Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 176

"Mr. Zhang, I only promised to drink with you at first. I agreed not to sell myself. Don\'t go too far." Jingyang bit his lip and said, "always leave yourself a way back."

"The way back..." president Zhang laughed, and others laughed, laughing at Jingyang\'s overestimation.

"Jingyang baby, you are already so miserable. What are you thinking about for me? You should always remember your identity and don\'t think you are still the big star." President Zhang took the money and patted Jingyang on his face. "Remember, when you come out to do it, you have to look like you come out to do it."

Jingyang\'s tears rolled out, fiercely waved away the money, grabbed his clothes and rushed out of the box.

President Zhang opened the door and shouted out, "catch her!"

As soon as several bar security guards listened, they hurriedly chased after Jing Yang and pursued him.

The box here is on the second floor of the bar. Outside the box is a long corridor. It\'s winding. You can\'t tell the direction when running.

Jingyang ran frantically, just trying to escape all this. In a panic, she pushed the decorations on both sides of the corridor to the ground to stop the security guards chasing after her.

The scene was in chaos, and the security guards kept shouting and swearing.

Suddenly, Jing Yang collided with Qiao Chu, who was coming face to face.

Jingyang didn\'t recognize Qiao Chu, as if he had caught the life-saving grass. He said in a trembling voice, "please help me. Someone is chasing after me. He wants to rape me."

She is too scared. What if this woman is more timid than her and refuses to help her?

Qiao Chu recognized Jing Yang at a glance. She came to see her tonight and was overjoyed to see her.

He took her and whispered, "keep quiet and come in with me."

Qiao Chu quickly pulled her into a newly booked box, then took off his coat and put it on Jingyang. He whispered, "put it on and roll up your hair."

Jingyang didn\'t know why she wanted to listen to a stranger, but she was so afraid that she did it one by one. Her hands trembled badly, and her hair couldn\'t be twisted well. Qiao Chu simply put her hair on her head, took off her earrings and put them on her earlobes.

Jingyang immediately changed her appearance.

The security guard broke into the box at this time.

Jing Yang was already lying on Qiao Chu\'s face, crying out of breath. She cried out, "what should I do? Should I kill the child? I hate him! But I don\'t want to beat the child. I\'ll just die..."

Her cry is so infectious that a lovelorn woman finds herself pregnant again. Is this the most tragic thing a young woman has ever encountered?

Qiao Chu didn\'t expect Jingyang to play so well. He smoked several times at the corners of his mouth.

The security guards looked at Qiao Chu suspiciously. They didn\'t understand the situation. Why did you turn around and disappear when you saw someone running here?

Qiaochu deliberately asked them discontentedly, "what happened? Why did you break in?"

The security guards had an idea in their hearts that a woman who had just been running desperately could not calm down so quickly to play a bitter play, so they waved their hands and said, "nothing, sorry to bother you."

Qiao Chu patted Jingyang on the back and said impatiently, "if you have nothing to do, hurry out."

The bar guards quickly withdrew from the box.

When it was determined that those people would not come back, Jingyang immediately left Qiao Chu\'s shoulder and returned her clothes, "thank you."

Joe Chu took back his clothes: "you\'re welcome."

Jingyang asked her, "why did you save me?"

Joe Chu said directly, "because I have something to ask you for help."

"Can I help you?" Jingyang seemed to hear the big joke and laughed sarcastically. "I really appreciate you for saving me. But I think you\'re wrong. I can\'t help anyone now."

"Jingyang" Qiao Chu shouted her name, "you have the ability."

"Do you know me?" From the moment Qiao Chu calmly curled her hair, Jing Yang suspected that the woman might have approached her on purpose. Her face immediately became alert and alienated. "Who are you?"

"You don\'t know me?" Qiao Chu went to the brighter position of the box, and his clear face immediately appeared in front of Jing Yang.

Jingyang was confused, surprised and angry for a moment, but she quickly confirmed her identity, "are you Qiao Chu?!"

"It\'s me." Qiao Chu said, "unexpectedly, you really know me."

Two years ago, Jingyang was hidden by the company, all thanks to Si Yichuan. She learned later that Si Yichuan would anger her because she offended a woman named Qiao Chu on her last program.

From then on, she paid crazy attention to Joe Chu.

When she saw that Qiao Chu was invited by the big time live program because she choked with Lin Shu, a strong female worker in the workplace, Jing Yang was jealous to death. When she was the biggest purple and red, if she wanted to go to the last big era, she had to let the agent keep in touch with her contacts. This Qiao Chu is just an illegitimate daughter of the Jing family who can\'t see the light. It\'s just because he climbed onto Si Shao\'s shoulder and received so much attention

In a word, she hates Joe Chu. If it weren\'t for Qiao Chu, she wouldn\'t have to live like a beggar, or drink and laugh at night, and sell her body.

Unexpectedly, two years later, Qiao Chu dared to appear in front of her in this way.

"Why don\'t I know you?" Jing Yang thought of all kinds of difficulties and grievances in the past two years, and his face twisted uncontrollably. "You turn into ash, and I know you too."

Joe Chu asked in surprise, "you hate me very much?"

"Hate? No" Jingyang sneered. "This word is too gentle. If I have a knife in my hand now, I will stab you without hesitation."

Qiao Chu thought of the information yunmu told her, and soon figured out where Jingyang\'s hatred came from. She said: "there was a misunderstanding between us. It was Si Yichuan, not me, who let the company hide you."

"You pushed it clean." Jingyang said angrily, "if it wasn\'t for you, why should Si Shao hide me for no reason?"

"That\'s Si Shao\'s business." Qiao Chu said, "I didn\'t even have any impression of you. I didn\'t say anything about you in front of Si Yichuan. He wants to hide you. You can hate him, but please don\'t be angry."

"I\'ve seen what it means today. Standing and talking doesn\'t hurt my back." Jingyang said coldly, "are you really proud of yourself? Do you think you\'re so powerful that you\'ve taken care of all the most powerful men in Jiangcheng? Whoever wants to live will live, and whoever wants to die must die?"