Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 166

Qiao Chu couldn\'t help but come out and bent down to pick up his mobile phone for him, "sorry, I didn\'t mean to..."

At the sight of Qiao Chu, Ji Yuzhe seemed to see a ghost. He jumped up from the stone base of the flower bed with a burning ass, "Why are you here? You eavesdrop on me!"

Although he speaks the language of country e, Qiao Chu graduated from a famous university. Who knows her English level.

In fact, Joe Chu did understand. After all, I have lived in country m for two years. Even if my accent is different from that of country e, I can still understand more than 90%.

"I didn\'t eavesdrop on purpose." Joe Chu gently explained, "I\'ve been sitting here since the morning."

"You mean I deliberately let you eavesdrop?" Ji Yuzhe\'s cheeks trembled and became mad. "Why are you eavesdropping here? Why do you look so innocent?"

The boy matured prematurely. Such a terrible expression should not appear on his slightly childish face.

Qiao Chu knew he was just venting and didn\'t care with him, "in fact, I can help you..."

"Why should I ask you to help me!" Ji zhe didn\'t wave his hand on his mobile phone. He fell on the ground several times.

Qiao Chu tried to give the most reasonable reason: "because I\'m your sister..."

"Sister?" Ji Yuzhe said sarcastically, "what are you for? Aren\'t you also an illegitimate daughter? Don\'t think you\'re the oldest and think you\'re a sister there."

Joe Chu looked at him calmly.

"I came back here because my mother needs expensive medical expenses every month. But what about you?" Ji Yuzhe is crazy. He just wants to find out the most vicious language to attack the person in front of him, so as to prove that he is not the worst one.

"Your only mother died long ago. Why did you come back? Why did you come back to this disgusting home? Don\'t tell me, you\'re not for money, but for some ridiculous family affection."

Ji Yuzhe\'s appearance is crazy, and his young face is distorted beyond words.

His grandmother likes gambling, drinking and sometimes smoking. This is the scandal that he doesn\'t want anyone in the Jing family to know, so every time his grandmother asks him for money, he doesn\'t dare to tell Jing Yifeng the real reason, only that his mother\'s condition needs.

"No family affection." Qiao Chuping said quietly, "Jing Yifeng and I have no family relationship."

Ji Yuzhe seemed to hear the words from aliens. He calmed down and looked at Qiao Chu mysteriously.

"Jing Yifeng, not my father."

Qiao Chu took the two inspection reports out of his satchel and handed them to Ji Yuzhe. "You\'re not the only one in the world."

Ji Yuzhe stared, "you and Jing Yifeng are not..."

Joe Chu shook his head slightly. "Don\'t say it here. Let\'s change places."

They left Jing\'s house and found a relatively quiet cafe. Qiao Chu slowly told Ji Yuzhe his story.

"My mother always thought she was a happy woman. Even if she didn\'t marry Jing Yifeng in the end, she thought that at least Jing Yifeng loved her."

"Two years ago, I saw the scene of Jing Yifeng getting along with his mother. I also thought they were true love."

"But what my mother doesn\'t know is that Jing Yifeng once drunk her one night and gave her to a boss who was ready to cooperate."

Joe Chu spoke slowly, paragraph by paragraph, very difficult. She felt that her birth had become so ridiculous.

Ji Yuzhe\'s anger has calmed down slowly, but a new anger rises again.

Jing Yifeng is not human!

"Why are you telling me this? Aren\'t you afraid I\'ll say it?"

"You won\'t." Joe Chu pulled out a smile: "I tell you this just because I can\'t find someone to talk to."

"Don\'t you have any friends?"

"My friends are very good. I don\'t want them to feel sorry for me anymore." Joe Chu said, "but you are different. You have helped me and you are ordinary friends with each other. However, you and I have no emotional foundation and don\'t have to feel bad for me. We all have secrets between us. You won\'t tell anyone about me. On the contrary, I can divert your attention by telling these things."

Therefore, you can confidently tell all the truth.

Don\'t worry that the other party will reveal the secret, don\'t worry that the other party will feel uncomfortable, and you can heal each other.

Qiao Chu\'s side face slightly lowered his head, looked very sad and exuded a fatal charm.

Ji Yuzhe almost blurted out: "how do you know I won\'t feel bad for you?"

This night, Qiao Chu dissolved all the hostility of Ji Yuzhe in a strange way. In the same way, he also helped himself to the verge of despair.

"Ha ha!" Suddenly, a figure jumped out beside them, "is it really Yuzhe\'s brother? And sister Qiao Chu! I just thought I was wrong! Why are you here?"

Is it Jiang Shaoyi?

She is also one of Jing Yifeng\'s illegitimate daughters.

There\'s nothing wrong with the girl. She just likes to eat. But it seems that they belong to the category of not fat. Except that their face is a little round, they keep a good figure.

As soon as Ji Yuzhe saw her, his face suddenly became ugly and immediately put on a face of ten thousand years of alienation.

Why is she here? Did she just hear their conversation? How much did you listen to?

Qiao Chu\'s look was also somewhat unnatural. Instead, he said, "we are all brothers and sisters. It\'s OK to come out occasionally to contact our feelings."

"When did your relationship become so good?" Jiang Shaoyi picked up a piece of dessert on the table and ate it. "I\'m in touch with you, too."

Qiao Chu smiled reluctantly, "OK."

"The snacks here are delicious." Jiang Shaoyi sat down and put the last piece of dessert into her mouth. "Unfortunately, it\'s just a gift of coffee. It\'s not enough."

This woman knows how to eat!

Ji Yuzhe\'s face was completely black. He stood up and said, "I have something to go first. You can get in touch slowly."

After that, they left without waiting for their response.

Jiang Shaoyi wondered, "Why are you so angry? Have I offended him?"

Qiao Chu carefully distinguished the expression on Jiang Shaoyi\'s face and finally determined that she didn\'t pretend. He was relieved, "ah zhe has a strange temper. You should know him better than I do."

"Where would I know him?" Jiang Shaoyi said angrily, "he\'s very strange. For so many years, he\'s not close to our brothers and sisters at all. He can\'t say a word all year round. When we sit together for dinner every day, the air pressure on him is so low that we seem to owe him millions."

No one owes him, but the world owes him a sunny and happy life.

Qiao Chu asked, "are you here alone today, or do you have an appointment with someone?"