You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 799

Now ye Xingbei is nostalgic for Gu Wuye.

Although Gu Junzhu is more stable, more powerful, and looks more attractive as a successful man, she still likes Gu Junzhu who was angry before. She can't help but want to be angry.

Because that kind of Gu Junzhu is happy.

At the same time.

In the hospital.

Guo Mu is lying on the hospital bed, one hand is handcuffed at the head of the bed, and the other hand is laced with liquid.

The doctor had given him painkillers, but he was still in pain all over.

He heard from the doctor who treated him that the dart that had been shot at him had been soaked in the liquid medicine.

That kind of medicine, can slowly corrode his muscles and nerves, let his whole body fester to death.

If he only injured three or five places, even ten or eight, as long as symptomatic treatment, he still has the hope of recovery.

But there were too many places where he was injured, more than 30 places.

The liquid slowly corrodes the muscles and nerves of his whole body. For him, the current drugs can only delay the attack of toxins in his body and can not save his life.

He thought he was not afraid of death.

But when he clearly felt something devouring his body and life, he found that the taste of waiting for death was too terrible.

Besides, it's not easy to die.

The process of drug eroding muscles and nerves is a pain he can't imagine.

It's like someone takes a blunt knife, cuts his muscles one by one, and then gradually peels all the muscles away from his bones.

In the past, he couldn't imagine that a person who suffered so much could still live and be sober.

He could hear doctors and nurses and police around him.

His eyes can turn.

He can also feel the pain from his whole body, but he can't speak or move any more.

He became a complete loser.

Ironically, the police were afraid that he would run away and handcuffed him to the head of the bed.

For him at the moment, death is relief.

But the most tragic thing is that he can't even die.

His whole body was in a trance. He was wearing an oxygen mask on his mouth and nose. His lips were shaking for a long time. He couldn't pronounce a syllable. He couldn't even ask someone to kill him.

Pain, regret, despair, all kinds of negative emotions will bury him, he bears the double suffering of body and spirit.

Just as he was dying, he heard people talking around him.

A very soft female voice said, "Hey, have you heard? Miss Fang died in the detention house and was strangled by the prisoners in the same room. "

Another female voice said: "of course, I heard that this is the biggest news today. I also heard that Fang Mingzhu and our ward are partners. It's Fang Mingzhu who bribed our ward to kill people. It's really that the villain has evil retribution!"

"That's right," the soft voice echoed, "I saw Fang Mingzhu's picture on the Internet. She looks so beautiful and charming. She's so crazy. It's really ugly."

"The net of heaven is wide and clear, but it doesn't leak," said the clear female voice. "We can't live long in our ward. On the way to huangquan, they can still be companions. I hope they won't be bad guys any more in their next life..."

Their voices faded away.

Guo Mu couldn't hear what they said.

But he has heard very clearly, Fang Mingzhu is dead. , the fastest update of the webnovel!