You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 791

Gu Junzhu turned a deaf ear until he stepped on more than 30 darts on his body.

There are three more that are exposed outside his body.

The three missed, hit his vital point, stepped down, he died.

Gu Junzhu didn't want him to die so easily.

Guo Mu has screamed hoarse voice, incontinence, a dirty body.

Pain, shame, regret, mixed emotions.

As long as I knew that this man was more cruel than him, I'm sure he would have been far away from him. No matter what, he would not provoke him.

It's too painful.

Every second of suffering is a kind of suffering for him.

Gu Junzhu squatted down beside him and looked into his eyes. "Fang Mingzhu, please kill Fang Yao and misheng?"

Guo Mu is suffering from the pain as if he were in a hurry. He is like a fish that has been thrown to the shore and cut his stomach. He can't say a word except for breathing.

Gu Junzhu didn't care that he couldn't answer. He continued: "you can kill for Fang Mingzhu. You must love her very much, don't you? I heard that you have no children. Fang Mingzhu likes to be coquetry with you. Do you take Fang Mingzhu as your daughter

Guo Mu's eyes suddenly burst, and a broken voice came out of his throat: "what do you want to do?"

Gu Junzhu's eyes were as cold as frost: "I was thinking, it's better to let Fang Mingzhu know your death first and then let her die, or it's better to let you know Fang Mingzhu's death and then let you die."

Guo Mu's pupils suddenly constricted, and a whoosh voice came out of his throat: "no, it's not about the Pearl, it's about myself..."

"At this time, you are still defending her, so you really love her," Gu Jun said with an icy arc. "Let Fang Mingzhu walk in front of you, and you will die at ease."

"You You can't... " Guo Mu wanted to raise his head and say a few more words, but his physical strength was overdrawn and his lips were trembling violently. He couldn't say the second half of the sentence.

"Killing people pays for their lives," Gu Jun stood up one by one, looked down at him and said faintly, "you and Fang Mingzhu should think about this before they kill people."

"It's me..." Guo Mu tried his best to squeeze out these two words.

"Don't worry," Gu Junzhu said, "she's dead. It's your turn soon. You can continue to take care of her on the way to huangquan."

No longer pay attention to Guo mu, Gu Jun turned around and walked toward the flashing outside: "call the police."

"Yes The man behind him nodded, took out his cell phone and dialed the police.

The police arrived quickly.

The police were stunned when they saw Guo Mu who was tied into a sieve on the ground.

Gu Chi said: "when we were distracted in the mountains, we just met him. He had a gun in his hand and wanted to shoot at us. My colleague liked to play with darts when he was young. He was in a panic and threw all the darts in his pocket on him. Comrade police, my colleague should be defending himself?"

Police officer Should, should be counted? "

Although the scene didn't look like what the other side said.

But the man lying on the ground was an outlaw who wounded two of his colleagues with a gun and killed an innocent victim with a sniper gun.

It seems that it is not too much to catch such a ferocious man by any means.

"That's good. Then we can rest assured. We are afraid of being accused of over defense." Gu Chi said with a happy face.

"Should, should not," the policeman wiped the sweat on his forehead: "no one should sue for him..."

They know a lot about Guo Mu now.

Guo Mu has no relatives and friends, and his closest relatives are the Fang family.

Now Fang's mother and Miss Fang are both in prison. He doesn't think that other people in Fang's family are in the mood to help a vicious forest ranger fight a lawsuit.

"That's great, eh, just a moment," Gu Chi stopped the person who wanted to carry Guo Mu away. He squatted down and pulled out a dart from the place closest to Guo Mu's heart. "Excuse me, my colleague likes his dart very much. Can I help my colleague take it down, and you can take it away?"

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