You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 794

In front of Fang Mingzhu, let him feel cold thin merciless terrible.

When did his innocent and lovely sister become so terrible?

Or is she always like this, but he never found out?

Seeing Fang Yixian's sad and disappointed eyes, Fang Mingzhu was stung.

She was flustered and flustered, and her tone rose abruptly: "brother, why are you looking at me like this? It's not my fault. It's all Guo Mu's fault. I just complained to him about Fang yaomisheng. He went to kill people. He didn't kill people, and it also affected me Brother, you don't know how terrible it is here. I'm so afraid. Please, you must help me out quickly. "

She looked at Fang Yixian imploringly. Her eyes were in a panic and tears were pouring down.

Fang Yixian sighed and nodded: "don't worry, you'll be OK."

That's what lawyers say.

The police have no evidence to prove that Guo Mu was abetted by his sister. Fang Mingzhu will be fine.

Now it's just a process, more than half a month, less than a few days, and Fang Mingzhu will be free.

Fang Mingzhu always worships Fang Yixian the most. When she heard Fang Yixian's promise, she burst into tears and laughed. She held Fang Yixian's hand and said, "brother, you must be quick and the fastest. You'd better let me leave here today!"

What else did Fang Yixian want to say? The prison guard came in and said, "it's time."

She took Fang Mingzhu's arm and motioned her to leave with her.

Fang Mingzhu had no choice but to stand up and tell Fang Yixian: "brother, be quick, be quick!"

Silently watching Fang Mingzhu is taken away by the prison guards, Fang Yixian pinches her eyebrows wearily.

From beginning to end, Fang Mingzhu only talked about herself.

She didn't ask Guo Mu because she was caught by the police.

They didn't care about their mother who was also arrested in detention.

From the beginning to the end, her heart, only her own.

He slowly got up and walked out of the detention center, each step heavy.

Originally, Fang Yao had made it clear that he only needed the part of the property belonging to the family.

Although only 45% of the Fang family was left after being taken 55% by Fang Yao, he still has the confidence to rely on his own efforts to make the Fang family prosperous again.

But now, Gu Junzhu's niece died in Guo Mu's hands.

To be exact, he died in the hands of Fang Mingzhu and Guo mu.

Can Gu Junzhu be generous enough not to involve the Fang family?

He didn't know.

But although Fang Mingzhu is cold and thin, and makes him feel strange and terrible, she is still his sister who has been in pain for more than 20 years.

In any case, he would rescue her and arrange her way back.

He sighed a long time, and his steps became firm.

No matter what Fang's family is, let's arrange Fang Mingzhu's retreat first.

Just as she said, get everything ready for her and send her abroad as soon as the police declare her innocent.

Their Fang family has a lot of real estate abroad, and Fang Mingzhu also has it. Send her more bodyguards and deposit more money in RS bank.

While he still has the ability to do more for her, just do more for her.

Fang Mingzhu's haunted return to the number room, in the heart than did not see Fang Yixian, a little less uneasy, a little more looking forward to.

She knew she was going to be OK.

She just chatted with Guo mu. Even if Gu Junzhu had the ability, he couldn't convict her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!