Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 252

"I see." Zui Wuyi nodded, casually found a sack and stuffed Yu Ling in, whether he landed first or not.

Even if Yu Ling was treated like this, his face did not change, like a lifeless doll.

Looking at the rude action of drunk night, Zhang Xin just pulled the corners of his mouth and didn\'t even tremble his eyelids.

But ye Wuchen couldn\'t bear it. Don\'t open your eyes and lean against the corner to wipe his sniper gun.

"Drunk emperor, what are you going to do with this man-made power?" Qu Yaoyao pasted it on Zhang Xin\'s shoulder and asked Zui Wuyi curiously.

"Now there must be people looking for this guy outside." zuiwuye carried the sack and said with his side eyes, "so I\'m going to throw her into the trading area. There are many people there, so it\'s not easy to catch me."

"Ah... That\'s right." Zui Wuyi, who had reached the door, suddenly looked back at Qu Yaoyao and asked, "Yao Yao, you are an invisible power. Do you want to go with me?"

"OK!" Qu Yaoyao seemed very interested in this kind of thing. She promised loudly with full vitality. She turned back and patted Zhang Xin\'s face and said with a smile, "Zhang Xin, you should wait for me at home."

"I\'m not a child." reluctantly opened Qu Yaoyao\'s hand, and Zhang Xin cried and laughed.

"But if I\'m not with you, what will you do if you meet a bad guy and hang up? Where will I go to find a guy like you?" Qu Yaoyao frowned and his bright eyes narrowed slightly. "You don\'t... Want to run away when I\'m away?"

"Of course not." inexplicably felt like he was stared at by a poisonous snake. Zhang Xin sighed, "you go, I\'ll wait for you to come back."

"Really obedient." Qu Yaoyao was satisfied. He waved his hand and went out with drunk night.

Weakly leaning against the sofa on his side, Zhang Xin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It\'s like being drunk all night." he murmured mockingly. "They all want others to be obedient."

"Brother Wuye just doesn\'t like others to disobey his meaning." ye Wuchen, standing in a corner of the room, apologized for drunkenness. In fact, he knew what kind of person drunk all night was, but he also knew that if he hadn\'t been drunk all night, he and his brother might have died long ago.

Hearing the speech, Zhang Xin couldn\'t help laughing sarcastically. His side eyes tilted to ye Wuchen, "are you... The same as them?"


In an instant, ye Wuchen thought of the scene when drunk night abused the man of the false desire alliance.

"I\'m a bystander." ye Wuchen raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Xin, "so it\'s a companion, not a peer."

"Well," said Zhang Xin with a smile again, "if you go to the drunken emperor and let you kill, will you do it? You know what he always likes is clever people."

Drunk all night, let him kill? Ye Wuchen was silent. He wanted to league for so long, but he never killed anyone.

Just after Zhang Xin thought ye Wuchen wouldn\'t answer, ye Wuchen suddenly raised his head and said, "now, I will."

"What about the future?" Zhang Xin asked, holding his chin.

Without immediately answering Zhang Xin\'s question, ye Wuchen looked out of the window and said, "before I have enough ability, I will listen to brother Wuye."

Ye Wuchen\'s answer was beyond Zhang Xin\'s expectation. He looked at ye Wuchen\'s stature less than his chest and jokingly sighed, "you child is really..."

Zhang Xin didn\'t say the following words. No one knows whether he doesn\'t want to say it or can\'t find words to describe it at all.

The two of them were silent face to face, as if they completely regarded each other as nonexistent.

As soon as Mo Wen returned to the room, he found Yu Lan sitting in a daze in front of the bed with empty eyes.

Hearing the sound of Mo Wen closing the door, Yu Lan immediately turned his head and looked over, grinning with a big smile.

"Ouch!" welcome back!

She threw her hand into Mo Wen\'s arms and rubbed his chin intimately.

"Are you awake?" he grabbed Yu Lan\'s shoulder, and Mo Wen gently kissed her ear.

Sensitively, Yu Lanser shrunk, Mo Wen\'s eyes slightly coagulated, pretended that he hadn\'t found anything, gently attached to his blue ear and said, "how do you feel now?"

"Oh, Ow!" I\'m fine.

Yu Lan roared briskly, lying on the neck of Mo Wen and hiding all his expressions.

"Do you want to sleep a little longer?" asked Mo Wen, patting her on the back.

Feeling the warmth coming from Mo Wen, Yu Lan rubbed reluctantly. After a while, he sat up with his body and said:

"Ow!" yes!

She bent her eyes and opened her mouth to Mo Wen. Her milky eyes were full of him.

Looking at Yu Lan\'s lovely appearance, Mo Wen couldn\'t help raising the corner of his mouth, revealing the smile on his left face and said, "if you want to sleep, I\'ll be here with you. Just lie down at ease."

Then he reached out and pulled up a corner of the quilt and gently put Yu Lan flat on the bed.


Lies in the blue forehead fell a kiss. After watching her close her eyes, Mo Wen got up and silently said goodbye. The dark eyes are full of pain and sadness.

His trembling fingertips touched Yu Lan\'s neck and took off her coat very gently.

The festering scar on his shoulder burned Mo Wen\'s eyes. He finally clenched his teeth uncontrollably. Even if he bit blood, he didn\'t reduce half his strength.

When Yu Lan was sleeping, he checked again and again to make sure there were no scars on her. But after waking up for a while, did Yu Lan\'s shoulders begin to fester?

"Don\'t wake up for a while."

The heart seemed to be pinched, cramped, buzzing in the ears, and even Yu\'s blue face could not be seen clearly in the blurred vision.

Mo Wen held Yu Lan\'s face in despair. He silently touched her forehead, and his eyes were swallowed up like endless darkness.

"It\'s too late." he suddenly stood up, gently covered Yu Lan with a quilt, turned and ran out.

"Drunk all night!" he pushed the door of the drunk all night room and said in a cold voice.

"... boss?" ye Wuchen stood up in surprise. He looked at the iron green ink in surprise and held the corner of his clothes uneasily. "What can I do for you?"

Zhang Xin\'s face turned white. He stood up and looked at Mo Wen. He only felt that the temperature in the room had dropped several degrees at the moment Mo Wen came in.

"I\'ll start immediately after Jingjing gets the car." he glanced coldly at ye Wuchen. The habitual smile on Mo Wen\'s face as a disguise has been completely broken, and his voice is a little hoarse, but full of killing intention. "Go and tell Zui Wuye that I\'ll go to the pass in zone one or two now."

"Now? But..." ye Wuchen was stunned. As soon as he was about to speak, the ink had disappeared in his vision, like a ghost.