You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 796

She had a strange pleasure on her face, and even her voice was lighter. "I not only killed him, I also killed his mother. Every time he beat me and my child, his mother not only didn't dissuade me, but also added oil and fire, so I killed the old witch together."

Looking at her ferocious appearance, Fang Mingzhu's face turned pale and trembled.

She, she was locked up with a murderer who killed two people!

She, she wants to change room number!

She slammed on the iron gate and beat it desperately, "come on, come on, come on!"

The C.O. came quickly and yelled, "what are you doing?"

"I want to change rooms!" Fang Mingzhu slapped the gate in horror and said, "I don't want to stay here. There are murderers here! I don't want to live with the murderer. You should change one for me quickly

"What's so strange about murderers?" The guard sneered, "aren't you a murderer yourself? That's funny. "

The C.O. sneered and turned away.

Fang Mingzhu was stunned. She came back and beat the iron gate desperately: "you are nonsense! I am not a murderer, I am wronged! My brother will come to help me out soon. Please change my room for me, or when I go out, tell my brother that my brother won't let you go! "

The guard sneered and walked away without saying a word.

Nobody cares about her.

No one changed her room.

The C.O. said she was also a murderer.

She's a murderer?

She was scared to death by the murderer, but in other people's eyes, she is also a murderer.

Her legs softened, she stepped back and sat down on the bed.

"Stop it. The people who are locked up here are more serious than you. No matter how serious they are, they will still be locked up here." The female prisoner's face was calm again, and her black eyes were staring at her: "the lawyer who helped me said that if I only killed the man, I would have a chance to go out, but I also killed the old woman Two lives. I will be sentenced to death. I won't get away with it. "

Fang Mingzhu looked at her in horror and tried to shrink herself into the corner. "Don't tell me this. I don't want to hear it. Go away. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it!"

The female prisoner ignored her and said to herself, "in fact, I've lived long enough It's too painful to live. If it wasn't for my child, I would have died But I'm really worried about my child. He's only seven years old. I'm an orphan. He has no grandparents. I killed his grandmother and father, and his father's relatives won't adopt him. What will he do when I die? "

Fang Mingzhu almost collapsed. She covered her ears and shook her head desperately. "It's your business. It's none of my business. Don't tell me! Go away, go away

Her eyes suddenly a black, female prisoners close to her body, gloomy said: "no, and you!"

She raised her hand and pinched Fang Mingzhu's neck: "just now I went to let the wind blow, I suddenly heard someone say that if someone killed you, someone would thank that person for acting for heaven, give that person a lot of money, and help that person arrange relatives..."

She didn't see who said that.

But she had a strange feeling. She felt that the words were meant to her.

Therefore, she must kill Fang Mingzhu.

Whether it's true or not, she's going to gamble for her son.

She wants her son to have money. , the fastest update of the webnovel!