You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 795

Unfortunately, it was a worthless Joey who died, not Fang Yao and misheng. Otherwise, even if she stayed here for a few days, it would be worth living.

Looking back at what Fang Yixian said about Guo Mu's fate, she felt a little distressed. But on second thought, Guo Mu was old and had no relatives. Even if he died, she didn't care. Moreover, if her grandfather hadn't saved him, he would have died for many years.

Such a thought, the only point in her heart to Guo Mu's guilt and heartache, also disappeared without a trace.

She just hopes her brother can get her out of here soon.

Get out of here and she'll go abroad at once.

She has a house abroad and a large amount of money in her name. Let her brother send her more bodyguards.

In foreign countries, without her parents and brother, she is the eldest. She will be more carefree than she is now.

Just as she was imagining the bright future after she left here, a female prisoner suddenly sat down beside her.

She immediately moved aside in disgust, frowning at the female prisoner: "don't sit on my bed, stay away from me."

The female prisoner looked at her without expression: "you are Fang Mingzhu."

It's not a question, it's an affirmative.

Her face is expressionless, but her dark eyes, like black holes, make Fang Mingzhu creepy and goose bumps.

She hid further and looked at the female prisoner warily and asked, "what do you want to do?"

"Do you know what crime I have committed?" The female prisoner looked at her and said, "homicide, I'm a murderer."

Fang Mingzhu felt hairy and shrank to the corner of the wall: "why do you talk to me about this? I don't want to know. "

"But I want to tell you," said the female prisoner, "my name is Wang Huilan. It's a common name, isn't it? I'm also a very ordinary person, but I also have some unusual things. For example, I was an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage and suffered a lot. I finally grew up alive. "

Her story is always expressionless.

Fang Mingzhu interrupted her again: "don't tell me this. I don't want to know. Go away, or I'll call the prison guard."

"Don't call me a prison officer," said the female prisoner. "I'm a murderer. It's a capital crime to kill a few people. If you call a prison officer, you will offend me. The prison officer just warns me. When the prison officer leaves, I'll get back at you."

Fang Mingzhu's face turned pale with fright. She curled up in a ball. Her tears rolled in her eyes, but she didn't dare to call the prison guard.

She knew the woman was telling the truth.

The woman just sat here and chatted with her quietly. Even if she called the C.O., the C.O. just warned the woman.

When the C.O. leaves, the woman will get even with her.

"I went through a lot of hardships to grow up, and then I got married. I was pretty, graduated from junior high school, with a low diploma, but I could read, had all my limbs, and was hardworking and willing to work," said the female prisoner. "I thought that with my own family, I would have a good life, and I would be very happy, but in fact, I married a domestic tyrant

In the calm eyes of the female prisoner, a strong hatred suddenly appeared.

Her delicate facial features were ferocious because of hatred: "when I had no child, he beat me alone. After I had a child, he beat my child together. For the sake of the child, I always put up with him. I always advised myself that when he was older and his temper was not so fierce, he would change, but he not only didn't change, but also intensified, so I killed him. ” , the fastest update of the webnovel!