You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 790

"Is it?" Guo Mu said indifferently: "I'm really sorry. I didn't want to kill her. She wanted to die by herself. She just blocked the bullet for the girl named misheng. It's her own life. I can't blame others."

Gu Jun with cold eyes staring at him, said: "that you meet me, but also your life is not good, no wonder others."

His eyes are cold like ice cones, straight into the soul of Guo mu.

Guo Mu Mingming has already made up his mind to die, but a burst of unexplained fear makes him shiver.

Gu Junzhu took a few steps forward and stepped on the dart on his ankle.

More than half of the darts exposed outside were trampled into Guo Mu's body by him.

Guo Mu fell to the ground in pain and wanted to struggle. Gu Jun's hands behind him quickly crossed Gu Jun's.

Four people stepped on his wrists and ankles and nailed him firmly to the ground.

Guo Mu trembled with pain and tried to raise his head. Looking at Gu Junzhu, he said, "what do you want to do? I killed your niece, I plead guilty, you call the police! You call the police

"Don't worry," Gu Junzhu looked at him and said faintly, "don't worry, I'll call the police."

He raised his foot and stepped down another dart, which he stepped into Guo Mu's body.

Guo Mu cried out in pain.

Dozens of darts were shot at him, all of which avoided his fatal part.

The darts were very small, the length of the little finger was as light as paper. When they were shot at him, they only shot into one third of the volume and pierced his skin and flesh, causing no fatal injury to him.

Even now, the two darts were chased by Gu Jun into his body, avoiding the fatal position of blood vessels.

He'll only hurt, he won't die.

Aware of what Gu Junzhu wanted to do, he finally lost his just indifferent appearance.

Knowing that he could not escape, he was ready to be arrested by the police.

He has even been thinking about whether there is any possibility of his escape from prison and whether there is any other way to survive after he is caught by the police.

At the end of the day, he didn't want to die.

But now, the situation he faces is more terrible than death.

He had dozens of darts on his body. If the man in front of him stepped on his body one by one, wouldn't it be like lingchi?

He hissed, "you have no right to do this to me! I committed a crime, there will be a law to punish me, you call the police, call the police! Let the police catch me, you have no right to abuse lynching! "

"The abuse of lynching refers to people," Gu Jun raised his foot and fell down, and another dart fell into his body. "You don't have to be so particular about animals like you."

Once, once, and again.

Guo mutang's life and death, scream, cry and howl.

Whenever he faints from pain, someone wakes him up.

He really felt what it meant to be unable to survive or to die.

He once thought that being caught by the police and being shot was the worst end.

He didn't want to die, but he wasn't afraid of it.

He is alone. Fang Haichuan is the closest person in the world.

Now that Fang Haichuan is dead, he has nothing to worry about. If he can change his place and start again, he doesn't care if he is caught by the police and shot dead.

But now, he just knew that what he thought was too simple.

The most terrible thing in the world is not to die, but to die.

It's too painful.

In pain, he begged for mercy for a while, and then asked Gu Junzhu to give him a pleasure. , the fastest update of the webnovel!