Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 175

Qiao Chu reacted and quickly said, "yes, yes, yes, let\'s go back to the castle and let the doctor see."

Si Yichuan\'s wound was badly cracked, and the blood stained the whole bandage wrapped around his chest red.

Doctor Yan treated the wound for him. Qiao Chu stood by and looked at the shocking red. Her heart was stuffy and her head was dizzy.

Si Yichuan felt her tension, reached out to hold her stiff hand and whispered, "don\'t be afraid."

It was he who was injured. Why did he comfort her "don\'t be afraid"?

Joe Chu\'s eyes were so hot that he almost burst into tears. But she held back and asked in a low voice, "does it hurt?"

Si Yichuan chuckled. "What\'s not painful? But I can hold it."

When the doctor changed the medicine, Qiao Chu was in a cold sweat and was more nervous than the injured party.

Doctor Yan injected Si Yichuan with an analgesic solution, and he fell into a dream. Later, Joe Chu also fell asleep beside him.

When Si Yichuan occasionally wakes up, he sees her dark hair.

Reaching out and touching her smooth hair, I didn\'t know why I felt some subtle satisfaction. Even if you make a big business, you don\'t have such a sense of achievement.

However, when he woke up again, he found that his side was empty.

He endured the pain and went down to the ground. He searched the whole room. There was no sign of her anywhere.

Angrily, he called Xiao Yuan in.

Xiao Yuan found Si Shao\'s face gloomy and terrible. I don\'t know what annoyed him. He quickly asked, "Si Shao, what can I do for you?"

Si Yichuan asked in a cold voice, "what time is it now?"

Xiao Yuan looked at his watch and carefully replied, "it\'s nine twenty in the evening."

"Where\'s Joe Chu?"

Xiao Yuan\'s heart was pounding, and his heart wanted bad things.

"Back to the company, Miss Qiao Chu went out more than an hour ago. She said, with your permission..."

"Bastard!" Si Yichuan\'s face turned blue with anger. "How could I let her out at night?"

At that time, Qiao Chu looked very natural and could not see the trace of lying. And she said she was going back to Jingjia to get something very important, and he couldn\'t stop it.

Xiao Yuan secretly complained and said to miss Qiao Chu, I\'m going to be hurt by you this time. He bowed his head and dared not speak out.

Si Yichuan asked, "did she say where she was going?"

"She said to go back to Jing and get something." Xiao Yuan hurriedly said, "shall I send someone to pick her up now?"

Si Yichuan slowly restrained his anger and remembered her saying "I won\'t joke about my friend\'s future". Let\'s believe her this time. Just in time, you can also try her. Will she really be willing to come back by herself?

"No need." He said, "if she doesn\'t come back tonight, let\'s talk."

"Yes." Xiao Yuan withdrew from Si Shao\'s room and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

This Qiao Chu is too brave to pass on even the words of Si Shao. Fortunately, Si Shao didn\'t get angry, otherwise he would be unlucky.

Clear bar.

In fact, Qiao Chu didn\'t go back to Jingjia. She really has very important things to do when she comes out today.

After catching the woman who cut her clothes, yunmu also checked it together with the heroine Jing Yang of the show.

In those days, Jing Yang was such a hot female star that even a popular reporter like song Feifei had to rely on relationships to interview her.

But after Qiao Chu\'s incident, Jingyang was hidden by the signing company for some reason. Later, her brother somehow offended the people in the underworld. It seems that Jing Yang spent a lot of money to settle it. It is said that recently, her family suddenly got something wrong and needed major surgery. Jingyang\'s savings have been spent almost in the past two years. She is almost cornered

In short, to sum up in one sentence, Jingyang is having a miserable life now.

Qiao Chu came to Qingse bar to find Jingyang.

It was not easy for her to let people know the whereabouts of Jingyang, so she was in such a hurry to leave the forest today.

The light in the box was very dim. Jing Yang was wearing an exposed large V-neck coat and accompanied a fat middle-aged man with another sister from left to right, laughing angrily and persuading him to drink.

"Mr. Zhang, have another drink..."

"President Zhang..."

Jingyang looks good, but his character is too arrogant, so he has no access to it so far. The general manager Zhang\'s attraction was quickly attracted by the woman on the other side, smiled, touched and kissed her for a while, and stuffed a handful of tips into her clothes.

Jing Yang was disgusted, but the money became a shining attraction again. Unwilling to show weakness, she took president Zhang\'s arm and said angrily, "president Zhang, you don\'t drink with others, you\'re dead..."

"Baby, aren\'t I here?" President Zhang put his arm around her shoulder, drank the wine she handed, and suddenly touched her thigh.

"Baobao" is the night name of Jing Yangqi. I don\'t want to let my once brilliant name be stained with this falling color.

The man\'s head is almost bald. The skin on his face is old and wrinkled, and his hands are fat and thick. Touching the skin makes Jingyang sick. But she endured it for money.

Seeing that Jing Yang was forced to bear it, president Zhang became more and more bold and groped up slowly along her thigh.


With a clear sound, Jingyang\'s palm covered president Zhang\'s face and rang through the whole box.

Several other pairs of men and women who were rolling on the sofa were stunned and looked at Jing Yang in surprise.

Jingyang himself was stunned and trembled after he reacted.

"You stinky watch!" According to the pain on his face, president Zhang mercilessly slapped Jingyang and scolded, "do you still think you\'re a big star? Do you want to pretend to be high in such a place? You don\'t know how many men you\'ve slept with for money. Don\'t disgust me."

Jingyang was beaten to the eye of Venus, but he didn\'t dare to fight back. He kept apologizing with tears in his eyes.

President Zhang took out a large amount of money and threw it on Jingyang\'s face. "Don\'t you just want money? Take off your clothes. All the money is yours."

That money, at least 20000 yuan, is still not enough to solve his father\'s sky high operation expenses, but at least he can be admitted to hospital

Jingyang bit his teeth and began to unbutton one by one.

She trembled, but the noise in the box was followed by a high and lively atmosphere.

Some of her fellow sisters couldn\'t stand it and threw disdainful eyes at her.

Soon, Jingyang took off his only clothes and only wore his inner clothes.

Mr. Zhang looked at her slim figure and showed an ill intentioned smile. Then he took out a lot of money and said, "take off that one, too."

Jingyang looked at President Zhang incredulously, "president Zhang, I..."

"Don\'t take it off. Sleep with me for one night." President Zhang weighed a lot of money in his hand, "or, you can get out of the box now. In the future, as long as I\'m there, you don\'t want to stay."