Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 151

"But will it bother you too much?" Zhou Xuening said guiltily, "if Lin Shu comes to trouble again, you saved me, and I\'ll give you trouble like this..."

"It doesn\'t matter." Joe Chu touched her hair. "We are sisters."

There are too many darkness and desolation in this world. Flesh and blood affection is the warmest lamp. It\'s fate to be a sister. If you can support each other, it\'s blessing.

This sentence made Zhou Xuening burst into tears again and rushed into Qiao Chu\'s arms to cry for a long time.

Xie Anyang stood by and looked at it. He was very sad. In the twinkling of an eye, Qiao Chu, who was always bullied by others, had grown into such a strong girl.

Ren Xiaoyun returned to Jingjiang City. Her father and mother met her at the door of her home. She hugged her parents and shouted emotionally, "Dad, mom, I\'m back."

"Just come back." Ren\'s mother\'s eyes were a little hot. "You girl, I said that you would go if you were not allowed to go to Jiangcheng. Are you wronged now? See if you dare to leave us in the future."

Ren Xiaoyun hated, "I\'m wrong. The Zhong family are not good people."

"We are the blood of our family. We should stay at home." Ren Fu took the child in her arms and said fondly, "the one named Zhong Shaoming doesn\'t know how to cherish you. It\'s ok if the Zhong family doesn\'t come back in the future."

"Dad" mentioned Zhong Shaoming. Ren Xiaoyun hesitated and finally said: "they want to give their children a paternity test and ask the hospital to deal with it urgently. I\'m afraid the results will come out in two days."

"Don\'t worry." Ren Fu said confidently, "as soon as I heard you talk about it, I\'ll take care of the hospital. There will be no mistakes. Just wait for two or three days, and they cry and beg you to go back."

Ren Xiaoyun smiled again, "thank you, Dad. I knew you loved your daughter most."

Ren\'s mother said discontentedly, "what about mother?"

Ren Xiaoyun immediately went over and hugged her shoulder. "Mom is the best in the world."

The three members of a family are happy, but they don\'t know how many unknown ugly truths are covered up behind it.

The sun slanted westward, and the atmosphere in the hospital was very tense.

Mr. Si has been in the hospital for a whole day, and his body is almost out of support. But he refused to go back to rest until his grandson woke up.

Bai Mei, Anne, and the girl about fifteen... Everyone is here.

Depression of discontent pervaded everywhere.

Xiao Yuan walked around in front of the ward.

After the doctor\'s latest round of examination, he came out of the ward. Xiao Yuan immediately greeted him and asked, "how\'s it going? When can Si Shao wake up?"

"There is no problem with the physical condition of Si Shao." The doctor was also a little confused and said cautiously, "the wound was well treated and there was no infection. Moreover, Si Shao\'s own physical quality is also very good. Now he doesn\'t wake up for more than 24 hours, which is really unreasonable."

"What 24 hours?" Xiao Yuan rarely shouted impatiently, "it\'s more than 36 hours now! I warn you that if something happens to the company, I\'ll blow up your hospital."

The doctor was frightened and constantly assured, "there will be no problem with Si Shao. It\'s just that the time to wake up is too long. Let\'s observe again..."

"Don\'t talk about useless things here." Xiao Yuan scolded: "your hospital will give you an accurate word. When can the Secretary wake up?"

The doctor was embarrassed: "this..."

Mr. Si was calm and stopped Xiao Yuan from losing his temper again. "Since the doctor said that there would be no problem with Yichuan, let\'s wait patiently."

Facing Si Shangfeng, Xiao Yuan was still very respectful. He quickly bent over to him, "yes, sir."

Suddenly a nurse shouted, "wake up! Secretary, wake up."

Annie stood closest to the door and rushed in first.

Si Yichuan\'s fingers are moving and his eyelashes are moving, but his eyes haven\'t opened yet.

The doctor was overjoyed and said, "this is a sign of waking up."

Thank God, if Si Shao doesn\'t wake up again, assistant Xiao, who looks gentle but actually is unusually grumpy, may really blow up the hospital.

"Yichuan, wake up." Annie held Si Yichuan\'s hand tightly and kept calling his name.

Bai Mei looked at this scene and was so angry that she wanted to pull Anne away from Si Yichuan.

Si Yichuan sank into a beautiful and sad dream.

In the dream, there was a girl with her back to him, and his arm tightly hugged her waist.

The girl, in a very sad tone, told a very sad story. She whispered, "water comes, I\'ll wait for you in the water, fire comes, I\'ll wait for you in the ashes." And asked him, "is such love stupid?"

The whole dream was full of her sad and graceful voice.

Who is she?

Why keep your back to him?

Why did you say such desperate words?

Si Yichuan tried hard to open his eyes and sat up. The wound was pulled by a sudden force and frowned with pain.

"Yi Chuan, you\'re awake."

"Si Shao..."


What a messy voice. Si Yichuan pressed the wound and carefully distinguished it, but there was no gentle and graceful voice in the dream.

He turned around and first saw Anne and asked strangely, "Anne? When did you come back?"

Annie\'s original expression of tears of joy froze. "Yi Chuan, what\'s the matter with you? I came back two years ago. Don\'t you remember?"

Si Yichuan turned to the others and saw the 15-year-old girl. Her expression immediately became soft. "Xiaobei, you\'re back, too? When did you come back?"

Sixiaobei has been sent abroad by siyichuan to study since he was six years old. Si Yichuan has been trying to cover up his daughter\'s existence because he is afraid that the complex family background will cause life pressure to his children.

Gradually, everyone in Jiangcheng didn\'t remember that Si Yichuan\'s wife had given birth to a daughter named Si Xiaobei.

Of course, in addition to Si Yichuan himself, Bai Mei, Brandt\'s sister, and Si Laozi, no one else knows that Si Xiaobei is not Si Yichuan\'s biological daughter.

Before meeting Qiao Chu, Si Yichuan didn\'t even touch any woman. Couple with Prynne for a few years, it\'s just nominal.

Even sixiaobei doesn\'t know these things.

"Dad, don\'t you remember? This year, you specially allowed me to return home for the new year." Sixiaobei said and cried, "your sudden injury scared me to death. I don\'t have a mother anymore. What should I do if you die again?"

"Xiaobei, don\'t talk nonsense." Bai Mei came over, took Xiaobei\'s hand and whispered, "your father will be fine when he wakes up now. You can\'t talk nonsense about those unlucky words."