You're Fired!

Chapter 42.2 This line was really a bit too shameful…

Probably because he was immune to his own cooking, Ji Lin didn’t eat much from the table full of dishes, and quickly put down his chopsticks, while Bai Duanduan continued to feast alone.

However, halfway through the meal, her mobile phone rang. Bai Duanduan didn’t want to put down the chicken leg in her hand so she fumbled to answer it, but unfortunately, her greasy paws were too hard to get at the phone. Bai Duanduan refused to let go of eating , let alone wash her hand so she could only turn to Ji Lin and say, “Ji Lin, Ji Lin, please press the answer button for me.” She winked and said promptly, “I’ll help to repair your and Ji Mimi’s relationship!”


Ji Lin pursed his lips and finally pressed the answer button for Bai Duanduan with an unpleasant face.

As it turned out, it wasn’t over yet. Bai Duanduan scowled at him and said, “You put it by my ear for me!”


He was the partner at a prominent law firm, earning 8000 RMB per hour, and was also Bai Duanduan’s boss. How could he lose his power to do this assistant-like job? Holding the phone for her and putting it by her ear for her to talk? What a joke!


Bai Duanduan stretched out her dirty hand and said pitifully, “Please!”



Half a minute later, when Ji Lin came to his senses, he was already holding the phone in his hand and putting it next to Bai Duanduan’s ear. He secretly realised that Bai Duanduan didn’t even cry this time and he himself didn’t show any resistance at all. ;

At that moment, the regret in his heart reached its peak, yet he was in a dilemma, putting the phone down was not an option, and continuing to hold it didn’t feel right.

Fortunately, the caller was Dai Qin, after hearing that the other party wanted to discuss the case, Bai Duanduan hurriedly let Ji Lin click the loudspeaker option for her, finally solving the problem that was bothering Ji Lin at that moment and freeing his hands.

“Lawyer Bai? Are you convenient to take calls now? Sorry to disturb you so late ……”

Bai Duanduan resumed her eating and hmmm’d twice, indicating for Dai Qin to continue.

“It’s like this, my child’s situation has become more stable in the past two days, and although the company is quite annoyed with me, I thought I’d better go to work as long as my health allows me to, but as a result, after just one day, today itself the HR department informed me of my transfer just now in the evening.”

“A transfer? Transfer you to an easier position?”

Could it be that Li Wanjun had listened to what she had said earlier?

Unfortunately, reality was never a fairy tale.

“No, she asked Qinqin to transfer to their subsidiary in the east of the city. The workload of the position would not be easier than it is now plus the travelling time to the subsidiary in the east of the city from where Qinqin lives takes 2 and a half hours to commute back and forth. The east side of the city is a factory area, the subway service is not available so only the bus route is left and she would have to change buses three times to finally reach the factory. Qinqin can’t drive, and the only way to get to work is to take this bus, but in the morning and evening rush hour, the bus is full of workers going for work and it is packed like a sardine can. Considering Qinqin’s current situation, it is not suitable to take this bus ah.”

The person who spoke was Xue Wen, who appeared to be by Dai Qin’s side and was also on call.

On the phone Dai Qin was also in a bit of a bind, “But if I take a taxi to and from work, then I can’t even cover the transport costs with a month’s salary, so it’s better not to go to work.”

Bai Duanduan put down her chicken leg, “So what’s the reason for the transfer? That your performance appraisal is not good and you can’t do your current job? But I’ve seen your performance and it’s perfectly fine, if that’s the reason, it doesn’t hold water at all, just reject it.”

“The reason for the transfer is an arrangement resulting from a change in the company’s operations, saying that the subsidiary is now undertaking a lot of business as it is expanding its footprint so there is an urgent need of staff. They want me to accept the company’s business plan and get reassigned there duly. I checked the employment contract I signed before and found that it does contain the words that the company can reasonably adjust the positions of its employees according to its business strategy and arrangements, as long as it ensures that the treatment is not reduced.”

Bai Duanduan originally had a large mouthful of seafood fried rice in her mouth, and now she was trying to swallow while replying, “Then you sign ……”, but before she could finish her sentence, she choked, “Cough cough cough ……”

“Did you sign any of the transfer instructions and notices sent to you by the company?”

To Bai Duanduan’s surprise, although Ji Lin looked at her with a frown of disgust, he took over the conversation.

Because she was so angry with Guifeng Communication’s tumultuous manipulations, Bai Duanduan was still coughing under the emotion, choking so badly that she was about to cough up the fried rice as well.

When she first heard Ji Lin’s voice on the phone, Xue Wen froze before replying, “No, I told Qinqin that she shouldn’t sign these, and I also told her to take pictures and keep them. When the HR department called her to inform her of the transfer, the call is recorded as well.” When Xue Wen finished, she said worriedly, “Duanduan, are you okay? I’m sorry to bother you and lawyer Ji, are you still working overtime together at the law firm this late?”

In fact, as neighbours and colleagues, it’s not a big deal to be at Ji Lin’s house, however, Bai Duanduan subconsciously ghosted and just lied, “Ah, yes, we…… cough cough cough working overtime together at the office, cough cough……”

As a result, just as she finished speaking, the voice that rang out was that of Ji Lin yelling through his gritted teeth, “Bai Duanduan! Don’t cough on the floor of my house!”


Damn it, Ji Lin, could you stop breaking the pretense? Bai Duanduan coughed even harder in anger.

Luckily, because of the business at hand, although Xue Wen was a little surprised, she did not pursue the matter further in the end.

On the other end of the phone, Dai Qin was very uneasy, “Although I didn’t sign anything, the contract stipulates that the company can transfer me, so what should I do?”

Ji Lin pursed his lips, “Even if there is a provision in the employment contract that allows for a transfer, it can only be operated under reasonable circumstances. Firstly, there is no situation where you are incapable to perform at your current position; secondly, there is no shortage of staff at all in Guifeng’s subsidiary, and three days ago I read the news of massive layoff at their subsidiary so there is no possibility of an urgent need for marketing staff to expand the business.”

“It’s very good that you’ve recorded the conversation, as their recorded statements about your transfer are the exact opposite of the truth and prove that it is a malicious transfer in an attempt to force you to leave on your own. You can ignore the transfer notice and continue to work at your current position. Even if they go to labor arbitration, they can’t win.” While speaking, Ji Lin poured a glass of water and handed it to Bai Duanduan, “Have some water.”

Somehow Bai Duanduan was still coughing, so Ji Lin simply put down the water and stretched his hand to gently smooth Bai Duanduan’s back, before he coldly warned her, “You’d better not cough in my house, the housekeeping is on off tomorrow and won’t come here to clean. I’ll dock your wages if you dirty my floor.”

Ji Lin’s expression was full of disgust and his tone was as cold as ice, yet the hand that was slowly patting Bai Duanduan’s back was moving very carefully. If Bai Duanduan had looked up at this time, she would have seen that the man’s cold face was actually a little red.

But anyway, no matter how cold or how warning Ji Lin was, Bai Duanduan didn’t seem to feel too scared. His warning was better than threatening her that he will no longer cook for her in the future.

After that, Dai Qin asked a few more detailed questions, and Ji Lin answered them all in detail.

At the other end of the line, Dai Qin and Xue Wen expressed their gratitude to Ji Lin and Bai Duanduan before hanging up.

Bai Duanduan also finally breathed a sigh of relief. She took a sip of water and couldn’t help but lament, “Although the case is over, the struggle in life goes on. Even if Dai Qin won the negotiations so that Guifeng Communication cannot fire and must guarantee Dai Qin’s job during pregnancy, it is always the company that naturally has the advantage between the employee and the company. As long as employees work for me and eat my food for a day and have to look at me, then is it not easy for me to make their life difficult? Hey, enterprises, they are all capitalists, none of them are good, bosses are all exploiters.”

As a result, Ji Lin scoffed at this viewpoint, “If doing business is a charitable activity, who would open a company? The purpose of opening a company is to make a profit, profit-seeking is the origin of business activities, I pay for you to work, of course I hope to bring out all your potential and put every cent of the salary I pay you into practice.”

Ji Lin pursed his lips, “It’s just a pity that I’m not the one hired by Guifeng Communications, otherwise I’d have a hundred ways to get Dai Qin to leave of her own accord, and Guifeng Communications could get rid of her without any legal risk.”

“And you.” Ji Lin glanced at Bai Duanduan, “You are quite daring, cursing your boss on his face?”


Oh, yeah! She was used to calling Ji Lin by his full name and has forgotten! Wasn’t Ji Lin a bourgeois too! He’s a boss too! He’s a father too!

However Ji Lin didn’t want to pursue the matter, so he changed the subject, “But is this case really over? Didn’t Guifeng Communications hire ZhaoHui? Lin Hui did not show up? Just let a triad come over to play a few fancy kicks and get punched by a pro like you and then give up?”

As an opponent, it was good that Lin Hui did not show up for this kind of case, because Lin Hui’s methods were definitely not less than Ji Lin’s. If Ji Lin had a hundred ways to make Dai Qin leave on her own, then Lin Hui would have at least eighty ways. It would definitely not be as easy for Bai Duanduan to solve as it was against Du Xinyi, and she might not even win.

It was just that although Ji Lin’s tone was very plain, yet somehow Bai Duanduan felt that he was somewhat dissatisfied with the fact that Lin Hui did not appear in this case. Thinking of Ji Lin’s uncharacteristic deadly desire to join this case, and remembering what Zhang Junda had said before about Ji Lin seemingly targeting ZhaoHui, a light flashed in Bai Duanduan’s mind —

“You took this case because of Lin Hui?”