You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 792

The policeman gasped at the corner of his mouth.

They came to arrest people without a doctor.

If so many darts are pulled down, will this man hang up on the spot?

The leading policeman quickly said, "let's take the man back first and ask the doctor to treat him. When the doctor treats him, he will take down the darts. Then we will inform you to take them."

Gu Chi took a plastic bag, threw his dart in, stood up, looked at the leading policeman and said, "OK, I'll go back and wait for the news."

He nodded politely and left.


detention house.

After Fang Mingzhu finished the record, she was put into the number room of the detention center.

There are ten people in the number room. There are all kinds of people in the number room. Looking at her, her eyes are full of malice.

She lost her freedom.

The bed is a hard bed.

Eating and drinking are all in the same room.

There are only ten minutes to go out for ventilation every day.

She is a miss of the Fang family. As the only girl in the Fang family, the whole family dotes on her and takes care of her.

She lived nobly and delicately from the day she was born, and never suffered like this.

She only stayed in for half a day and a night, and she was going crazy.

She stayed up all night, afraid and regretting all night.

She was afraid that she would really be sentenced.

She said to herself over and over again that she just chatted with Guo Mu casually. It was Guo Mu who killed people madly. It had nothing to do with her. She would not be in prison and would be able to leave here.

But at the same time, she was extremely afraid of what happened in the middle, which would lead to her imprisonment.

It's terrible here.

She doesn't want to be here all day.

If the time could be repeated, she would not make a smart call to Guo mu.

At that time, she was not sure that Guo Mu would help her get rid of Fang Yao and Mi Sheng after hearing her cry.

She just wanted to have a try.

Anyway, she just made a phone call. After hearing her complaint, Guo Mu went to find Fang Yao and Mi Sheng to settle accounts, which had nothing to do with her.

If Guo Mu is indifferent, she has no loss.

When she was shut in the number room, she suddenly realized that the development of things was not what she wanted.

She thinks that no one can do anything to her. Even if Guo Muzhen kills Fang Yao and misheng, she can still be the first lady of the Fang family.

But the fact is that she was put here, lost her freedom and her noble life, that every day should not, that the land does not work.

She was lying on the hard, harsh bed, not sleepy at all.

How she hoped that it was just a dream. When she woke up, she was still in the Fang family, and nothing happened at the moment.

If it was just a dream, she would not call Guo mu, and she would not have any idea about Fang Yao and misheng.

Unfortunately, one night later, she was still in the cell of the detention center.

It's not a dream.

Everyone in the cell got up. Some talked, some washed and some walked.

The first thing many people do in the morning is to solve their physiological problems. For a moment, the smell of defecation diffuses in the number room. The air in the number room is dirty and dirty. Fang Mingzhu wants to vomit.

She's going crazy.

If she does get a sentence, she's going to be crazy.

After having a bad breakfast, a prison guard opened the door and said, "Fang Mingzhu, someone is visiting." , the fastest update of the webnovel!