You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 779

Ye Xing make complaints about the big two eyes of the north, and turn a big white eye. The heart is silent. "Five" is really boring. The pain is boring.

"So..." Sapling is very tangled to the little finger, look at Gu Junzhu, and out of the small head to see ye Xingbei, "Mom, do you prefer sister, or more like beautiful clothes?"

Ye Xingbei

How can she answer that?

Of course, she preferred beautiful little girls.

But how could she say that?

If she said that, wouldn't she admit that she wanted to give birth to a daughter?

So think, leaf Star North also don't know how, suddenly face red.

The car was near. She looked around and said, "get on the bus, it's late."

Everyone gets on the bus, and the car starts. Xiaoshumiaoer sits between them, tilts his head, and asks Ye Xingbei again: "Mom, do you prefer your sister or beautiful clothes?"

Ye Xingbei

Son, why are you always so persistent on this problem that you shouldn't be persistent?

She glanced at Gu Jun one by one and found that he was looking at her with a smile.

She glared at Gu Jun one by one and decided to be a good mother.

She's not as unruly as Gu Junzhu. She wants to tell the truth: "I prefer my sister."

Gu Jun chuckled and whispered in her ear: "Ye Xiaobei, I knew that you wanted to give me a baby for a long time, so I ignored you. You were angry and took the chance to tease me!"

Ye Xingbei Shut up

Gu Jun chuckles, rubs her head, rubs sapling's head again, doesn't speak any more, turns to look out of the window.

He has a smile on his face, but ye Xingbei feels that his breath is very sad.

Even Xiao shumiao'er felt it. He grasped Gu Junzhu's hand and nestled himself into Gu Junzhu's arms. He looked at him obediently without talking or making any noise.

Ye Xingbei suddenly regretted it.

Actually Maybe If If she told him that she thought it would be nice to have a daughter with him, would he and he be happier?

The car was getting closer and closer to Joe's parents' graveyard, and no one spoke.

They drove four cars.

She and Gu Junzhu have two children. One is Gu Chi's driver and the other is Gu Cheng's co driver.

Fang Yao, Qiao Zui, misheng and Joey are in the same car. The bodyguard of Qiao's family drives. Situ Jinse is not feeling well and didn't come here today.

Duan Yanbing and Xue nuoyuno, together with several bodyguards, took two cross-country cars, one in front of them opened the way, and the last one followed.

Qiao Zui's parents were buried on the mountain. The motorcade couldn't go up the mountain, so they had to get off and walk.

The mountain is full of cemeteries, don't want too many people disturb the quiet of the cemetery, Qiao Zui and Gu Junzhu discuss, let the bodyguards stay at the foot of the mountain, the rest of the people on the mountain.

Qiao Zui, Joey, Fang Yao and misheng are at the front.

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei are walking in the middle with their two children. Duan Yanbing, Gu Chi and Gu Cheng are at the end.

Qiao Zui's parents are buried in the best place in the cemetery. The burial place is closest to the top of the mountain, surrounded by mountains and forests. The environment is quiet and beautiful.

Joe and Joey clean their parents' tombstone with handkerchief, put flowers and offerings in front of the tombstone and kowtow to their parents.

After getting up, Qiao Zui takes misheng's hand and introduces him to his parents. , the fastest update of the webnovel!