Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 507

Looking up at Yu Lan\'s slightly bright eyes, Mo Wen seemed to sigh and said softly, "there\'s no danger."

"Then I want to have a look, OK?" Yu Lan opened his eyes and could see a smile from inside.

Touched Yu Lan\'s smooth face, Mo Wen\'s hand gently slid down her slender neck, but finally held her hand.

"OK," he whispered.

Then he took Yu Lan to the slightly bright iron door.

Sheng Ge immediately ran to Xiuqi after Mo Wen and Yu Lan left. Ignoring Xiuqi\'s gloomy look, he looked at his blood stained appearance and asked anxiously, "brother Xiuqi, are you not hurt?"

"No." Xiuqi\'s face looked a little cold against the blood color of his whole body. The bottom of his eyes flashed, reflecting his small face.

"Really?" Sheng Ge looked unconvinced and reached for Xiuqi\'s hand and touched it.

She knew that the coldness on the surface was habitually made. In fact, his mood might not be as bad as it looked.

Some resisted other people\'s touch, Xiuqi screwed up his eyebrows, stared at Shengge\'s white and tender hands, endured and didn\'t take them back.

"That\'s great." she tilted her head slightly, and Sheng Ge showed a happy smile.

After seeing Mo Wen and Yu Lan, Sheng Ge and Xiuqi, Zhou Yu stood here and felt particularly redundant. He looked around and the discomfort in the Ninja\'s stomach went to the xenograft controller.

The cruelty of desire alliance is really not groundless.

At this time, Yu Lan stood in front of countless instruments and looked at the human beings filled with tubes in the instruments. He frowned with discomfort.

There was no human figure in several instruments, but there were opaque water droplets in the pipe, which splashed a few small water droplets on the ground and mixed with some splashing blood beads.

Next to them were several bodies. The wounds they were going to harm were still very new and looked like they had just died.

"Are they attacking you?" Yu Lan asked with his side eyes.

"Well," murvin nodded and walked up to a power who seemed to be sleeping. "Except those who attacked me, no one else seemed to wake up."

"This is really strange." drooping eyes looked at the man with tubes and transparent and dull skin. Yu Lan turned his head to the door and said, "Zhou Yu, do you know where this is?"

Zhou Yu, who was walking towards the alien plant controller, stepped back and walked in the direction of Yu Lan for two steps before turning his eyebrow and said, "I haven\'t been there. I heard it\'s a place to extract powers."

"Extract power?"

"To make the alien plant controller, you have to extract the powers from the powers." Zhou Yu turned and walked towards Yu Lan. After seeing the powers lying in the instrument in the room, he said, "they... Should be the powers to be extracted."

"Aren\'t they dead? Why can these powers still attack people?" Xiuqi also looked sideways. "The boss was attacked by them before."

"I don\'t know that. Normally, they should be unconscious." Zhou Yu walked into Yu Lan\'s room and slightly stretched his eyebrows. "There should be researchers here. They know a little more."

The smell of blood in this room is relatively bland than that in the hall. He is much more comfortable here than just now.

"Researcher?" Mo Wen\'s dark eyes looked at the room, turned and went out, pointing to a pile of corpses stacked in the corner of the wall, "those?"

Looking in the direction of Mo Wen, Zhou Yu saw several figures in white coats at a glance. At present, he said with silent eyes, "it should be them."

"They are dead." Mo Wen took back his eyes and turned to Xiuqi, "let the blank come over."

"I see." Xiuqi nodded and turned to contact Yumeng immediately.

When Mo Wen arranged these things, Yu Lan still stood in front of the two powers and reached out to touch the tip of their nose.

Without breathing, the body is cold.

Turning his head to the electronic screen next to him, Yu Lan stared at the still fluctuating ECG on it, raised his hand and touched the chest of the power man. Sure enough, he felt a weak jump.

"Still alive without breathing?" the curiosity in her heart became more and more serious, but Yu Lan didn\'t study these things after all. She took back her hand and planned to find Mo Wen.

At this moment, the breathless power suddenly opened his eyes. He pulled down the pipe tied at his temple without expression and waved it towards Yu Lan with the sharpest place above.

Because the attack of the power was too sudden, Yu Lan subconsciously raised his hand to protect his face.

Not feeling the expected attack, Yu Lan opened his hand and saw that the power to attack her was directly stirred into meat foam.

"Maybe I should kill all these people." Mo Wen came in slowly and looked around at the powers around him coldly.

"Well, wait until the blank comes." looking at the power who has no shape, Yu Lan thought about it and then lowered his eyes.

The power man\'s eyes were dull when he attacked her just now. He looked like an unconscious puppet doll.

"Blue blue, have you hurt?" Mo Wen took Yu Lan\'s wrist and looked at her uninjured hand, which was relieved.

"It\'s all right." Yu Lan stretched his waist and covered Mo Wen\'s hand. "Ah Wen, we can control Yi Zhi first. We can solve the things here earlier. We can go back earlier."

Yu Lan\'s word "go back" was very pleasant to hear in Mo Wen\'s ears. He nodded, turned his eyes to Xiuqi and said, "don\'t go to the handover city for the time being. Stay here and watch these powers."

"I see." Xiuqi nodded.

"Can I follow brother Xiuqi?" seeing that Xiuqi agreed, Sheng Ge immediately came forward and asked.

Xiuqi glanced obliquely at the speech, but didn\'t say anything.

"It\'s up to you." Mo Wen said carelessly.


"I didn\'t say whether the people you want to alliance are coming or not?" he and zuiye shuttled through the crowd, and whispered to zuiye in a warm and hoarse voice.

He was covered with sticky blood and looked embarrassed. The surface of the drunken night looks a little better. Except that there are some blood stains on the cuffs and the hair on the forehead is soaked with sweat, there are basically not many embarrassing places.

"They should still be on their way." after feeling the bitterness of Wen Suining, he couldn\'t help laughing all night before he said.