Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 152

"I know! My aunt told me that it was the bad woman named Qiao Chu that hurt my father." Si Xiaobei said bitterly, "she seduces you all day. An illegitimate girl who can\'t see the light still wants to marry you. I hate her!"

Bai Mei was startled when she heard the speech.

She spoke ill of Qiao Chu with sixiaobei in private just to make Xiaobei hate Qiao Chu. I didn\'t think the girl would suddenly say all this.

What will my brother-in-law think of her when he hears it? I\'m afraid I\'ll hate her more?

Annie sneered and secretly said that Bai Mei, a stupid woman, could only make these small moves behind her back. No wonder she couldn\'t get a straight eye from Yichuan for so many years.

Mr. Si is also slightly unhappy. Because of brandy, he loves Bai Mei most. But Bai Mei didn\'t know the truth and talked nonsense in front of children. She was really a little unhappy.

When you think about it carefully, although the injury of Yichuan has something to do with Qiao Chu, it\'s hard to avoid heartache to think of her pitiful appearance in the process of waiting for Yichuan\'s operation that night

In the final analysis, it\'s just a poor child of bad birth.

Even Xiao Yuan secretly glanced at Bai Mei. He despised the white family daughter who seemed noble but actually had a dark heart.

Without Si Shao\'s advice, he didn\'t dare to advocate and talk nonsense. Therefore, he didn\'t tell the truth about Si Shao\'s injury to master Si, but said it was some enemies seeking revenge. But Miss Bai casually put the black pot on Qiao Chu. She is too mean.

The people present had different thoughts. Si Yichuan suddenly asked, "who is Qiao Chu?"

Four words, let everyone present petrified!

Even Si Shangfeng looked at his grandson strangely.

Once, Si Yichuan loved Qiao Chu so much and was hurt for her. Now I would ask, who is Joe Chu? Moreover, when he woke up, he remembered everyone. How could he forget Joe Chu alone?

Xiao Yuan saw with his own eyes that after Si Shao was shot, he had a bitter farewell to Qiao Chu. He was the last person present who didn\'t want to believe that Si Shao would forget Qiao Chu.

"Si Shao, Miss Qiao Chu, she..."

When he was about to speak, Annie suddenly interrupted him, "it\'s nothing. Qiaochu is a vain woman. Yichuan, you once liked her very much, but she tried to climb the boss\'s house. A poor woman has unrealistic dreams all day, so don\'t care about her."

Subconsciously, Si Yichuan didn\'t like Annie to say such words and turned to Xiao Yuan, "you say it."

Xiao Yuan also hated Annie\'s description of Qiao Chu. However, he subconsciously looked at Si Shangfeng\'s eyes and knew that he didn\'t agree to tell the truth. He could only answer in a low voice, "Si Shao, I don\'t know."

Si Yichuan looked at his subordinate and knew that he didn\'t tell the truth. He was unhappy. But as I just woke up, I was not clear about all the situations, so I didn\'t continue to ask questions.

He slept too long, felt a little tired without saying a few words, and let everyone out.

After Xiao Yuan and Si Shangfeng left the ward, they went to the doctor to find out the situation.

The doctor was also surprised by this and said cautiously: "loss of memory is a neuropsychiatric symptom. It may be caused by many kinds of neurological and mental diseases. It may be internal or external. What is the specific reason, our hospital will also make some relevant examinations."

Xiao Yuan asked, "when will he recover?"

"Like Si Shao, he only loses part of his memory. In medicine, it is called temporary amnesia." The doctor replied in detail: "before he woke up, he had a temporary lack of oxygen. Amnesia is likely to be caused by a temporary blockage of cerebral blood vessels and insufficient local blood supply. Maybe he can fully recover from an impressive scene."

Mr. Si is not interested in when his grandson will recover. He is more worried about the side effects. "Then, will amnesia affect his body?"

"Oh, that won\'t." The doctor said, "I\'m afraid Mr. Si didn\'t realize that he had lost his memory. It\'s best to ask a brain doctor to see the specific time period when he began to lose his memory."

"I see. Thank you, doctor."

Xiao Yuan helped the old man leave the doctor\'s office and advised him to go home and have a rest.

The old man is 74 years old this year. He can\'t afford to stay in the hospital for so long.

Since he had waited until his grandson woke up and learned that he was safe, Si Shangfeng had already dropped a big stone in his heart and did not insist on staying in the hospital.

Xiao Yuan sent someone to send him home.

After returning to the courtyard with Zhou Xuening, Qiao Chu quickly picked up the clothes in his room and gave them to Zhou Xuening.

Zhou Xuening felt very uneasy about this, "sister Qiao Chu, let\'s disturb you and ask you to give me your room. How can we do this?"

"It doesn\'t matter. I\'ll go to my mother\'s room." Qiao Chu said, "let\'s tidy up here first, and then pick up mother Zhou."

"Fortunately, fortunately you are back. Sister Qiao Chu, if you don\'t return home..." Zhou Xuening\'s eyes are red and his mood is out of control again, "otherwise I don\'t know what I will become."

"Don\'t cry, Joe." we need to help her

Xie Anyang couldn\'t help saying, "don\'t be afraid. As long as you live here, I will ensure your safety. If Lin Shu dares to make trouble here, I will let her know the consequences."

Zhou Xuening looked at Xie an for a while and kept saying, "thank you."

"Don\'t thank me again and again." Qiao Chu said, "they are all a family. There is no need to say polite words."

Quickly tidy up the things. Xie Anyang takes Zhou Xuening back to pick up her mother.

Zhou\'s mother didn\'t wake up and slept heavily.

"I wanted her to sleep a little longer, so I added half an extra pill." Zhou Xuening said anxiously, "I don\'t know when I\'ll sleep."

Xie Anyang said thoughtfully, "it doesn\'t matter. Let\'s wait slowly."

Zhou Xuening nodded, took out two stools and sat in the yard with Xie Anyang.

The noon sun is warm, but it can\'t shine into my heart.

Zhou Xuening suddenly said, "Mr. Xie, can I follow sister Qiao Chu and call your eldest brother?"

Xie Anyang said with a smile, "of course."

"Elder brother, how do you know sister Qiao Chu?" Zhou Xuening asked, "my initial impression of her was that she was a girl who didn\'t admit defeat and felt a little pity for her. Now think about it, I regret that I didn\'t stand up to help her. Even asking Han is better than me. At least she stood up and said a few words for her."

What Zhou Xuening didn\'t expect is that Jing Wenhan is Lin Shu\'s own daughter. Even if he goes too far, Lin Shu won\'t do anything to her afterwards. But if she stands up, she may not be the only one to suffer.