emissary, he also gradually moved himself to the interior of the handover city.

"Drunk emperor?" I saw the drunken night standing high on the concrete floor. The ark was surprised for a second and ran directly to ask, "what are you doing here?"

"Looking for someone." drunk Wuyi looked down at the ark and looked behind him for two eyes before he asked, "where\'s Xiuqi? Didn\'t he come?"

"Xiuhuang is arranged by the boss in the white envoy base." the ark explained low, "drunk emperor, don\'t worry. Xiuhuang is all right."

"Well, that\'s good." although I\'m sorry I didn\'t see Xiuqi, I still stand up and say, "can you help me find something?"

"What are you looking for?" the ark looked around and saw all the ruins.

"An injured man, blue eyes and yellow hair, looks like a thief." drunk night whispered. After that, he directly ignored the dull expression on the Ark\'s face and turned to continue to look for the figure of the square.

"It\'s quite deep." I felt the position of the square just now, but I couldn\'t find it in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the drunk night running away, the ark reluctantly scratched its head, looked around and decided to continue to solve the people in the white envoy base.

Gong Gaoge, who was holding a gun, raised his head and looked at the ark. He took a breath and continued to aim the muzzle of the gun at the people of the white envoy base. "Yang Tianzong, don\'t look for it. The ark is there."

Yang Tianzong, who was still looking for the ark, looked up and immediately picked up his gun and ran towards the ark.

Anze was protecting the back of the Ark at the moment. When he saw someone coming, he instinctively turned over his weapon and waved it. The sharp blade of the dagger was close to Yang Tianzong\'s face and almost scratched a blood mark.

"Be careful." he stopped the dagger in time. Anze then turned sideways and continued to attack the people in the white envoy base.

Unexpectedly, Anze usually looks very gentle, but his ruthless means of killing people is not inferior to the ark.