You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 778

Think about joy's pride and strong self-esteem, and then think about the shameless Qiao Zui. Ye Xingbei silently thinks that, sure enough, shameless people in the world live more leisurely.

It's a pity that shamelessness is also a skill. Ordinary people can't reach that height easily.

Back in the living room, Gu Junzhu didn't ask anything. She chatted with Gu Junzhu about Joey's mental state.

Of course, she invited Joey to see Gu Junzhu, but she didn't say a word about Joey's refusal.

In the evening, Qiao Zui, Fang Yao and misheng came back very late.

Several people are not in good spirits and look tired.

Ye Xingbei asked the kitchen to make soup for them. After watching them drink the soup and eat some fruit, they chatted casually and went to have a rest.

Tomorrow is the death day of Joe's parents.

Everyone's heart is a little heavy.

Back in the bedroom, Gu Jun said little.

Ye Xingbei couldn't hear him for a long time. He thought he was asleep. He turned to look at him and found that he was staring at the group photo of him and his sister's family.

Ye Xingbei held his hand, leaned into his arms and said softly, "it's getting late. I have to get up early tomorrow and go to bed."

Gu Jun touched her head one by one, raised his hand and turned off the light.

The next day, everyone got up early.

The breakfast was rich and everyone was silent.

Even Xiao shumiao'er felt the heaviness of everyone's heart. He ate and didn't say a word. Occasionally he raised his big black eyes and looked at everyone carefully.

His main concern, of course, is his parents.

He seems to find that Gu Junzhu is in a bad mood. He is very clever. After eating enough, he stays by Gu Junzhu's side, holding his hand and never leaving.

Gu Junzhu felt that he was intimate. He couldn't help reaching out and touching his little head. His lips turned up. Looking at Ye Xingbei, he said, "who says son is not as intimate as daughter? I think our baby is more intimate than our daughter. "

Ye Xingbei shakes his head and smiles.

She has been used to Gu Wuye's boasting and doesn't make any comments.

The young tree looked up at him: "Dad, although I'm more intimate than my sister, you'd better have a sister with your mother! My sister can wear a flowery skirt, but a little tree can't

Gu Jun chuckled and leaned over to hold him in his arms. "Why can my sister wear a floral skirt and have a sister?"

"I heard from an aunt," said little tree miao'er, embracing his neck. "When I went shopping with my mother, I heard one aunt say to another on the way that I gave birth to two smelly boys. When I saw that no one was wearing the beautiful flowered skirt in the shopping mall, I felt itchy. I especially wanted to have a daughter. Later, I would braid her hair, wear flowered skirt and dress up beautifully."

"So it is," Gu Jun said, pinching his face. "Father and mother don't have a sister. Father can buy a flower skirt for your mother. If he has a sister, he can buy a flower skirt for his sister. If he runs out of money, he can't buy a flower skirt for his mother."

"Ah?" Little sapling looked at Gu Junzhu with wide eyes and was shocked: "Dad, aren't you rich? Is my sister's floral dress very expensive? "

Gu Chi came in to report that the car was ready.

Gu five ye should be a, while holding saplings to go out, while seriously deceive the children, "girls like beautiful, want to buy a lot of clothes, buy more, father has no money, if you have a sister, buy beautiful clothes for your sister, you have no money for your mother." , the fastest update of the webnovel!