You're Fired!

Chapter 43.1 “You look like my neighbor’s roast chicken, exactly like sh!t.”

Unfortunately, she doesn’t know why, just hearing the name of Lin Hui, Ji Lin’s face sank completely, and the air pressure around him became very low all of a sudden. Ji Lin was silent for a moment before he abruptly changed the topic, “How are things on my mother’s side lately?”

“I don’t have anything to do this weekend, so I’m going over to Auntie Meng’s to look after her and urge her to exercise more!”

Bai Duanduan chatted with Ji Lin for a few more minutes, and only when she saw that it was getting late did she go back to her house.

Bai Duanduan thought that Dai Qin’s case had come to an end, but to her surprise, it was only her own wishful thinking. When she woke up the next day, the public opinion on Weibo exploded.

“Wow, my God, such a bitchy woman has found an even bitchier female lawyer!”

“How can a company not fire such an obviously shameless and fraudulent employee? Is there any justice? The law? Oh what a joke, let the law protect these rotten people.”

“That’s why I hate lawyers, their work feels like a perversion of black and white.”

“Knock on the blackboard 1 Is a way of saying important point to note , you should never look for a female lawyer when you’re looking for a girlfriend.”

“This lawyer, Bai Duanduan, will also be nailed to the pillar of shame, why do I think she is even more shameful than that Dai Qin? Dai Qin’s family is not well off and is probably too poor and pregnant to blackmail the company into supporting her child. Whereas look at this Bai Duanduan, you see, in these pictures she is fully covered in brand names and is not short of money at all. It’s not like her family can’t afford to eat then why can’t she completely refuse to take this kind of case ah!”

“This lawyer is really a disgrace to us girls. I think she got this outfit by being morally bankrupt and lacking in humanity and taking cases as long as she is paid!”


And if these discussions and attacks were still rational, some of the following were not —

“If you get paid to take a case, do you accept pay to get laid?”

“Wow, kinda hot, looks like she has big boobs and long legs. Lawyers take clients anyway, I wonder if she’ll take me.”


Bai Duanduan pursed her lips and flipped through the pages, only to find that at seven o’clock that morning, a few public marketing accounts suddenly began to spread the news on the progress of Dai Qin’s case, and published personal information and photos of herself and Dai Qin. These public accounts also seemed to have a motive. After the news spread as soon as they were shared online, these account holders immediately deleted their activity. However, the Internet itself paid a lot of attention to Dai Qin’s matter, and it suddenly became a furore.

Since about a year ago, Lin Hui has been fond of using this trick of public opinion to accompany the fermentation of his legal operations. Bai Duanduan has been with ZhaoHui for so long, and knows very well that all of these few public accounts have been in a long term cooperation with ZhaoHui lawyers.

This doesn’t need to be thought twice to know that it was Du Xinyi’s handiwork. Lin Hui, at this level, would not have personally operated such a thing, and the person who handled it was definitely Du Xinyi. It’s just that Du Xinyi dared to post it, even if she didn’t ask Lin Hui for explicit approval, she at least thought that if she sent it, Lin Hui wouldn’t do anything about it and would acquiesce to this behaviour of hers.

Either way, it made Bai Duanduan feel completely disappointed and sad.

She thought she and Lin Hui had already made enough of a mess when she left the job, but she didn’t expect that something even uglier was waiting for her.

Du Xinyi was professionally hit hard in the face by Bai Duanduan, and according to her character of being so calculating, she really did play such a trick to disgust herself.

It’s just that although it was disgusting, Bai Duanduan was not the kind of little girl who would cry when she was scolded. She got up and ate her breakfast calmly, changed into her suit, picked out a suitable bag and walked towards Sheng Lin while thinking for a solution.

No matter how positive things or people were, there are always some barbarians on the internet who will jump out and spout nasty things, so Dai Qin was reluctant to take her late boyfriend’s information online to explain herself. She didn’t wished for her dead boyfriend’s reputation to be insulted because of what she had done, and because of that, Bai Duanduan also lost her evidence and position to explain herself —

As long as Dai Qin could not clear her name, she could not clear her name either as a representative lawyer. After all, in the eyes of the public, it was simply not acceptable to accept the idea that a lawyer was just a profession and it does not represent one’s personal views.

Of course, there were many people on the internet who mudsling at others intentionally by hiding behind their anonymous identity, but equally, there were a lot of touching goodwill acts too.

Even in the midst of the crusade against herself, Bai Duanduan noticed an ID that defended herself on all fronts.

“She’s a woman of such high dignity that you can’t even touch with your toes.”

“You’re so ugly, dogs are sad when they see you.”

“Thank goodness for technology, if you didn’t have access to the internet, would you have so much as a blessing to have a passing acquaintance with a girl of Bai Duanduan’s calibre? Not at all, a girl like her simply wouldn’t live on the same level as a guy like you, you wouldn’t even have the chance to meet her.”

The ID doesn’t even have a decent nickname or avatar. The name is “user sdt5698330” and has never tweeted before and it looks like a newly created account that was just applied for. If not for the fact that Bai Duanduan was aware that she hasn’t taken any measures yet, she would have thought that she hired a water force to fight for herself.

It’s just that although this account was newly applied for, it was obviously very dedicated and was still tirelessly fighting the herd with his tongue. This ID didn’t use a single dirty word the whole time, yet all the words together were so mean and venomous that they were even dirtier than swear words.

And when she read one of his descriptions, Bai Duanduan couldn’t help but laugh out loud –

“You look like my neighbour’s roast chicken, exactly like shit.”

What kind of description was that! Bai Duanduan was in a bit of a better mood because of this. A roast chicken that looked like shit, how awful this person’s neighbour’s cooking skills were! Her own cooking skills were bad enough, but the roast chicken she made was not up to the level of shit, this man’s neighbour was too tough!

Bai Duanduan just walked all the way to Sheng Lin. It was exactly nine o’clock when she sat down at her desk and picked up her mobile phone again. She wanted to see how far public opinion had developed after two hours, and whether she had to make a warning by picking a few of the foulest-mouthed monkeys and sending a wave of legal letters.

However, to her surprise, when she clicked on Weibo, she found that the #Dai Qin and her lawyer apologies to all professional women# which had just been an explosive hit, had simply disappeared from the search bar.

Bai Duanduan frowned and searched again using her name as a keyword, only to find that Weibo was clean, searches using her name as a keyword were directly blocked, while those who had previously brought toxicity in the topic to abuse herself were either blocked or deleted, and all the public accounts who had exposed her own and Dai Qin’s information at the beginning had issued apologies.

Someone has taken down hot searches and deleted comments to control public opinion.

Who could it be?


Bai Duanduan did not know that while she was tracking the progress of the hot search, Ji Lin was doing the same.

Ji Lin never actually used Weibo, yet before he even left home early that morning, Rong Sheng called him.

“Bai Duanduan is on the hot search, it should be an operation from ZhaoHui’s side.”

Ji Lin frowned. In order to look at the hot search, he managed to create a random account, but when he clicked in, his brow furrowed. These people were cursing too hard.

Rong Sheng spoke about the causes and consequences of this public opinion explosion, and when he noticed that there was no sound on the other end of the phone for a long time, he shouted, “Ji Lin? Are you listening? This is actually the regular operation of Lin Hui’s side of ZhaoHui. Those few public accounts are their long-term collaborators. I know you can’t calm down once Lin Hui is mentioned especially since you are also involved in the case this time, but the good thing is, at the moment there is no implication on you, also, you must calm down, I will contact my people to the control the comments and withdraw the hot search.”

Ji Lin’s fingers were operating rapidly while he said calmly and composedly, “En, I’m calm.”

After saying that, he typed another sentence –

“I’m sorry if I rip your head off and flush it in the toilet.”

He finished posting and replied to Rong Sheng with grace and composure, “When can the hot search be withdrawn?” Ji Lin coughed and added righteously, “We should withdraw it as soon as possible, after all, I am afraid that this will affect Sheng Lin’s reputation if it continues to fester.”

Rong Sheng was moved on the spot, “I didn’t expect you to have a sense of collective honour and care about Sheng Lin’s reputation! Don’t worry! Sheng Lin is like mine and yours son, I won’t let our son be attacked! I, as the mother, will definitely fight for my son’s blood until the last moment!”


Ji Lin thought with mixed feelings, at least it was comforting to know that Rong Sheng had positioned himself as the mom, affirming the setting that Ji Lin was the dad.
