Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 174

Joe Chu\'s heart was cold and suddenly felt more angry.

She said harshly, "whatever you want! It\'s your man\'s business to shout and kill. What\'s my business? I don\'t care. I\'m just going to leave here!"

"Haven\'t you lived with him for two years?" Si Yichuan sneered: "just use freedom for his life, won\'t you?"

Qiao Chu bit his lips to meet him, looking complex and wronged.

"It\'s a real woman." Although he said so, Si Yichuan heard that Qiao Chu refused to compromise in order to save yunmu, and there was a shameful secretly happy in his heart.

"I have a disabled dog here. What\'s its name? Qibao. Do you want to see it?" Si Yichuan said gloomily, "also, I heard that you have many friends, the popular reporter and editor in chief of the new current affairs newspaper, and an official Xie Anyang... What would life be like if they lost their jobs?"

Qiao Chu was more and more frightened. "What do you want to do?"

"Whether I want to do anything or not depends on your performance." Si Yichuan touched the top of her hair like a dog and said, "I\'ll go to the company and you\'ll wait for me at home. By the way, you have to take medicine."

Until Si Yichuan left the room for a long time and Xiao Yuan sent someone to deliver the clothes, Qiao Chu was still stunned.

It\'s just a memory loss. Why does it make people change so much? It\'s like becoming a stranger.

Still, Yichuan was such a person originally, but she didn\'t find it before.

Feifei said to her before - clearly, Si Shao is just your warm man.

It turned out that he was so terrible. When he no longer loves her and is no longer warm to her, he will show a cold side, which is frightening.

Si Yichuan leaned back on his chair and didn\'t know what he was thinking. He looked unpredictable.

Xiao Yuan approached him a little and asked with concern, "Mr. Si, will your wound hurt? Or shall we go back to the company in a few days? Wait until your wound recovers..."

There was still no expression on Si Yichuan\'s face and waved at him at will.

Xiao Yuan then sat back and dared not say more.

There was an accident ahead and the car was forced to stop. Si Yichuan was impatient and asked Xiao Yuan to check the reason.

After Xiao Yuan got off to check, he came back and told Si Yichuan, "it\'s two cars that hit the rear end, and the owners of both sides are arguing constantly. The traffic police are verifying the responsibility."

Si Yichuan frowned: "detour."

"Si Shao, there have been many cars parked in the back, you see..." Xiao Yuan was careful. Seeing Si Shao\'s face getting worse and worse, he hurriedly said: "or we can get off and walk back to the intersection and send other cars to pick it up..."

Assistant Xiao didn\'t finish his words. A white Jetta suddenly collided with them from the side. It was so powerful and fast that it didn\'t give people any reaction time at all.

And looking at the momentum of Jetta, it seems to want to die with them.

When Xiao Yuan saw the car hit, he blocked his body in front of Si Shao at the first time.


There was a loud crash!

But the result was quite unexpected - because the other party drove a cheap ordinary car, only about 100000. Compared with Si Yichuan\'s dark blue Bugatti Viagra, it can\'t do any harm at all.

The front of each other\'s car was seriously deformed, but the dark blue car body was only shaken by a violent earthquake, and Si Yichuan still sat steadily in his original position.

Xiao Yuan was in a cold sweat. After reacting, he asked in a panic, "are you all right, Si Shao? Is there a big problem with the wound?"

Si Yichuan\'s wound did not heal, but was cracked by the earthquake, and the blood escaped.

He waved his hand: "it\'s all right."

The impact was much more sensational than the rear end collision incident in front. Several traffic policemen immediately dispersed to deal with the matter here.

Si Yichuan asked the driver to stay and deal with the follow-up events. Assistant Xiao has quickly called another car to pick it up.

When such a bad thing happened on the road, Si Yichuan didn\'t want to go to the company again and let the driver return to the castle.

Qiao Chu had changed his clothes and was reasoning with the bodyguard guarding the road at the exit of the forest, "I\'m just going out. I\'ll be back before the sun goes down. You\'re accommodating."

The bodyguard\'s face was expressionless: "no, Si Shaofen asked. No one can let you out unless he nods."

"There is no such reason!" Joe Chu was so angry that he said, "Why are you holding me up like this? You\'re breaking the law!"

These bodyguards also have some old faces. One of the bodyguards who knew Qiao Chu gently advised: "Miss Qiao Chu, no other girls have lived in the castle for a long time. It must be special for you to let you live in the castle."

"I don\'t want this special." Qiao Chusheng said, "I\'m going out!"

The bodyguard has a headache. The impression of Qiao Chu is gentle and graceful. How can he be so unreasonable?

From a distance, Si Yichuan saw the figure of Qiao Chu jumping with anger. Somehow, he just felt interesting and asked the driver to stop.

The bodyguard at the other end had found Si Shao\'s car, saluted this way and said loudly, "Miss Qiao Chu, Si Shao is back."

Joe Chu turned his head mysteriously and said, "didn\'t he say he went to the company? Why did he come back so soon?"

But it\'s good to come back. She has something urgent to go out and needs his permission.

Si Yichuan said, "drive over and let her get on the bus."

The car drove to Qiao Chu. Xiao Yuan came down and opened the door for Qiao Chu. "Miss Qiao Chu, please get in the car."

"I won\'t get in the car." Qiao Chu bent over to Si Yichuan and said, "please let me go out. I\'m really in a hurry and will be back soon."

Si Yichuan leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes. He didn\'t take Qiao Chu\'s words seriously at all. He just asked, "have you taken medicine?"

"Si Shao, I really have something urgent! Just let me out." Joe Chu said earnestly, "I promise to come back soon. Don\'t worry, I dare not make fun of my friend\'s future."

In fact, Si Yichuan\'s wound cracked seriously. He just had super endurance, which didn\'t let others see. At this time, Qiao Chu was entangled, which made him very unhappy.

Xiao Yuan whispered behind Qiao Chu, "Miss Qiao Chu, there was a car accident on the road just now. Si Shao\'s wound is cracked. We need to go back and deal with it quickly."

"There was an accident?" Qiao Chu\'s brain was empty and he didn\'t respond. He sat in the car, leaned against Si Yichuan and asked, "how could there be a car accident? Are you okay? Is the wound seriously cracked?"

She has started to untie Si Yichuan\'s clothes to see how the wound is.

For Qiao Chu\'s touch, Si Yichuan didn\'t feel the slightest aversion. He liked her such forgetful care and tension.

But the wound can\'t be opened for too long. Infection will be very troublesome.

She opened her hand and said, "go back first."