Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 150

"These hair grew out of Jing\'s rice." Lin Shu said coldly and pinched her face again: "there\'s this thin skin and tender meat, and..." she began to pull Zhou Xuening\'s clothes. "Which of these beautiful and gorgeous clothes didn\'t grow out of Jing\'s money?"

Zhou Xuening\'s clothes were torn in a mess, and the sense of humiliation would drown her if the sea tide.

She vowed that no matter how hard it was, she would never go back to Jingjia again.

Will never forgive Lin Shu.

"Lin Shu, don\'t go too far. I will take revenge!"

"Even my temper is growing. I dare to call my name directly." Lin Shu tossed about almost, so he let Zhou Xuening go, turned to Zhou Haiyao, raised his hand and slapped her loudly.

"How can a shameless bitch like you still have the face to live so long in the world when she destroys other people\'s families?" Lin Shu was still angry after beating someone and scolded, "I\'m still a university professor. Bah! It\'s insulting Sven."

Falling in love with Jing Yifeng is a stain on Zhou Haiyao\'s life. At the moment, Lin Shu\'s scolding is also true. She can\'t say anything to defend. She can only bite her teeth and swallow her tears into her stomach.

"Today, it\'s just a small gift." Lin Shu said: "before the sun sets, Xuening, you\'d better go home obediently, otherwise..."

Before she finished, she asked her loyal follower, "let\'s go."

Once relieved, Zhou Xuening rushed to hold his mother and asked painfully, "Mom, how are you? Your face is swollen. Shall I take you to the hospital?"

Zhou Haiyao said dejectedly, "Xuening, it\'s mom who\'s bad. Mom\'s sorry for you and wronged you."

Zhou Xuening cried and shook his head. "No, mom, don\'t say that. I\'m useless and can\'t protect you."

"Xuening, Lin Shu, what does she really want to do? Why does she want you to go back to Jingjia? What bad does she want to do to you?" Zhou Haiyao suddenly regained consciousness and held Zhou Xuening\'s hand tightly. "What should we do? If you don\'t go back before the sun sets, I\'m afraid she will do something more crazy."

"It\'ll be fine." Zhou Xuening cried and said, "I will think of a way. Lin Shu doesn\'t cover the sky with one hand in Jiangcheng. He will always think of a way..."

In fact, Zhou Xuening was also very afraid. She was in a state of confusion and didn\'t know what to do. In fact, she said these words just to comfort her mother.

She wanted to call her boyfriend. However, they have been separated from each other for more than three years. Now the relationship between Plateau and her is a little cold. Even if you ask him for help, far water can\'t save near fire

Zhou Xuening suddenly thought of Qiao Chu.

In the most difficult and dangerous time, Joe Chu saved her. I\'m afraid no one in the whole river city will help her except Qiao Chu.

Zhou Xuening hesitated for a long time. After her mother\'s mood calmed down slowly, she finally decided to call Qiao Chu.

At this time, Qiao Chuzheng had lunch with Xie Anyang and discussed how to persuade the old man\'s son not to make false evidence.

When the mobile phone rang and saw that it was Zhou Xuening\'s phone, Qiao Chu answered it immediately.

"Xuening, what can I do for you?"

Listening to Qiao Chu\'s gentle and kind voice on the other end of the phone, Zhou Xuening couldn\'t stop crying and said, "sister Qiao Chu, help me..."

"What happened?!" Joe Chu stood up and asked nervously, "don\'t cry, speak slowly."

Zhou Xuening just cried and said intermittently, "Lin Shu... She..."

"Lin Shu, what bad has she done to you?" Joe Chu asked anxiously, "why don\'t you tell me where you are now? I\'ll find you right away."

Zhou Xuening choked and said an address.

"Don\'t be afraid. I\'ll be right over." Qiao Chu hung up the phone. Xie Anyang was also infected by Qiao Chu\'s tension and asked with concern, "is it your new friend Zhou Xuening? What happened?"

"I don\'t know. I\'ll find her right away."

"I\'ll take you."

According to Zhou Xuening\'s address, Qiao Chu and Xie Anyang quickly rushed there.

The gate of the yard was not closed tightly, and there were many spectators outside. Everyone was whispering, but none of them thought of calling the police.

Here, where the poor gather, the too humble poverty may have worn away the compassion in human nature.

Xie Anyang protected Qiao Chu, pushed aside the crowd and walked in.

Zhou Xuening was squatting in the corner. She was so flustered that she didn\'t even change her messy clothes. She was holding her body and shaking all over.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. What should she do if Lin Shu wanted to give her to someone else? I dare not tell my mother about this kind of thing. I\'m afraid it will make her worry about self blame.

"Xuening." When Qiao Chu saw her embarrassed appearance, he hurried over and took off his coat to cover her back. "What happened?"

"Sister Qiao Chu." "I\'m afraid to see her cry! Joe Xuening finally threw himself into my arms."

Xie Anyang waved to the onlookers outside and said with a face: "scattered, scattered! There\'s nothing to look at." Then lock the door tightly.

Qiao Chu patted Zhou Xuening on the shoulder, "it\'s okay, it\'s okay, don\'t be afraid."

After crying for a while, Zhou Xuening said what had just happened. Qiao Chu\'s eyebrows frowned. "This Lin Shu is so old, how can he still stick to his old ways."

Xie Anyang also turned blue with anger. "Lin Shu\'s behavior has caused a crime. Xuening, you can sue her."

"It\'s no use." Zhou Xuening shook her head in despair. "If I sue her, she will spend some money at most. In the end, there will be no crime."

Qiao Chu asked, "where\'s mother Zhou?"

"I gave her medicine and went to bed." "If she didn\'t fall asleep, she would be in a bad mood," Zhou said

Zhou Haiyao fell in love with Jing Yifeng and learned that he had a family, so he got mild depression. After giving birth to Zhou Xuening and being suspended by the school, his condition became more serious.

After a long period of treatment, it was not easy to survive. Lin Shu made a scene this time. Zhou Xuening was really worried that his mother would get sick again.

"What are you going to do? Do you really want to move back to Jingjia?" Qiao Chu asked realistically, "if she wants to use you to please someone again, how can you refuse her?"

"I don\'t know." Zhou Xuening is a typical scholarly woman. She is really independent except that she is easy to worry.

"Why not." Qiao Chu said, "my yard is very big. There is still room for a crowded house. You and mother Zhou can move in first. As for Lin Shu, we\'ll find a way to solve it together."