You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 798

Gu Chi stepped forward and stood between him and Gu Jun, looking at him coldly, "Fang Yixian, if you have evidence, call the police to arrest people. If you don't have evidence, please leave here immediately. Don't bark here."

"Why?" Tears came up in Fang Yixian's eyes and a heavy look of sadness appeared on her face.

He looked at Gu Jun and asked: "why? Aren't you a good man? Aren't you from a famous family, aboveboard and clean hands? Why did you kill pearl? She's so young, she... "

"Is Joey old enough to die?" Gu Junzhu finally turned to look at him, cold eyes like ice, "your sister is your heart, no matter what she did, should be alive, my niece will die, right?"

Fang Yixian choked.

A moment later, he turned around with a pale face and left with a staggering step.


Fang Mingzhu is the flesh of his heart. Is Joey the grass on the side of the road?

After all, it's just a life for a life.

It can only blame Fang Mingzhu for being so cruel. Besides Fang Mingzhu, who else is he qualified to blame?

When ye Xing comes out of the kitchen with a bowl of soup in the north, he just sees Fang Yixian's back.

She just took a light look and then drew back her eyes. She didn't care at all.

She put the soup on the tea table, then sat down on the sofa and patted her side: "come and have some soup."

Gu Junzhu hasn't eaten much since Joey died.

When we eat, he also sits at the table, but he doesn't move his chopsticks. After a meal, he can't eat much.

The iron man can't endure the constant consumption of food and drink.

Ye Xingbei had no choice but to make some soup for him.

Gu Junzhu has no appetite, but he knows that ye Xingbei has been busy in the kitchen for a long time, probably for this bowl of soup.

He didn't want to waste Ye Xingbei's mind. He went to the sofa and sat down. He picked up the soup bowl. Without a spoon, he drank a bowl of soup clean.

Ye Xingbei estimated that he didn't even taste the soup.

if it was before, Ye Xing Bei must make complaints about him.

But now, ye Xingbei just sighed silently.

She knew that Gu Junzhu was very remorseful and sad.

Even though Joey had broken up with his family for a man.

But she was Gu Junzhu's niece. She was connected by blood and had a very close relationship with Gu Junzhu.

The relationship between relatives, unless one side betrayed to the extreme, or it is difficult to be cut off.

She has been racking her brains to find a way, hoping to find a reason to comfort Gu Junzhu.

But in the end, she failed.

In the face of the pain of losing a loved one, all the words are pale and powerless.

She just waited for time to heal Gu Junzhu's pain.

For Gu Junzhu now, silent company is the best comfort.

So, she didn't say much. Instead, she went to the kitchen and washed a plate of fruit. She patiently peeled and cut it into pieces, forked it with a toothpick and handed it to Gu Jun.

She cut several kinds of fruits that Gu Junzhu liked to eat. No matter what fruits were handed to Gu Junzhu's lips, Gu Junzhu would not refuse to eat them.

He had a good time, but ye Xingbei knew that when the fruit came to his mouth, it was just like that bowl of soup.

But there is no way, always coax him to eat something, otherwise his body certainly can't carry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!