Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 253

"But brother Wuye is not here." ye Wuchen murmured, looked at the empty door, pursed his lips, and his hand clutching the corner of his clothes was also loose.

As soon as Mo Wen left, Zhang Xin sat back on the sofa, rubbed his forehead and looked at ye Wuchen, "what should we do now?"

"I\'ll go to the trading area to find brother Wuye." ye Wuchen\'s side eyes said. He picked up a cotton padded jacket from the room and ran out.

Looking at ye Wuchen\'s back, Zhang Xin raised her eyebrows and smiled.

I didn\'t know that Mo Wen changed his plan without authorization. After arriving at the trading area drunk all night, he sat on the upper floor of a seven story apartment and stared leisurely at the flow of people below.

Squatting aside, Qu Yaoyao exposed Yu Ling\'s head from the sack and poked curiously.

Yu Ling\'s eyes were half open and still had no expression.

Seeing this, Qu Yaoyao only felt bored for a while. She looked back at the drunken side face, leaned on her chin and asked, "drunken emperor, what are you thinking?"

"I\'m thinking..." drunk night looked at the setting sun, bent his eyes and smiled, "how many people can this man-made power\'s self explosion kill in this downtown area?"

"What does it matter to us whether these people live or die?" Qu Yaoyao frowned and stared at the crowd in the lower room. "Wait, do we want to throw her into the street?"

"Of course! Otherwise we come all the way here for what." drunk night patted his thigh and smiled brightly.

"Didn\'t you say you were trying to avoid the people who were looking for this man-made power?" Qu Yaoyao said, "my sister is right. You are full of lies."

"Oh, oh, that\'s what Miaomiao said about me? I\'m innocent." zuiye looked at Qu Yaoyao wrongly, and his voice sounded very good at this time. "I didn\'t tell a lie. Avoiding the searcher is also one of the reasons why I came here."

"Well, what are you going to do?" he glanced, and Qu Yaoyao sat directly on the ground.

"I\'ll throw her in the middle of the crowd like garbage when people don\'t pay attention. She\'s unconscious and can\'t struggle now. She\'s wrapped in a sack. No one will notice that it\'s wrong." Zui Wuyi smiled.

"What if someone opened the sack?" he glanced at the crowd below his eyes and twisted his eyebrows.

"No one will open it." he gently shook his head and looked at Yu Ling with his eyes drunk. "How long do you have to explode?"

"Four hours." Yu Ling said.

"Can you advance your self explosion time?" drunk night touched his chin. At the beginning, blank told him that the man-made powers trusted everything in the outside world without the consciousness chip.

"Yes." Yu Ling nodded without any action.

Not noticing Yu Ling\'s action, he leaned against the rusty guardrail and yawned. "It\'s not urgent now. Anyway, the boss said he didn\'t act until dark. We\'ll let this guy explode later."

"Why not make a quick decision?" Qu Yaoyao asked somewhat uninteresting.

"Because that would be boring." he got up and walked to Yu Ling, squatted down drunk all night, looked directly into her eyes and said with a smile, "Yu Ling, you\'re dying."

Yu Ling didn\'t make a sound.

"How do you feel?" asked drunk night.

"Very... Happy," Yu Ling said faintly.


Yu Ling\'s answer was a little interesting. Even Qu Yao glanced at it.

"Why are you happy?" she asked curiously.

"Because I will be free." Yu Ling turned his head slightly, just able to bring the bustling crowd into his eyes.

"Is death equal to freedom? You have a good understanding." Wen Yan smiled as if he had found a bosom friend, and said with appreciation, "I think so, so the people I killed should thank me, shouldn\'t they? I saved them and gave them freedom."

Inexplicably, he felt that the freedom understood by Zui Wuye was not the same as the freedom said by Yu Ling. Qu Yaoyao ignored the drunken Wuye who was in the wind and continued to ask Yu Ling, "weren\'t you free before?"

"No." Yu Ling said a word concisely, and there was no following.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, he smiled at Qu Yaoyao and said, "if you have any questions, please ask them quickly."

"I was wondering what else was wrong."

When Qu Yaoyao frowned and wanted to ask something, he suddenly got up drunk and narrowed his eyes and whispered, "why is he here?"

"Who?" Qu Yaoyao looked down at Mo Wen\'s eyes and saw ye Wuchen holding a gun.

"This can\'t be the boss changing the plan without authorization?" drunk night scratched his head and suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart. He asked Qu Yaoyao to be optimistic about Yu Ling, while he ran quickly towards ye Wuchen.

When Qu Yaoyao came up again, he noticed that his face was black and his smile was a little stiff. Ye Wuchen followed him, looking a little nervous.

"What\'s the matter?" Qu Yao couldn\'t help asking.

"Sure enough, the boss changed his plan again." Zui Wuyi turned his eyes, turned his head and stared at Yu Ling fiercely, "now adjust your self explosion time to five minutes."


Yu Ling closed his eyes. The cold voice was like mechanical metal without emotion.

"Why is it so urgent?" Qu Yaoyao slipped Yu Ling back into the sack again and tied a beautiful bow with a rope at the top.

"The boss asked for a quick decision. Now he has gone to the passage of zone 1 and zone 2, and I have to follow him right away." carrying Yu Ling, he ran down when he was drunk and had no time to say more. After squeezing into the crowd, he pretended to be careless and threw the sack on the ground.

"How big is the self explosion range of man-made powers?" ye Wuchen asked uneasily, lying on the roof looking at the crowd. "How many people will die here if she self explodes."

"You think a lot of things." Qu Yaoyao waved his hand carelessly, "but they are just strangers. Their life and death are none of our business."

"But..." ye Wuchen drooped his head. "If someone dies, it must be our responsibility. After all, we brought man-made powers."

"There are more people dying every day. Do you have to take care of everyone?" ye Wuchen\'s voice rang behind him. When he looked back, he found that drunk Wuye, who didn\'t know when to run back, was looking at him jokingly behind him.

"I don\'t mean that..." ye Wuchen felt powerless to explain.

Ignoring ye Wuchen\'s tangled face, he stared at the crowd drunk all night and said to ye Wuchen and Qu Yaoyao, "I have something to tell you."