You're Fired!

Chapter 42.1 This line was really a bit too shameful…

At seven o’clock in the morning, Bai Duanduan went to Ji Lin’s house to have breakfast on time, but unfortunately, because Ji Lin had to go directly to the east of the city for trial, she couldn’t hitch a ride to the law firm. But before she left, Bai Duanduan looked at the orange cat by his feet and remembered something.

“Ji Lin, are you free tonight?”

Ji Lin frowned, “What’s wrong?” He glanced at Bai Duanduan and said slowly, “I don’t want to eat instant noodles again tonight.”


Where did he even think of that? She don’t want to invite him to dinner again!

“I mean your son.” Bai Duanduan coughed and looked at the orange cat on the floor, “He’s recently passed his heat period and it’s time for him to be neutered. I’ve asked the doctor at the vet and he said we can book an appointment for the operation tonight, why don’t we get him cut before it’s too late?”

Bai Duanduan said thoughtfully, “It’s fine if you have to work late tonight, I’ll just take him, but after all, it’s the most important moment in your son’s life, if you’re free, I still strongly suggest you come with me to see the whole process of his transformation from a man to a eunuch.”


Ji Lin stammered for a moment before he regained his voice, “I have a meeting in the evening, but I’ll adjust the time and come with you.”

“Let me just say, as a man, you really are interested and curious about cutting that right?”


Ji Lin didn’t bother to explain anymore. He thought, it’s just about neutering the cat, what’s the matter with Bai Duanduan’s gleeful eyes? The more enthusiastic and positive she was, the more uneasy Ji Lin became. He felt that when he closed his eyes, he could already see Bai Duanduan walking towards himself and his cat with two large kitchen knives in her hands and a big evil smile on her face……

It was a really scary scene.


Bai Duanduan didn’t know what was on Ji Lin’s mind. She as usual finished her day’s work, handled several contracts assigned by Ji Lin, worked out the labour structure for a company and revised the staff handbook, and then, when she noticed the time, she hurried home.

She and Ji Lin had arranged to meet directly at the entrance of the vet hospital, and to her surprise, Ji Lin was very concerned about neutering the cat. When Bai Duanduan arrived, he was already standing at the entrance with the cat in his arms.

Seeing that there was still half an hour to go before the surgery appointment, Bai Duanduan immediately pulled out a small notebook from her bag and threw it to Ji Lin, “Quickly, there’s not much time left, so hurry up and get familiar with it.”

Ji Lin frowned, “What’s this?”

Bai Duanduan looked at the cat with a thief-proof face, then squinted at Ji Lin and whispered, “Just that …… script!”

She coughed, “Isn’t it because I’m afraid your son will hold a grudge against us for cutting it up and completely cutting off its happiness for the rest of its life? When I went home last night, I thought about it all night, and wrote this script during the day, so hurry up and read it, get familiar with the lines, and we’ll follow this later.”

Bai Duanduan said uneasily, “You still have a good memory, right?”


He can recite legal texts at any time, how can he not recite these kinds of bullsh!t lines? How dare she question himself on such a matter? Ji Lin inwardly simply scoffed, it was just a few lines? How could he not be able to recite them?

Unfortunately, when Ji Lin opened Bai Duanduan’s notebook, he couldn’t be proud of it anymore…..

“What kind of lines have you written here?! That’s too pompous, isn’t it? And isn’t that a scandalous portrayal of my image?”

Bai Duanduan explained calmly, “Cats are different from humans. Only with enough flamboyant movements and expressions and tone of lines can a cat feel your emotions better. I still don’t think the lines are exaggerated enough! Besides, if you don’t scandalise your own incompetence at this point before the cat is snatched away, how can the play go on?”

“….” Ji Lin’s face was hard to read and he was unable to finish his sentence. In the end, he did not refute Bai Duanduan and frowned as he took the notebook and read it.

In a short while, the veterinarian arrived and after a few routine questions, he gave a wink to Bai Duanduan.

Bai Duanduan had already planned the play with the veterinarian before, and now when she saw the wink hint, she immediately tugged on Ji Lin’s sleeve and coughed.

Ji Lin pursed his lips and acquiesced to the start, and Bai Duanduan then began her performance in a big way—

“You can’t take away my child ! ! !”

Her deafening words made Ji Lin tremble for no reason…..

Along with Bai Duanduan’s words, the veterinarian played the role of the villain very cooperatively as he tried to snatch the cat from Ji Lin’s arms.

According to the script, Ji Lin should have pretended to struggle, fought to the death against the veterinarian, and finally lost his strength to the villain, then wailed miserably with tears streaming down his face, enduring the painful “separation of flesh and blood”.

Feigning resistance was fine, Ji Lin acted it, and the cat eventually went to the vet’s arms, but those few lines….

It’s a bit too humiliating, really.

Bai Duanduan was very much into the scene. Under Ji Lin’s shocked gaze, she acted without burden. Ji Lin only walked away for a moment and when he turned back, Bai Duanduan’s face was already covered with fluttering tears.

“Mimi! It’s mommy who’s sorry! It’s mommy who’s useless! I couldn’t even protect you! Mimi! If you’re gone, mummy doesn’t want to live!”


She looked sad, crying to the point of almost breaking her throat. If he hadn’t known that there was a cat in front of her, he really would have thought she was a young mother who had lost her child…

Ji Lin was in awe of Bai Duanduan’s acting skills. Her teary, sad appearance made Ji Lin’s heart feel a little bit uncomfortable.

When Bai Duanduan finished reciting her lines, she looked over at Ji Lin, her eyes suggesting him that it was his turn to play on.


Ji Lin reluctantly could only recite the lines, “Mimi, it’s all my fault. I’m useless, my strength is too weak, I can’t protect you from the powerful bad guys. It’s all because I usually only care about going to work to make money and not caring to workout at all. Although I am tall, I can’t help being weak and can only be beaten by others…”

Ji Lin’s memory was indeed very good. Bai Duanduan wrote such a large paragraph of lines, and he almost did not pause to recite it word for word. It’s only a pity that…

His acting was too insincere, right? She had written such heartfelt lines, but it turned out that Ji Lin could read them out in an inorganic-like voice, and his face was expressionless the whole time.

Once the cat was caught by the vet and taken into the operating room, Bai Duanduan couldn’t help, “This is too clumsy a performance, isn’t it? Even if you don’t have enough emotion to cry at once, you can still put on an eye drop, right?”


Almost as soon as the cat left, Bai Duanduan, who had just been crying bitterly and looking close to fainting on the spot, immediately straightened her back, wiped away her tears with complete disinterest and resumed her bright smile.

She looked at Ji Lin and accused him, “And the way you resisted just now was too reluctant. It didn’t look like you were genuinely resisting at all, but rather like you were pushing the boat along the water. Ji Lin, you should have at least acted a bit more heartily! In this way, be careful that the cat will see through your disguise and think you’re working with the vet to trick him, and hold a grudge against you instead!”


In his heart, Ji Lin was not thinking about this at all. He just thought to himself that Bai Duanduan’s tears came and went in the blink of an eye. It was simply a professional performance equivalent to the level of a movie queen. He inwardly fumed and said, this woman’s tears really can’t be trusted. If in the future Bai Duanduan cries and begs himself to give her a pay rise, he definitely shouldn’t easily fall for her trick…


After more than half an hour, the orange cat’s operation was completed. Bai Duanduan rushed in and picked up the cat, and although Ji Lin was calm on the surface, he was also very concerned on the inside and followed after her.

It’s just a pity that ……

Bai Duanduan’s prophecy came true. Because of Ji Lin’s not so good performance, the orange cat really held a grudge against him…

When the originally very sticky orange cat came out of the anaesthetic effect, he looked at Ji Lin indifferently and let out a low growl in its throat, while when he was directed at Bai Duanduan, the orange cat changed his face to one of meekness and resignation, mewing and pouting. What’s more, when Ji Lin tried to hug him, he even stretched out his claws and almost scratched Ji Lin.

This made Bai Duanduan feel a bit sympathetic, and she was just about to comfort Ji Lin when she saw him ask the doctor at the vet hospital, “Is there any canned cat food here? The most expensive kind?”

In addition to treating small animals, the pet hospital also sells cat food, dog food, canned food, etc. Bai Duanduan watched Ji Lin pick the most expensive one from a pile of canned food, then opened it and put it in front of the orange cat.

He was willing to buy the most expensive canned cat food, so it was clear that Ji Lin really loved the cat!

The orange cat was at first a little defensive towards Ji Lin, however, when the canned cat food was offered, he quickly lost his modesty and forgot his pain and hatred of becoming an eunuch and ate the canned food all at once.

Ji Lin looked at Bai Duanduan, “It seems that there wass no need to act just now, you see, just buy some canned food for….”

Before he could finish the words, the orange cat finished eating the canned food, crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and continued the fight with Ji Lin…

As soon as Ji Lin wanted to pet him, he ran into Bai Duanduan’s arms, leaving only a furry butt behind for Ji Lin.

Ji Lin never thought that his poor acting skills would cause his relationship with the orange cat to break up….

Bai Duanduan gloated and stretched out her hands, “See? Money can’t buy you love.”

It can be seen that Ji Lin was working very hard to repair the relationship, but it was a pity that he was born with a cold face. The orange cat really couldn’t accept this kind of behaviour. Originally, it was Ji Lin’s turn to take care of him that night, but when the two of them took the cat back to the neighborhood and put the cat in Ji Lin’s house, the cat started to struggle to escape.

“You, stay.”

? ? ?

Ji Lin pursed his lips, “I’ll cook dinner for you, you stay.”

His voice was a little unnatural as he added, “He is not as defensive of my approach when you’re around. I am asking you to stay to help repair our relationship, nothing more.”

Of course he didn’t mean anything else, could Ji Lin have meant anything else by asking her to stay for dinner?

After a few seconds of confusion, Bai Duanduan didn’t think about it any further, as she could do whatever she was told to do, since she was having dinner anyway. She sat down happily while trying to educate the orange cat, like a community matron who was painstakingly trying to mediate her feelings, full of holy light.

Here she has to praise Ji Lin, who was really good in kitchen skills. In a short while, a table full of dishes of all colours and flavours was brought up. Unlike this man’s exquisite and gorgeous appearance, Ji Lin was surprisingly very virtuous in life.

Bai Duanduan ate the super delicious meal with satisfaction, while she couldn’t help but ask, “So few men can cook like this, Ji Lin, how did you think of learning to cook?”

“Because it’s cheaper to cook by yourself.”


This answer, really very Ji Lin…..

Bai Duanduan felt that she shouldn’t have asked……
