Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 167

"Originally, I asked my classmates to come here for a cup of coffee and chat." Jiang Shaoyi replied, "it\'s a pity that she can\'t come to her house suddenly. As for me, I can\'t give up the snacks here, so I came by myself."

Qiao Chu thought it was strange and asked, "this is a coffee shop, but you came to have dessert?"

"Yes, isn\'t it strange that you say. There are a lot of people outside who specialize in making snacks, which are not as delicious as the snacks here." Jiang Shaoyi licked her lips and complained, "but the snacks here are only complimentary when ordering coffee and can\'t be sold alone. It\'s really annoying. One cup of coffee is enough. How can you finish ordering so much?"

The girl is so simple that she has all her joys and sorrows on her face for a delicious dessert.

Joe Chu was a little envious and said, "we can have coffee together in the future. I can have two cups and give you all the snacks."

"Really?!" Jiang Shaoyi\'s eyes brightened and raised her fist at Qiao Chu\'s heart. "You\'re very interesting. In the future, we\'ll be not only sisters, but also good friends."

Joe: "good laugh."

"In the future, if Lin Shu wants to bully you, I will stand on your side." Jiang Shaoyi winked at her, "don\'t forget me if you have anything delicious."

This is really an authentic piece of food.

Joe Chu suddenly liked the girl.

The short mobile phone ring suddenly rang. Qiao Chu saw a short message from yunmu - "girl, come out and get together. It\'s urgent."

Qiao Chu is very afraid to see yunmu now. She is afraid of what negative bad news he has brought to her.

He deleted the short message in a hurry, and Qiao Chu pretended not to see it.

But her expression was very unnatural. Jiang Shaoyi asked with concern, "what\'s the matter with you? Is it a friend\'s information?"

Joe Chu took a sip of coffee and replied calmly, "nothing."

After a while, yunmu called directly.

When the mobile phone rang for the fifth time, Jiang Shaoyi couldn\'t help saying, "why don\'t you listen to the phone? Call so many times, maybe there\'s something urgent."

Qiao Chu had no choice but to answer.

A low and elegant voice came into Qiao Chu\'s ear from the other end of the mobile phone. "Little girl, I thought you would never answer my phone again."

Joe Chu was silent for a moment and said, "then you\'ve played so many times?"

"I don\'t know." Yunmu\'s voice fell silent, but soon changed its tone and became dignified. "I really have a very important thing to find you this time."

Qiao Chu\'s heart burst and subconsciously refused to listen again, "yunmu, if it\'s a bad thing, I won\'t listen."

The world is too absurd and dark. She would rather hide in a rigid shell made up of lies than feel the malice brought by any truth.

"It may be a good thing for you this time." "Do you remember a rehearsal you attended with your good friend two years ago? The show was for the actress named Jing Yang," yunmu said

It was a terrible experience. If Si Shao had not been present, her life would have been ruined.

You can\'t forget it all your life.

Joe Chu grabbed his cell phone. "What do you want to say?"

"We caught the woman who made small moves on your back." Yunmu said, "do you want to come and confirm?"

Two years is too long, not to mention the person who hit her is still standing behind her. How can you remember what the other person looks like?

But Joe Chu thought about it and said, "OK, I\'ll come."

After saying goodbye to Jiang Shaoyi, she hurried out of the cafe and took a taxi to her destination.

This is an abandoned old factory. Qiao Chu doesn\'t know why yunmu chose this place to meet her. She didn\'t understand until she saw the woman.

This kind of place is dirty and messy. The dust on the ground is spread layer by layer, and there is bad smell of mildew. It is very easy to make people feel afraid and nervous.

The woman shrank in the corner with no scars on her body, but the whole person trembled with fear. Yunmu sat not far away. All she needed was a cold look in her eyes, which could make her face completely bloodless.

Qiao Chu looked at the surrounding environment and shouted, "Yun mu."

Yun Mu turned to look at her, his eyes became gentle, and his breath was restrained. "Come here, little girl. Do you see if this woman hurt you in those years?"

Joe Chu carefully distinguished.

The woman squatting on the ground has a sharp chin, big eyes and heavy double eyelids. The five concepts are very recognizable, but Qiao Chu has no impression of her.

She shook her head. "I\'m not sure."

Who knows, as soon as Qiao Chu\'s voice fell, the woman suddenly rushed over and grabbed her trouser leg and begged, "Qiao Chu, is that you? Sorry! Qiao Chu, sorry, I didn\'t mean to hurt you. Someone gave me money to get close to you and let me cut your clothes..."

"Who gave you the money?" Qiao Chu asked, "what\'s her name?"

"I don\'t know." The woman shook her head desperately. "She only gave me 30000 yuan. Shall I give you all the money now? Let me go! Don\'t kill me, please, don\'t kill me."

Scared like this, what did yunmu do to her?

Qiao Chu looks at Xiang yunmu.

Yunmu reluctantly explained: "I just asked ah Hao to catch her, and then threw her here. She was hungry day and night. We didn\'t hurt her, but she was too timid."

Qiao Chu nodded and said, "since she doesn\'t know anything, then..."

"No, don\'t kill me." The woman folded her hands and prayed, "I really can\'t help it. I owed others a lot of money at that time. If I don\'t pay back, I\'ll be sold. I didn\'t mean to hurt you. Please."

The woman had started to cry, and the tears ran across her face. She looked very poor.

Qiaochu can\'t let yunmu kill, but she won\'t be willing to let her go.

"Just take her to the police station."

As soon as she heard that she was going to be sent to the police station, the woman cried more madly and shouted, "no, no, I don\'t want to go to the police station, I don\'t want to go to jail. If you let me go, I\'ll give you all 30000 yuan..."

Yun Mu said, "just do what Qiao Chu said."

After hearing this, Qu Hao, standing behind yunmu, immediately ordered his followers to drag the woman out.

The cry for mercy continued for a long time.

Yunmu stood up, walked to Qiao Chu and said to her, "it\'s too dirty here. Let\'s go to the car and say."

Joe Chu didn\'t refuse and walked out side by side with him.

The space of the car is very spacious, but Qiao Chu feels a little difficult to breathe.

As long as she thinks of yunmu, who was crazy and out of control that night in the hotel, she will still be afraid.

Yunmu saw her nervously pulling her finger. Although it was only a small action, it made his look dim.

Is it that once you make a mistake, you can\'t even be a friend from now on?