Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 168

Yunmu hardly ignored her little moves before telling her: "the people at the bottom found it very clear that Ren Xiaoyun was the one who gave the woman the money."

Finger meal.

In fact, Qiao Chu has long guessed that this matter has something to do with Ren Xiaoyun. After two years, she suddenly heard such a positive answer, and her heart was calm.

Numb to peace.

She had vowed to let Xiaoyun pay for her blood debt, but time and again, she was always soft hearted because she was a pregnant woman.

This time, don\'t be soft hearted.

That woman, who hurt her mother, hurt her again, even the seven treasures. Now Brother Xie is still involved in a lawsuit because of her.

How can you be soft hearted.

Looking at the change of Qiao Chu\'s expression, yunmu said: "although it has been two years, we still have enough evidence and witnesses. You can sue her."

The rehearsal of the program two years ago did not cause substantive harm to Qiao Chu. That evidence would at best let her walk through the scene at the police station and won\'t get the punishment she deserves.

"I want to use my own way to pay her back." Joe Chu said, "don\'t step in."

"OK." Yunmu\'s throat rolled down and said, "whatever you say."

Joe Chu and he were not ordinary friends after all. They immediately noticed his expression of hesitation. "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

"Girl, this Ren Xiaoyun is from Jingjiang City. Her father is the richest man in the region. He is not only rich but also very powerful, so Xie Anyang can\'t find out a lot of things."

Qiao Chu was surprised at the speech.

Why does yunmu even know that Xie Anyang is checking Ren Xiaoyun? How much strength does he have in China?

"I took some trouble to get the background of Ren Xiaoyun. Do you want to listen?" Yunmu doesn\'t want to disclose too many ugly things in front of Qiao Chu. Now he is careful lest she should be further away from him.

If Joe doesn\'t listen, he won\'t say. If she wants to listen, he will tell her the truth carefully.

Joe Chu took a deep breath: "you tell me."

Knowing the truth may help brother Xie find out the truth quickly.

"Ren Xiaoyun had a lover named Jiang Xinyu in those days. They were real childhood sweethearts. They decided to marry a baby since childhood. It is said that they had a good relationship and planned to hold a wedding after graduating from college. But when Jiang Xinyu just turned 18, he killed someone with his newly obtained driver\'s license. The person who was hit was a girl."

Yunmu\'s voice was low, soft and slow. He just wanted to give Qiao Chu a good buffer. But when she heard this, her heart sank suddenly. Something flashed in her mind, but she couldn\'t grasp any clue.

Yunmu continued: "Jiang Xinyu\'s background is not simple. He is the successor of a multinational group. Ren Xiaoyun\'s family also supported him, so afterwards, they spent a lot of money to find a ghost to plead guilty for Jiang Xinyu."

Hearing this, Qiao Chu\'s thinking became clear. She remembered brother Xie\'s sister who was killed by the collision, and he said that his mother helped them testify in court, so they owed the Qiao family a favor

"But the girl who was killed by the collision, her family saw with their own eyes that the perpetrator was a young man, refused to accept the result and angrily asked for the reversal of the case. As a result, it can be imagined that the deceased was just an ordinary family, and the Jiang family and Ren family were not rivals at all. They were about to lose the lawsuit. Later, it was your mother who stood up and testified for them, which made the real murderer accept the punishment."

Joe Chu\'s body became stiff.

"At that time, Jiang Xinyu was just 18 years old and was old enough to be punished by the law. Because his mother Joe testified in court and he found a ghost to replace the dead, he disturbed the law and discipline. The family of the dead also incited the local people to rise on the street, so the court finally sentenced the perpetrator to six years in prison without bail."

Joe Chu shook his fist. The world is always so unreasonable. Can you be bullied if you have money? If you make a mistake, you can spend money to cover up the truth?

"Six years later, when Jiang Xinyu was released from prison, Ren Xiaoyun still stuck with him and insisted on staying with him. However, after Jiang Xinyu was released from prison, she fell down and became addicted to the wine market. After being drunk, she quarreled with others for a beautiful woman and was finally beaten to death by others. Jiang Xinyu died less than two years after he was released from prison. Ren Xiaoyun was very sad. She probably thought that if it weren\'t for Qiao\'s mother Mind your own business, Jiang Xinyu won\'t have to go to jail... "

Later things, needless to say, Qiao Chu can imagine.

Ren Xiaoyun\'s approach to Zhong Shaoming is only the first step to retaliate against the Qiao family. Every step after that seems to have been carefully planned

Joe Chu\'s head became clear in an instant, and everything he couldn\'t think of was explained.

Ren Xiaoyun cruelly hurt seriously ill Qiao qingran and framed Xie Anyang for a reason.

She couldn\'t help asking, "brother Xie has been checking this Ren Xiaoyun, but he can\'t find any clue. If Ren Xiaoyun is the girlfriend of the murderer who killed his sister that year, why doesn\'t he have any clue?"

Yun Mu said: "because the Ren family and the Jiang family are both rich and powerful, it\'s easy for them to cover up the truth."

"Why can you find this?"

Xie Anyang is from Jingjiang City. He can\'t find those things. Why can yunmu find them?

Yunmu seemed to smile: "girl, I\'ve been away from you for years, not for nothing."

Joe Chu was in a mess.

Ren Xiaoyun suddenly appeared in her world. All strange and crazy behaviors and all doubts were explained. But for one thing, even if Ren Xiaoyun\'s family is more powerful in Jingjiang City, how can they design siyichuan after coming to Jiangcheng?

With Si Yichuan\'s ability, she can\'t design it. Even if Yichuan approached herself at the beginning to retaliate against her for Grandpa, why should she cooperate with Ren Xiaoyun?

Yunmu probably knew what Qiao Chu was wondering about and finally told her, "in fact, the Si family and the Ren family are cousins. Although they are separated by several generations and the relationship is not close, Si Yichuan and Ren Xiaoyun are indeed cousins."

Bang, what sound is blowing in my head and buzzing continuously. Joe Chu had a splitting headache and desperately pressed his head.

She was just guessing.

Because of Yichuan\'s hatred for the Qiao family, she guessed that it was a game for Si Yichuan to approach her from the beginning.

But now I hear it with my own ears. It\'s another feeling.

She felt the malice from the whole world, with a bone chilling chill, which made her feel terrified and didn\'t know what else to trust.

Suddenly I felt so tired that I couldn\'t lift anything.

Yunmu saw her trembling all over and wanted to hug her, but he didn\'t dare to do anything at last. He just sat beside her in silence.