You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 797

She wants her son to have a good home.

She hoped her son would not grow up alone in the orphanage like her.

She works hard all the year round and has great strength.

After Fang Mingzhu was choked by her neck, she couldn't say a word. She couldn't even shout for help.

She breathed desperately, struggled desperately.

She felt her breathing harder and harder and death closer and closer to her.

In a trance, she suddenly thought, is this retribution?

Guo Mu killed Joey because she complained.

Now, this female prisoner named Wang Huilan is going to kill her because of a groundless word.

She didn't want to die.

She wants to get out of here.

She wants to go abroad.

She wanted to continue to live the life of her noble and noble lady.

She's young. She hasn't lived enough.

Obviously, her brother said it, and the lawyers said she was not guilty. She will go out soon. Why is she still dying

She can breathe less and less oxygen, lung pain as if about to explode in general.

The original taste of death is so painful.

I don't know if Joey was as miserable as she was when she died.

She didn't want to die.

She didn't want to die

Who's going to save her?

Brother, come and help me.

I'm still young. I have a lot of good days to live. I don't want to die. Come and help me

Until she died, her eyes were still wide open and her mouth was open, hoping her brother could hear her cry.

I hope someone can save her.

At the last moment before she died, she had only one thought.

If this is a terrible dream, she will call Guo Mu honestly and not be smart. She will not kill anyone and will not covet Fang's property and Fang Yao.

As long as you can live, other things are not as important as living well.

When Fang Yixian got the news that Fang Mingzhu was strangled by the prisoner in the same room, the water cup in his hand fell to the ground and smashed.

He repeatedly asked several times, still can't believe, Fang Mingzhu died.

His sister, dead.

Just an hour ago, he met his sister.

He also said to her, it's OK, the police will let you out soon.

But now, his sister is dead.

After standing for a long time, he suddenly recovered, rushed out of the door, got into the car and stepped on the accelerator to the end.

The car sped all the way into Qiao's villa.

It seems that someone had expected his arrival, but no one stopped him.

He smoothly and incomparably met Gu Junzhu in the living room.

He rushed to Gu Jun and roared angrily: "is it you? It's you, isn't it? You killed pearl, you killed my sister! Why? How can you be so cruel? Aren't you a gentleman? Don't you never break the law? How can you kill pearl? "

Gu Jun is standing in front of Joey's portrait, looking at the girl with a smile in the portrait. Yi Xian's angry roar is unheard of.

Gu Chi, who was standing beside him, said: "young master Fang, you can't eat things or talk nonsense. Slander is against the law! I've heard about Fang Mingzhu's death. She was strangled by a female prisoner living in the same room. You've got the wrong person. "

"What? Dare to do it, dare not recognize it? " Fang Yixian glared at Gu Jun fiercely and roared: "it's you! You must have bought that female prisoner! Otherwise, she and the Pearl have no injustice or hatred. Why kill the Pearl? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!