Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 506

"No matter what, you can\'t leave me!" he growled. "Even if I\'m wrong!"

Seeing that he could make a mistake for the first time, Yu Lan turned his eyes silently.

"I won\'t let you leave me." Yu Lan\'s behavior obviously stepped on the bottom line of ink. He held Yu Lan tightly, and the whole person began to tremble uncontrollably.

Mo Wen was afraid that Yu Lan would leave him.

Madmen like Mo Wen are the most selfish. They often don\'t consider other people\'s feelings, take themselves as the center, and have the most insecure sense at the same time.

For them, even their own lives are likely to leave them one day without scruples, so they are capricious and ignore the law. Law, always only obey your own washing and mind.

Know that they will lose more and more things, and they will cherish fewer and fewer things, so what they care about is often the only thing.

For example, Yu Lan is the only one in ink.

"When did I say I would leave you?" I felt that Mo Wen\'s mood had begun to darken. Yu Lan tried to turn around and looked up at him seriously. "Ah Wen, can\'t I just lose my temper like a little girl?"

"No!" Mo Wen touched her forehead, and his Adam\'s apple rolled and made a low voice, as if the fierce beast trapped in hell roared in despair, "if you are angry with me, you will leave me. I won\'t allow this to happen!"

"You\'re talking nonsense." Yu Lan held down Mo Wen\'s mouth and said, "ah Wen, look into my eyes."

She looked directly at the ink and had a pleasant voice. "I\'m Yu Lan. I\'ve never wanted to leave you."

"Really?" Mo Wen seemed to calm down. He bowed his head and pursed his lips in disbelief. "But you were still angry with me just now and planned to leave me."

"I\'m angry. That\'s right, but I didn\'t want to leave you from beginning to end." some people rubbed their forehead with a headache. Yu Lan felt that the ink in front of her was as difficult as a bear child at this time. She didn\'t make trouble at the moment and said frankly, "I\'m angry that you don\'t cherish your body."

"Your injury may be unavoidable, but I hope you can pay attention to your injury after you are injured." he held Mo Wen\'s left hand and Yu Lan whispered, "for me, ah Wen, every part of you is very important. I really feel bad to see you treat your own wound so casually."

"Arvin, do you know?" Yu Lan raised his eyes, his wet eyes full of grievances. "The most important thing in his heart is the feeling of being ignored."

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan would say so. Mo Wen\'s pupil gradually returned to the focus. He leaned down and hugged Yu Lan tightly, slightly opened his mouth but couldn\'t speak.

It turned out that in Lanlan\'s heart, he was as important as her.

Raised his hand and stroked Mo Wen\'s back. Yu Lan closed his eyes and sighed helplessly.

"I\'m sorry," murvin finally said, "it worries you."

Yu Lan\'s eyes brightened. She grinned silently and gently smoothed Shun Mo Wen\'s hair, "there\'s no next time."

"Well." Mervyn was so clever at the moment, "there\'s no next time."

Zhou Yu and Sheng Ge, who had been standing behind, felt that the low pressure around them had dissipated. They looked at each other helplessly and felt that they had eaten a mouthful of dog food.

"You hurry up." he raised his hand and took Mo Wen\'s hand. Yu Lan stood in front of them and waved happily.

Sheng Ge and Zhou Yu quickly caught up with them.

God knows that the anger from Mo Wen almost made them unable to stand. Fortunately, his anger came and went quickly.

Looking up at Mo Wen and Yu Lan who have been reconciled as before, Sheng Ge spits out his tongue. He feels that their quarrel is like flirting, abusing the dog all the time.

When he got to the front hall, Mo Wen closed his eyes chagrinedly, covered Yu Lan\'s eyes and held her in his arms.

"Don\'t look," he whispered.

The strong smell of blood made Yu Lan feel uncomfortable at this time. She nodded and cleverly closed her eyes.

But Sheng Ge and Zhou Yu ignored the ink. They walked into the hall and saw the bodies on the ground without psychological preparation.

The blood on the ground is still spreading, and the parts with less blood stains on the edge have begun to solidify, with less bright colors.

Zhou Yu saw such a disgusting scene for the first time. He couldn\'t help retching and attracted ink\'s unhappy gaze.

"Be quiet," murmured Mo Wen.

Zhou Yu nodded quickly, suppressed the discomfort in her stomach and closed her eyes.

Sheng Ge was calm at this time. After all, she had seen more bloody in the previous life.

Mo Wen took them to a small door next to the hall and easily pushed the door in.

At first glance, you can see a huge controller with various ripples on the huge screen, which seems to have a special meaning.

"This is the different plant controller?" Shengge couldn\'t help exclaiming, "it\'s much bigger than expected."

"The ability to control the alien plant depends entirely on the brain. We can\'t control the brain, so we can only use the machine to simulate the function of the brain." I feel that the smell of blood around increases instead of decreasing. Zhou Yu covers her mouth and suppresses her voice, "so the machine of the alien plant controller is relatively larger, but it\'s not difficult to operate."

"Boss." Xiuqi was squatting in front of the alien plant controller at this time. As soon as he saw Mo Wen coming in, he immediately jumped down and asked, "is the wound on your hand better?"

"It\'s all right." he shook his intact hand in front of Xiuqi, and Mo Wen took away the hand in front of blue\'s eyes.

Yu Lan opened his eyes, and the gray pupil gradually appeared.

She looked at the alien plant controller in front of her and touched her chin before she focused on Xiuqi.

"Xiuqi, can you tell me how Arvin got hurt here?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan would suddenly ask himself questions. Xiuqi was stunned and then looked at Mo Wen.

"According to the truth," Mo Wen said faintly.

"OK." Xiuqi nodded and looked at Yu Landao again. "The boss wasn\'t hurt here."

Then he pointed to another iron gate not far away. "It was the power there that hurt him."

"There?" Yu Lan raised his feet to walk in the direction of Xiuqi. As soon as he took a step, his hand was pulled by ink.

"Don\'t go." Mo Wen lowered his eyes.

Looking at Mo Wen\'s uneasy appearance, Yu Lan asked in a low voice, "is it very dangerous in there?"