You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 777

Ye Xingbei

She must be out of her mind to discuss this kind of neuropathy with Gu Wu Ye!

She pushed Gu Junzhu away: "go to the side! I'm going to see Joey. "

Gu Wu Ye's uncle can do anything to Joey, but she can't do anything to be a little aunt. Anyway, we have to let Joey bin come back as soon as possible Er, no!

This is Joey's home. She's Ben.

She was so mad and confused by the goods.

She glared at Gu Jun one by one and thrust the cut fruit into his hand. "I've eaten it all. Dare to waste my labor. Try it!"

She fiercely rushed to Gu Jun, shook her fist, raised her chin, and turned to leave.

Gu Junzhu looks at the figure of her leaving and smiles. He knocks on the keyboard with one hand and inserts a piece of fruit into his mouth leisurely with the other.


The fruit cut by Ye Xiaobei is sweet.

Ye Xiaobei angry look best!

That's great!

Ye Xingbei left the living room and went to the side building.

Find Joey's room and knock on the door.

Joy saw Ye Xingbei, showing a happy smile, "little aunt."

Ye Xingbei looked at the clothes on her bed: "packing?"

"Well," said Joey, pulling Ye Xingbei to sit down on the sofa and pouring her a glass of juice, "how are you and my little uncle?"

Ye Xingbei nodded, "it's all very good Besides, don't use you. It sounds awkward. "

"Good." Joey brushed the broken hair around his ear with embarrassment.

"How about you," Ye Xingbei asked, "are you ok?"

Ye Xingbei thinks that Joey is still so beautiful, but he has lost a lot of weight.

I don't know if she and that scum man are clean, and if that scum man has pestered her again.

When she thought about it, she didn't seem to have to worry about this kind of problem because of the presence of Mr. Gu.

Gu Wu Ye is not only black in the stomach, but also proud. He still cares in his heart, but he never admits it.

But Mr. Gu has always been unambiguous in his defense.

He can certainly arrange such trifles properly.

After all, she and Joey only met two or three times and were not familiar with each other. She cared about Joey thoughtfully, let her have a good rest, and left the room with all her heart.

Before leaving, she asked Joey if she would like to see Gu Junzhu with her.

Joey hesitated, shook her head and refused her offer.

She was a little disappointed.

In fact, Gu Junzhu is like a child, very easy to coax.

As long as Joey put down her figure, admit her mistake and say a few good words with Gu Junzhu, Gu Junzhu will forgive her.

But ye Xingbei can see that Joey is a very proud person with strong self-esteem.

She chose love between love and her family.

She thought she could live well and prove to her family that her choice was right.

As a result, her love ended in the most miserable way.

Her wrong choice made her feel that she had no face in front of Gu Junzhu.

She has no courage to face Gu Junzhu.

In fact, between family members, how can face be so important?

She is a junior, take the initiative to say sorry to Gu Junzhu, is it so difficult?

She believes that Gu Junzhu will forgive her as long as Joey apologizes to her face.


After all, she was not familiar with Joey, and she was very embarrassed. She couldn't say a lot. After a few words of advice, Joey refused to go with her, and she had no choice but to say a few polite words, and then left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!