Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 254

"What\'s the matter?" sitting on the snow pile that hasn\'t melted behind him, Qu Yaoyao breathed at the back of his white hand, and then moved his fingers twice.

Ye Wuchen also raised his eyes to drunk night and held the sniper gun in his arms.

"After Yu Ling explodes, I\'ll go to the boss immediately." watching the flow of people, I\'m drunk all night and said slowly, "Yao Yao, you stay and smash the remaining body of Yu Ling before you leave."

"Why care about her when they are dead?" Qu Yao didn\'t understand.

"Artificial powers are a mysterious thing. Sometimes only a part of their body is needed to extract all the memory data of her life." he gently picked up the corner of his mouth and smiled all night. "We can\'t take this risk."

"It\'s really mysterious, I know." Qu Yaoyao nodded happily, his hands crossed under his chin, looking full of vitality. "Don\'t worry, drunk emperor, I promise to smash all the remnants of the man-made power and don\'t leave them to others."

"Well, I\'m always at ease with you and Miaomiao." looking at Qu Yaoyao, I smiled in the sunshine all night.

Hearing this, Qu Yaoyao just shrugged his shoulders and looked noncommittal.

"As for you, you have to stay and help Qu Yaoyao." looking at ye Wuchen and drunk at night, he lightly ordered, "when Ling explodes, many guards will gather. You will cover Qu Yaoyao at that time."

Ye Wuchen was stunned when he heard the speech. "This... What should I do?"

"It\'s very simple. As long as a guard interferes with Qu Yaoyao, you can solve it directly." the drunken night stand spread out and smiled carelessly, "don\'t you have a gun? Just use it."

Is that what he means to kill? Ye Wuchen tightened his heart and couldn\'t help holding the gun tightly.

Just then, a scream came from the crowd, and several guards dressed in the north were hurrying to the crowd.

"Everybody get out of here now!" one of the guards fired several shots into the sky and shouted with a thick neck. The loud voice almost overshadowed the noise among the crowd.

None of the civilians dared to provoke the guards in the north. Although they didn\'t know what had happened, they still rushed to the periphery. They didn\'t even notice that several people fell under their feet.

"Found?" Qu Yaoyao was surprised. She turned her head and looked at the drunk night. She found that he was calm on his face.

"These guards are much faster than expected." casually glanced, drunk night raised his hand and pressed ye Wuchen\'s head, which depressed him.

"When the man-made powers are about to destroy themselves, they will automatically send messages to the outside world." Zui Wuyi gently explained to Qu Yaoyao, "it should be that the North received the message... But did they come too fast?"

In this fashion, Yu Ling\'s sack suddenly emitted a dazzling white light, followed by a huge explosion mixed with the rolling heat wave.

Although the guards had tried their best to disperse the crowd just now, the explosion came too fast, and many civilians were affected by the fire.

Many people fell to the ground motionless, with jumping lights on their bodies. The noisy trading area immediately became dead.

"These guards came in time." drunk night rubbed his chin, and his eyebrows almost twisted together.

He squinted at the burning fire and always felt something was wrong.

"When the fire is lower, I\'ll deal with the body of this man-made power." Qu Yaoyao immediately prepared to be invisible. He suddenly stood up and stared at the burning fire with surprise, "no!"

As soon as the sound fell, he dodged and jumped downstairs, chasing after a remote alley.

Qu Yaoyao naturally chased up, leaving only ye Wuchen squatting in place. He didn\'t react to what had happened.

"Drunk emperor?"

When Qu Yaoyao got into the alley, he found that Zui Wuyi was standing not far away with a cold face.

"What\'s the matter?" she wondered.

"I just saw a figure running out of the fire." drunk night said, "I suspect there is a problem with the information of the man-made power blank gave me. Yu Ling should not be dead."

"This..." it\'s all blown up like that, and it\'s not dead yet?! Qu Yao pasted it on the wall and looked sideways at the burning fire. He was speechless.

Soon she took a deep breath and hid herself as close as possible to the burning place.

Drunk without night, he stared at the disappeared footprints on the ground and said nothing for a long time.

"That\'s what your freedom means," he murmured, sounding a little self deprecating.

A few minutes later, Qu Yaoyao ran back. His hair was scorched and he didn\'t know it.

"I really don\'t see it. I\'ll look for it when the fire is smaller." she frowned and looked tangled. "Drunk emperor, what if I can\'t find it?"

"It doesn\'t matter." Zui Wuye smiled, but there was no real smile at the bottom of his eyes. "Just wait until I tell the boss. You and ye Wuchen go back first."

After that, he turned and ran in the direction of the passage of district one and two, as if he really didn\'t care about such things.

Qu Yaoyao stood where he was and looked back at the guards who were shouting for fire fighting after he was drunk and completely disappeared from his vision.

There was no expression on her face and she didn\'t know what she was thinking.

"It\'s annoying that all the rare and funny things have been destroyed."


At this time, the passage in zone 1 and zone 2 is rare and deserted. There are few passers-by except the garrison guards.

"It\'s already cold, but I feel even colder when there are fewer people." a guard standing in front of the guardrail hugged his arm and complained, "I really want to go back and sleep in a warm quilt!"

"Come on, Sike," said the guard standing beside him. "I still want a hot meal. I\'ll recognize it even if I make cookies in hot water."

"You think too much. When have we had a sip of hot water since we were stationed here." Sike smiled. Yu Guang suddenly noticed a tall and thin figure walking slowly in this direction. He cleared his throat and immediately raised his eyes and said loudly, "Hey, hey, stop that guy. Today, Zone 2 is under martial law, and the passage in zone 1 and 2 is not open!"

The figure that was moving was ink. He seemed to hear the guard\'s voice, but he didn\'t seem to hear it. He just turned his head slightly and didn\'t mean to stop at all.

Lightly glanced at the outposts on both sides, and he soon focused on the guard standing in the middle of the road.

There are seven powers on each side, six in the middle, between the ninth and twelfth levels.

"I told you not to come again!" seeing that Mo Wen didn\'t mean to stop at all, Sike raised his gun at him and shouted, "if you come again, you\'ll be responsible for the consequences!"